View Full Version : Suda 51: 'no plan' for No More Heroes 3

05-25-2010, 01:02 PM
Suda 51 has said in the past (using typically scatological terms) that Grasshopper Manufacture has thought about making a No More Heroes 3. However, according to a Cubed3 interview with the designer, the studio has yet to start any kind of work on a new sequel.

"Unfortunately, the story for Travis alone is completed in No More Heroes 2. I am very curious about his life after this," Suda told Cubed3, "however, we have no plan for No More Heroes 3."

Later in the interview, Suda expressed his enthusiasm for the Killer 7 franchise, saying that it was "a very very important game for me" and "part of my soul." As for the long lost DS port The Silver Case, Suda revealed that development on the port of Grasshopper's first game was finished, and now Suda is considering "what would be the best way to debut this game on a worldwide basis. "
