View Full Version : Hague: Israel flotilla raid 'unwarranted'

06-02-2010, 04:48 PM
Israel's actions in seizing an aid flotilla bound for Gaza went "beyond what was warranted or proportionate", Foreign Secretary William Hague has said.

As he told the Commons 37 British nationals had been involved in Sunday's raid which saw at least nine people killed, Mr Hague repeated that "we deeply deplore" the loss of life.

One of the British nationals was deported on Tuesday and four more had agreed to be deported on Wednesday, the Foreign Secretary said, as Israel seeks to expel more than 600 activists seized during the operation.

Turkey is sending six aeroplanes to bring its nationals back from the port of Ashdod, and it was possible some of the Britons - which included 11 dual nationals - would be on those aircraft.

But Mr Hague expressed "disappointment" that consular staff had only been given access to 28 of the 37 British nationals being held.

The UK has joined international calls for a "full, credible, impartial and independent" investigation into what happened.