View Full Version : Super Scribblenauts Coming This Year

05-17-2010, 08:37 PM

The Scribblenauts sequel we previously reported on has been officially announced, and will be titled Super Scribblenauts.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment officially unveiled the game today, along with three screenshots and a promised U.S. release date of "autumn 2010," which Wikipedia tells me is between September 1 and November 30.

The biggest new addition in Super Scribblenauts is the ability to modify objects using adjetives, which can change "the color, size, style, behaviors and many other aspects" of the object they're modifying, said Warner Bros.

"Multiple adjetives can be combined together to produce incredibly creative objects, such as gentlemanly, flaming, flying zombies and purple, obese, winged elephants, allowing the player's imagination to run wild for an even more inspired and individual experience than ever before," the statement continued.
