View Full Version : This Day In History - May 22nd

05-22-2010, 07:21 PM
May 22nd

On this day in history in ....

1972 - Chief Jay Strongbow & Sonny King defeat Baron Mikel Scicluna & King Curtis in New York, NY to win the WWWF Tag Team Title.

1985 - The Nightmare defeats Terry Taylor in Shreveport, Louisiana for the Mid-South North American Title.

1994- WCW Slamboree takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Civic Center. In many ways, it was the end of an era in WCW, as Hulk Hogan would soon enter the company, causing radical changes to the booking philosophy of WCW. Here are the results:
- In a match not aired on Pay-per-view, Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma defeated Brian & Brad Armstrong.
- WCW United States Champion Steve Austin defeated Johnny B. Badd with a belly to back suplex.
- In a legends match, Terry Funk and Tully Blanchard battled to a double DQ in a wild brawl.
- Larry Zbyszko defeated WCW Television Champion Steven Regal in a non-title match by reversing a double underhook suplex into a bridge for the pin.
- Dustin Rhodes defeated Bunkhouse Buck in a Bullrope match after hitting Buck with the cowbell. Post-match, Terry Funk attacked Rhodes.
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair defeated Barry Windham when Flair, after flipping over the ropes in a corner off an Irish whip, runs along the apron, climbs to the top rope and successfully executes a flying bodypress off the top rope for the pin. One of the rare occasions when Flair actually didn't get caught going to the top rope.
- The Assassin, Ole Anderson, Harley Race, Ernie Ladd, The Crusher and Dick The Bruiser (posthumously) were inducted into the WCW Hall Of Fame.
- Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan defeated The Nasty Boys in a "Broadstreet Bully" match to win the WCW World Tag Team Title. Philadelphia Flyers great Dave Shultz was the referee.
- Sting defeated Vader to win the vacant WCW International World Title after Vader missed a splash. Earlier in the show, it was announced that Rick Rude's title win in Japan over Sting was being overturned due to Rude using the belt as a weapon in the bout. However, Sting refused to have the belt handed back to him, so the title was held up for the winner of this match. In truth, Rude had suffered a neck injury that would end his active career.

1995 - Jeff Jarrett defeats Razor Ramon to win back the WWF Intercontinental Title in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, only three days after losing it to Ramon in Montreal. This marks Jarrett's third reign with the I-C Title. Both of these title changes took place on non-televised events.

1999 - During a WWF house show in Chicago, Illinois at the Rosemont Horizon, Owen Hart wrestled what would turn out to be his final match, teaming with Jeff Jarrett to defeateEdge & Christian.

2001 - WWF World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit successfully defended their championship in TLC 3, the third WWF Tables, Ladders & Chairs match, which was held at a Smackdown taping in Anaheim, California. Jericho & Benoit defeated the three teams who had competed in the first two TLC matches: The Dudleys, The Hardys and Edge & Christian.

2005 - WWE held their Judgment Day Pay-per-view in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Target Center. Here is the original PWInsider.com coverage of the show:

Judgment Day opened with a video package focusing on Mysterio vs. Guerrero and JBL vs. John Cena.

WWE Tag Team Champions MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro, with Melina) vs. Hardcore Holly & Charlie Haas. Melina took the mic during MNM's intro, putting over her team and saying that the fan's were about to have a "brush with greatness". This is MNM's PPV debut. Nitro started off with Haas, with Haas rolling out of a side headlock. Nitro pulled Haas by the hair to grab a overhead wristlock, but Haas flipped out of it and armdragged Nitro into the ropes. Nitro went to the floor, but Haas brought him back in and went to work on the arm with an elevated arm wringer into an armdrag. Holly and Mercury tagged in, with Holly grabbing a headlock and hitting a shoulderblock. They traded reversals on some moves, until Holly nailed Mercury with a dropkick. Holly stretched Mercury on the ropes and kicked him in the cut, then gave Nitro a shot. Holly leapfrogged Mercury and chopped him repeatedly in the corner. Holly gave Nitro a chop as well. Mercury went for a headscissors, but Holly blocked it and set for an Alabama slam, but Nitro ran in and superkicked Holly. Nitro tagged in and hit a knee in the corner for a two count, then worked over Holly with punches and a choke.

Mercury and Nitro worked over Holly in their corner, with Mercury hitting a neckbreaker for two. Holly battled back with a chop, but Mercury hit a boot to the face and a clothesline for two. Nitro tagged in and stood on Holly's throat, then applied a modified camel clutch. Holly broke out and hit a full nelson slam, and both men were down. There was a "Holly" chant. Haas and Mercury tagged in, and Haas hit Mercury with a clothesline, a backdrop and a dropkick. Haas speared Nitro, then clotheslined Mercury to the floor. Haas backdropped Nitro from the ring, then hit a plancha on both members of MNM. Melina hooked Haas' leg on the floor, but it backfired as Haas rammed Mercury into her and rolled him up for a two count. Haas hit an Exploder on Mercury, but the referee was distracted by the other wrestlers. Nitro and Holly went at it, with Nitro dodging a charge and Holly going into the ringpost. This left Haas in a two-on-one situation. Nitro pulled Haas throat first across the top rope, and MNM hit the Snapshot (elevated DDT) for the pin at the eight minute mark.

Winners: MNM.

The events leading to Carlito vs. Big Show was shown.

Carlito, with Matt Morgan, vs. Big Show. Carlito came out first, and said that Randy Moss had told him that the people in Minnesota "weren't cool" and didn't appreciate talent. Carlito said that people in Minnesota made fun of Matt Morgan for being "different" even though Morgan was bigger and stronger than all of them. Carlito ducked out of the ring as Big Show made his entrance. Carlito stalled at the start, ducking in and out of the ring. Show finally grabbed Carlito, threw him into a corner and hit a chop and a headbutt. Morgan distracted Show, and Carlito tried to ambush him, and Show swatted him down. After a pair of chops, Show hiptossed Carlito across the ring and stood on his head. Show hit a big chop in the corner, then slammed Carlito. Show went to rebound off the ropes, but Morgan pulled down the top rope and Show fell to the floor. Carlito distracted the referee while Morgan worked over Show, then rolled him into the ring. Carlito covered, but Show flung him off.

Carlito went on the attack, but Show kept shoving him away. Show hit a headbutt and a clothesline, then whipped Carlito back and forth into the turnbuckles before hitting an avalanche. Show accidentally whipped Carlito into the referee, knocking him from the ring. Morgan got on the apron, but Show knocked him down. Show went for a chokeslam, but Carlito kicked him low. Show recovered and went for the chokeslam again, but Morgan ran in and attacked him. Morgan gave Big Show an F5 (by they way, they are in Minnesota, hometown of Brock Lesnar, which wasn't mentioned by the announcers, but I thought I would throw that in). Carlito covered, and the referee came back in for the three count at the four minute mark. Carlito seemed amazed at what Morgan had done.

Winner: Carlito.

A commercial for the ECW One Night Stand Pay-per-view was shown. Tazz and Michael Cole said they were looking forward to it, with Tazz implying that he would be there.

The events leading to Booker T vs. Kurt Angle were shown.

Sharmell was backstage telling Booker T he needed to take down Angle tonight. A delivery came for Sharmell, which was lingerie and a pair of handcuffs with "GutterSlut" written on a piece of paper attached to them. Booker stormed off, saying he wasn't going to wait for the match.

Cruiserweight Champion Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero. They each threw some kicks at the start, with London going for a single leg takedown, but Chavo landing a series of kicks and forearms. Chavo hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then kicked at London's back. Chavo rammed London into the turnbuckles and hit some bodyshots, then applied a seated abdominal stretch variation, applying a top wristlock while hooking the other arm with his leg. London battled back, and grabbed a standing rana for two. London elbowed a charging Chavo, then hit a mule kick to the back off the ropes. London hit a dropsault, then went to the top rope. London went for the 450 splash, but Chavo got his knees up and London came down hard on them.

Chavo kicked at London's ribs, and London tried to battle back, but Chavo planted him with a back suplex for two. Chavo went back to kicking the ribs, then choked him against the middle ropes. Chavo hung London across the top rope, then dropkicked him for two. Chavo applied an abdominal stretch, which he tried to turn into a slam, but London shifted his weight and landed on top. Chavo kicked out, and hit some shots to London's back. Chavo went for a back suplex, but London floated out and hit a belly to belly suplex. They traded blows, and Chavo went for a backdrop, but London landed on his feet and hit a spinkick for two. London hit a running forearm and an enzugiri for a two count, as Chavo grabbed the ropes. London hit a forearm, and went for a Victory Roll, but Chavo dropped down into a cradle and grabbed the ropes, but only got a two count.

London hit a pair of forearms, but missed a moonsault attempt and landed on his feet. Chavo grabbed him and went for a Gori Bomb, but London kicked off the ropes to escape it and hit a spin kick. London went to the top rope, but Chavo rolled out of the ring. London dove off the top rope into a somersault senton on the floor. Chavo actually made it back to the ring first, and knocked London back to the floor when he tried for a springboard. Chavo hit a tope, then tossed London back in. Chavo went to the top rope, but London stopped him. They battled on the ropes, and Chavo went for a top rope powerbomb, but London backdropped him into the ring. London then hit the 450 splash for the pin at the eleven minute mark.

Winner: Paul London.

Booker was backstage, in search of Kurt Angle. He found Funaki, who didn't know where Angle was. Booker then found Billy Kidman, Shannon Moore, Charlie Haas, and Hardcore Holly, but no one knew where Angle was. Booker said if anyone say Angle, to tell him that Booker was looking for him.

Meanwhile, Angle showed up in Booker's dressing room, and pinned Sharmell down on a couch. Angle promised to have his way with her later, as his entrance music started playing.

Kurt Angle vs. Booker T. Angle smiled at Booker as he walked to the ring. Booker had the handcuffs in his hand, and went right at Angle as he entered the ring. Booker pounded Angle, then hit a back kick and choked him against the ropes. Angle grabbed a front facelock, but Booker shoulderblocked Angle against the ropes repeatedly. Angle had some blood coming from his mouth. Booker hit some chops, then Angle rammed Booker into the corner with shoulderblocks and hit an uppercut. Angle kicked Booker on the mat, then hit an uppercut in the corner and applied a chinlock. Angle hit a shoulderblock, but Booker came back with a hiptoss and stomped Angle down in a corner. Booker yanked Angle throat first across the top rope, then snapmared him and dropkicked him in the face. Angle begged off, then went for a single leg takedown to grab an ankle lock, but Booker kicked him off. The two awkwardly collided, then Booker hit a side kick. Booker hung Angle over the ropes, then gave him an ax kick on the apron, sending Angle to the floor.

Booker chopped Angle on the floor, then rolled in to break up the referee's count. As Booker came back out, Angle grabbed him and rammed him into the ringpost. Angle tossed Booker back in and hit a trio of kneelifts. Angle dropped an elbow, then hit an uppercut and stomped Booker. Angle hit a vertical suplex for two, then applied a rear chinlock. Booker fought out of it and hit some chops and punches. Booker missed a sidekick and got crotched on the top rope. Angle hit a back suplex for a two count. Angle worked over Booker with punches and uppercuts in a corner, then smiled at Booker as he stomped him. Angle hit a backbreaker for a two count, then applied a reverse bear hug. Booker powered out of it, and hit some back elbows. Angle missed a right hand and Booker hit a spinkick. Both men were slow to get up. Booker hit some punches and kicks, then a clothesline and a vertical suplex for two.

Booker hit a superkick, then went for the ax kick, but Angle moved and went for an Angle Slam. Booker floated out and hit the Bookend for two. Booker did the spinarooni, went for the ax kick again, but Angle hit a clothesline. Booker reversed a whip, but missed a clothesline and Angle grabbed a German suplex. Angle hit a second one, but Booker then elbowed free. Booker ran into a belly to belly suplex, and Angle scored a two count. Angle went for an Angle Slam, but Booker rolled it into a reverse small package for the pin at the fifteen minute mark.

Winner: Booker T.

Sharmell ran down to ringside, while in the ring, Angle hit an Angle Slam on Booker. Angle tossed Booker to the floor. Sharmell went to check on Booker, and Angle grabbed her and tossed her into the ring. Angle chased off the referee, then tried to handcuff Sharmell to the top rope. Booker got back in and attacked Angle, then handcuffed Angle to the top rope. Booker started pounding the cuffed Angle, then held him so Sharmell could slap him repeatedly. She kicked him in the nads for good measure, leaving Angle screaming in pain. Sharmell and Booker embraced and walked off.

The referees eventually unlocked Angle from the handcuffs.

Boxing great Roberto Duran was shown in the crowd.

Tazz and Michael Cole discussed the I Quit match between John Cena and JBL.

U.S. Champion Orlando Jordan vs. Heidenreich. Heidenreich went in search of a "new friend" before the match. He settled on a young girl named Alex. Heidenreich then read a poem about searching for friends and fighting for the U.S. Title, including a cheap pop by mentioning Minneapolis. Heidenreich also implied that Orlando Jordan now looks like Buckwheat of Little Rascals fame. Jordan hit a baseball slide kick to start the match, then stomped him down in a corner. Jordan pounded and stomped Heidenreich. Jordan went to the second rope, stopped to trash talk Alex, and Heidenreich went after him, but Jordan kicked him to the mat. They brawled in and out of the ring, then Jordan hit a back suplex in the ring for two. Jordan applied a head vice, and a chant of "Buckwheat Sucks" rang out.

Jordan, who was bleeding from the mouth, beat down Heidenreich, who started stomping around the ring like Frankenstein. Heidenreich hit a series of punches and a pair of clotheslines. Heidenreich backdropped Orlando, then hit a boot to the face for a two count. Orlando kicked away a backdrop attempt and hit a swinging neckbreaker. Orlando stopped to brag, and Heidenreich cradled him from behind for a two count. Jordan tripped Heidenreich into the middle rope and then hit a DDT for the clean pin at the five minute mark.

Winner: Orlando Jordan.

Post-match, Alex did the Heidenreich stomp around the ring and helped him to his feet. Heidenreich and the girl then hugged.

Josh Mathews interviewed JBL, who was still holding onto the old WWE Championship belt. JBL said when a man quits, he is no longer a man. JBL said he would make Cena bleed, and told him to pursue his other careers. JBL got in a shot that Cena should run for governor, since the people of Minnesota would "vote for anyone". JBL promised to kick Cena's face off and make him quit.

The events leading to Guerrero vs. Mysterio were shown.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio. Eddie walked to the ring slowly, stone faced. Rey Mysterio walked to the ring, his ribs taped. Eddie exited the ring as soon as Rey entered it, and he stared at Mysterio from the floor. There were some chants for Guerrero. They two went face to face in the ring, talking to each other. Guerrero slapped Rey, and Rey returned the slap. They traded punches and the match was on. Rey hit a series in a corner, but Eddie hit a knee to the cut and hit some blows. Eddie hit some knee lifts, but Rey came back with a kick to the gut and pounded Eddie on the mat. Guerrero rolled to the floor, but Rey went after him. Guerrero hit a knee to the gut and threw Rey into the ring steps. Eddie rammed Rey into the steps again and shoved him shoulder first into the ring post. Guerrero picked up Rey and gave him a spinebuster into the announcers table. Eddie put Rey on the apron and hit an elbow, then gave Rey another spinebuster on the announcers table. Eddie stood on the table, but the referee got in his way.

Guerrero threw Rey back into the ring, then went after him. An "Eddie Sucks" chant rang out as Eddie stomped Rey in the corner. Eddie punched Rey, then kicked him in the head. As Rey started to get up, Eddie dropkicked him. Eddie yelled at the downed Rey, then hit a back suplex for a two count. Eddie applied an abdominal stretch, but Rey escaped with an armdrag. Guerrero planted Mysterio with an inverted powerbomb as Rey tried for a rana. Rey elbowed Guerrero as Eddie pulled the bandages off of Rey. Guerrero kicked at Rey, then applied a single leg Boston Crab. Rey turned and kicked out of it, then hit an enzugiri. Both men were down, with Rey getting up at the nine count.

Rey leapfrogged Guerrero and gave him a huge monkey flip. Guerrero backdropped Rey to the apron, and Rey hit a shoulderblock and a springboard headbutt for a two count. They traded punches, with Rey getting the better of it, until Guerrero dropkicked his knee out. Guerrero applied a Boston Crab, driving his knee into Rey's back. Rey struggled in the hold, and Guerrero turned it into an STF. Rey made the ropes, and Eddie broke the hold on the four count. Eddie threw Mysterio to the floor, then went outside and took apart the ring steps. Eddie pounded Rey repeatedly in the back of the head, then kicked him in the body. Eddie took Rey onto the bottom section of ringsteps, and set up for a brainbuster. Rey blocked it and rammed Eddie back first into the ring post three times. Rey gave Eddie a 619 around the ringpost, kicking Eddie in the back of the head. Rey rolled Eddie back into the ring, and the two traded punches again. Rey hit a boot to the face, then a pair of clotheslines. Rey hit a springboard cross bodyblock after ducking a clothesline, then hit a spinkick. Rey hit a springboard senton for a two count.

Rey worked over Eddie in a corner with punches, but missed a charge and went shoulder first into the ring post. Eddie put Rey on the top rope and hit a top rope superplex. Eddie crawled onto Mysterio for a two count, then covered twice more for two counts. Eddie flipped off the referee for not counting three. Eddie measured Rey then kicked him in the gut and hit two vertical suplexes. Rey floated over the third, then used a bodyscissors to put Eddie in 619 position. However, Rey was too weak to do the move. Chavo Guerrero came down and distracted the referee. Eddie went for a chair, but Rey hit a dropkick to the legs and knocked him down. Rey tripped Eddie into 619 position, then dropkicked Chavo off the apron. The referee ordered Chavo to the back. Rey hit Eddie with the 619, then got set for the West Coast Pop. As Rey came off the springboard, Eddie picked up the chair and blasted Rey with it. The referee caught it, and called for the bell at the nineteen minute mark.

Winner via disqualification: Rey Mysterio.

Eddie started to exit the ring, then went back in and hit Mysterio with the chair across the back, over and over again. Officials and referees hit the ring, and Eddie walked to the back. Rey was helped to the back by officials.

The events leading to John Cena vs. JBL were recapped.

I Quit Match: WWE Champion John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield. JBL made his usual limo entrance, but had no members of his cabinet with him. Cena made his entrance on a tractor trailer truck, with a DJ playing his theme music on top of the flatbed. Cena walked across JBL's limo, kicking the longhorns off the hood. JBL demanded that the referee hold up the old WWE Title belt, as well as the spinner belt, before ringing the bell. Michael Cole noted the last time the WWE Title was defended in an "I Quit" match, it was six years ago with Mankind and The Rock.

They locked up, and Cena grabbed a side headlock. JBL pushed it off, and Cena hit a shoulderblock, then grabbed the headlock again. JBL reversed into a headlock of his own, and they ran the ropes, with Cena grabbing an armbar. JBL went to the ropes, and when there was no break, he rolled to the floor to break it. Cena suplexed JBL back into the ring, then choked him. JBL came back with a DDT, then punched Cena on the mat. Cena reversed a whip and backdropped JBL, then clotheslined him to the floor. Cena came off the apron with a forearm to the back, then rammed JBL into the ring apron and twice into the steps. JBL reversed a whip and sent Cena over the security wall and into the crowd. They brawled into the crowd, with JBL hitting a neckbreaker on the floor.

They made their way back to ringside, and JBL cleared off the Spanish Announcers table. JBL grabbed the mic and told Cena to quit, but Cena punched him. JBL drove Cena into the ringsteps, then took the belt off of a camera man and whipped Cena with it. JBL choked Cena with the belt around a ringpost. Cena pulled on the belt, sending JBL shoulder first into the ring post. JBL took Cena onto the announcers table, and set him up for a piledriver. JBL told the referee to ask Cena to quit. Cena said "Kiss my ass" then backdropped JBL through the Spanish Announcers table. Cena picked up a monitor and hit JBL in the head with it, then tossed him across the other announce table. JBL picked up a chair and hit Cena in the head with it. Cena started to bleed a gusher.

JBL hit Cena with a section of ring steps, then kicked Cena on the floor. JBL hit Cena in the head with the microphone. Back in the ring, JBL kicked the bloody Cena over and over, while the crowd chanted for the champion. JBL hit a short arm clothesline, then hit a second and third. JBL crabbed Cena's chair and started choking him with it. JBL hit Cena with a low blow. JBL got on the mic and told Cena to quit, then hit him with the mic. JBL called Cena a "punk ass bitch" and Cena fired back, hitting some punches. Cena hit a headbutt and a pair of clotheslines, then a hiptoss and a back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle Fistdrop, then hit an FU. JBL rolled out of the ring, gave Cena the finger, and headed up the aisle.

Cena went after JBL and they fought in the aisle, with Cena giving JBL a back suplex on the hood of the car. JBL gave Cena a thumb to the eyes and hit a neckbreaker on the hood of the limo. They fought near some equipment cases, and Cena pulled a cord out of a monitor and choked Cena with it. They asked Cena if he would quit, and Cena said "Hell no". Cena pulled the cord off of his throat, and threw JBL head first through the screen of a large TV monitor. JBL was now busted open as well. Cena threw JBL threw a window on the limo. JBL and Cena battled to the roof of the limo, and Cena coming out on top with a vertical suplex on the roof. JBL tried to crawl into the limo, but Cena grabbed him and threw him into the open door of the limo twice. Cena then kicked the door off the hinges and threw it on the hood of the limo. They battled onto the tractor trailer, and Cena rammed JBL into a CO2 canister. JBL came back with a DDT on the flatbed. JBL told Cena to quit again, and pounded him across the back. JBL knocked over the turntables on the flatbed, and picked up a wire to choke Cena with.

JBL climbed onto a large speaker to hang Cena with the cord, but Cena hit JBL with the microphone, and JBL fell off the speaker and through the table that was set up on the flatbed. JBL stumbled around on the floor, while Cena pulled an exhaust stack off the truck. JBL fell down on the floor, and Cena was getting ready to charge JBL with the large metal pipe. Suddenly, JBL said "I Quit". He repeated himself, and the match was over at the twenty three minute mark.

Winner: John Cena.

Cena thought about it, then charged JBL anyway, hitting him across the chest with the exhaust stack, sending JBL backwards through part of the Judgment Day set which was made out of glass. Cena went to the ring and celebrated, holding up both championship belts, as the show ended (earlier than normal, at 10:37pm).

05-22-2010, 11:58 PM
thanks for the post John