View Full Version : 7/29 ROH in Cleveland, Ohio: Daniels vs. Christian, Danielson vs. Nigel,

07-31-2006, 11:00 PM
ROH live event/DVD taping
July 29, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Report by Ric Carnahan,

ROH was back in Cleveland last night to bring us more top-notch wrestling. The four ceiling fans above the ring did very little to cool down the building, but the sweltering heat couldn't stop five hundred rabid fans. Strangely, the building wasn't quite able to keep up to the electrical demands, as the lights kept flickering and went out completely at one point.


(1) Alex Payne & Rhett Titus & Bobby Dempsey defeated Trik Davis & C.J. Otis & Pelle Primeau.

(2) Shane Hagadorn defeated Egotistico Fantastico.

Main show:

(1) Delirious defeated Claudio Castagnoli. As always, Delirious brings a really fun opener. Cleveland couldn't get enough of him.

(2) The Embassy of Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro (w/ Daizee Haze) defeated Colt Cabana & Ace Steel. Another comedy match. Rave rolled up Cabana for the win. Afterwards, Ace busted Rave open with a sick cowbell shot.

(3) Jay Briscoe (w/ Mark Briscoe) defeated Jimmy Jacobs (w/ Lacey). Hot match. Jimmy treated the crowd to a live performance of "The Ballad of Lacey" before the match started. Jay won with a J-Driller.

(4) Homicide defeated Mark Briscoe (w/ Jay Briscoe). Unfortunately, I missed most of the match, but the crowd was really into Homicide. The pops were deafening.

Announcement: Survival of the Fittest 2006 will take place right here in Cleveland. Big cheers.

(5) Davey Richards & Jerrelle Clark & Irish Airborne defeated Matt Sydal & Jack Evans & Roderick Strong & Austin Aries. Outstanding, lightning-fast match. The finishing sequences were amazing. After the match, Generation Next shook hands with the next generation, then celebrated in the ring to a standing ovation. Several loud chants, such as "that was awesome" and "thank you GenNext." Biggest pop of the night by far.


(6) BJ Whitmer defeated Chris Cage. Slow match. The lights went out halfway through the match, but to their credit, Whitmer and Cage (introduced as Chris Banks to avoid confusion) wrestled through it until the backup lights kicked on.

(7) Christopher Daniels (w/ Allison Danger) defeated Christian Cage. The crowd couldn't decide who they wanted to cheer for, so both men got big reactions. The Fallen Angel told Christian that he had always been a huge fan, and Christian replied that he couldn't blame him -- even he was a mark for himself. Daniels then asked Christian for one last five-second pose, and after some convincing from the crowd, both posed down with Allison Danger. The actual match was about what you'd expect from Christian -- solid, but not a match of the year. Daniels won with the Angel's Wings. Afterwards, he invited Christian to come back any time he wanted. The crowd seconded this.

(8) Bryan Danielson defeated Nigel McGuinness. Unfortunately, after the electric Generation Next match and the red-hot reaction for Christian Cage, the crowd was flat for the main event. When there were cheers, though, the crowd was pro-Nigel. McGuinness hit Danielson with several stiff lariats throughout the match; the last one knocked the American Dragon out of the ring. He recovered quickly, crawled under the ring, and rolled up McGuinness with a small package from behind for the win. Good match, but nothing close to their first encounter.

All in all, this was a really good show. Generation Next got the biggest pop, followed by Christian Cage and Homicide. Ring of Honor continues their string of great shows from Cleveland.

PW Torch