View Full Version : Thoughts On The Usos'?

06-01-2010, 03:04 PM
Thoughts On The Usos'?

Two weeks ago on WWE RAW, We all witnessed a vicious and violent attack on the Hart Dynasty by a mystery team. This week on RAW, The mystery team was revealed. Their names are the Usos. They have yet to be added to the RAW Roster page on WWE.COM, But I'm pretty sure the girls name was Tamina & The guys named were Jay and Jimmy?.

They informed us that they are not the "Stereotypical Samoan", I'm slightly interested by this. They both annoyed me with their voice & their cool-boy attitude. Jey looks seriously like JTG Lol. Thoughts on this new team?

06-01-2010, 04:25 PM
The Promo wasnt that bad, i mean it took me a little bit of time to really get behind the Promo but i guess thats b/c of the talking way since im from germany and really doenst like this shizzle speech oder whatever you want to call it .. All in all they can talk and make a good impression. Next Tag Champs are right there and i think they will get a shot at Summerslam definetly in near future.

The Mac
06-01-2010, 06:45 PM
they were annoying... it seems like they had problems remembering what they
had to say so it came off kinda fake and that girl was extremly annoying lol

06-02-2010, 06:03 PM
I LIKE it!! Two legendary families going to war? And two of them are female prodigies that undoubtedly will tear it up in the ring like no divas have since Trish, and Lita. FINALLY something with potential for quality in WWE. Natalya vs Tamina will be epic if WWE lets it. With Beth Phoenix out the women's division needs strong, skilled representation.

06-02-2010, 06:12 PM
There promo skills need work but there moves seem good and solid and there looks are going to get over more than say the 3 minute warning look did .

06-03-2010, 02:41 AM
In ring ability so far? Shows great potential.

Background storyline with their heritage being "born to dominate"? It works well and I like it.

Fucking lame wannabe getto "hip-hop" shit gimmick? Annoying and already fucking stale due to JTG, R-Truth, Ryder and to a lesser extent MVP all using similar.

If they keep them away from the mic as often as possible and just let them go at it then a tag feud between two exciting and talented looking teams with wrestling prestige in their heritage, one as firm faces and the others as heels should be great.

The Random Seven
06-03-2010, 03:14 AM
They made me miss Deuce, Domino, and Cherry.

chris jericho is wwe
06-14-2010, 12:15 AM
They are great was surprised that they were alll 2 generation and they will be tag champs soon.

06-14-2010, 02:30 AM
^^I hope not. The tag titles finally have some prestige and giving them to a brand new tag team is going to kill all the months of work that Jericho, Big Show, Micheals and Triple H did to make those titles into something again.

chris jericho is wwe
06-14-2010, 10:22 PM
^^I hope not. The tag titles finally have some prestige and giving them to a brand new tag team is going to kill all the months of work that Jericho, Big Show, Micheals and Triple H did to make those titles into something again.

True true Jeri-show was the best tag team should not have lost the titles.