View Full Version : 7/28 ROH in Dayton, Ohio: Whitmer vs. Necro, Evans & Strong vs. Briscoes

07-31-2006, 03:04 PM
ROH live event/DVD taping
July 28, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Report by Chris Johnson,

ROH returned to the Montgomery County Fairgrounds Coliseum for "War of the Wire 2". As usual in the summer time the building which has no air conditioning was very hot but that didn't stop the fans from turning out as ROH drew it's largest crowd in Dayton (estimated at around 600) since Redemption in 2005.

Pre Show:

(1) Bobby Dempsey & Mistico Fantastico, & Rhett Titus beat CK3 & Shane Hagadorn, & ???. This was the best pre-show match I have ever seen on an ROH card. CK3 is a real good talent and I hope he gets more chances in ROH.

Main Show:

(1) Jimmy Jacobs (w/Lacey) beat Trik Davis. There wasn't much to this match. Jimmy dominated most of it with Trik getting in a few moves. Jacobs got the pin after a top rope senton splash.

(2) Davey Richards & Jerrelle Clark beat Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro (with Daizee Haze). Before the match the fans littered the ring with the most toilet paper I have ever seen for Rave. It got so bad that security came over and told the fans to stop but they did not listen. This was a decent tag match but a little bit to formula for me. Richards made Rave tap out by using a horse collar.

(3) Nigel McGuinness beat Colt Cabana by countout to retain the Pure Title. Most of the match was nothing but comedy but it was a lot of fun. Nigel went to the floor at one point and said he messed his knee up bad. He asked Colt to take a double countout because it would only be the fair thing to do. Colt came out to the floor and told Nigel no. By that point the ref. was up to a 17 count. As Cabana tried to slide back in the ring Nigel hit him from behind with the microphone and slid back in the ring winning by countout. The match was good but the finish was awful. I really don't understand how Nigel wasn't disqualified for hitting Colt with the Microphone.

(4) Matt Sydal beat Christopher Daniels (w/Alison Danger). This was one on the best matches on the show. Sydal got the win by using Naoki Tanisaki's Implant. After the match Daniels shook Sydal's hand and offered to be his tag team partner. Sydal accepted and celebrated his big win.

There was a 10 minute intermission at this point. It was announced that ROH will return to Dayton on Friday night October the 27th.

(5) Irish Airborn (Jake & Dave Crist) beat Alex Payne & Pelle Primeau. This was nothing more then a squash in favor of Irish Airborne. At one point Pelle took a really bad fall and hit the back of his head on the ring apron and the floor. Irish Airborne got the win after a DVD/double knees combo move.

(6) Austin Aries beat Homicide and Delirious and Bryan Danielson in a Four Corner Survival match. This was the second best match of the show. Aries looked to have broken his nose as he was gushing blood from it all over the place. Aries got the pin on Danielson with the 450.

(7) Jay & Mark Briscoe beat Jack Evans & Roderick Strong. This was a good match but the Briscoes didn't really do much selling which bothered me. Strong was pinned by Jay after the spiked J-Driller.

There was an intermission at this point that lasted about 30-40 minutes while they set up the ring for the barb wire match.

Claudio Castagnoli came out with Nate Webb and cut a promo. Colt Cabana and Ace Steel showed up and a brawl ensued. Necro Butcher then came through the crowd with two chairs and got in the ring. This brought out BJ Whitmer which led to.....

(8) B.J. Whitmer beat Necro Butcher in a barbed wire match. This match was absolutely sick. Homicide was at ringside with Whitmer. He was cheering him on and getting weapons for him from under the ring. At one point Necro gave Whitmer a powerbomb off the ring apron on to a table covered in barb wire. BJ's hair was stuck in it and they had to cut him out. Later in the match Homicide tossed a bag into the ring that was filled with thumb tacks. Whitmer dumbed them in the ring but it back fired on him as he was power bombed into them. Necro only got a 2 count on that and then gave Whitmer a side slam into them but still only got a 2 count. The sickest spot of the match came when BJ took a barb wire board and put it on top of Necro. He then climbed up a 12 foot ladder and jumped off splashing the board which Necro was under. That only got a 2 count though. The finish came right after though as Whitmer got the pin following an exploder suplex into the tacks. I am not a big fan of hardcore wrestling but this was an amazing spectacle and is a must see in my opinion. Of all the barb wire matches I have seen this is one of if not the best of the bunch.

Notes: This was a really good show overall. The crowd was super into 90 percent of it and nothing on the show was bad or unwatchable. The most over wrestlers were Homicide, B.J. Whitmer, Bryan Danielson, Delirious, and Christopher Daniels

PW Torch

07-31-2006, 03:21 PM
Cool, I should try to see these shows more often