View Full Version : Vickie Guerrero Update

05-12-2010, 07:00 AM
The Vickie Guerrero deal was a last-minute decision made last Thursday. By the time the show was over they were so impressed with how over she was as a heel that there was consideration to rescinding the resignation angle and having her be permanent GM. One way or another they want a real GM in there to make matches and such so they don't have to rely on the guest hosts, who sometimes don't know names or screw things up. It took them a year to figure this out.

Source: F4W/Wrestling Observer

05-12-2010, 12:48 PM
oh god no please pick somebody else vikki is the last person i wanna see as raw gm i have to change the channel when shes on. its bad enough i have to sit thru her on smackdown but on raw now two no please wwe.

05-12-2010, 03:32 PM
thanks for the update john