View Full Version : David Miliband: Labour Leader Race Wide Open

06-09-2010, 07:18 PM
The frontrunner in the race for Labour leader, David Miliband, has told Sky News any of the five candidates nominated can win.

A late push saw outsider Diane Abbott join the Miliband brothers, Ed Balls and Andy Burnham on the party's ballot paper in the race to replace Gordon Brown.

Both Milibands enjoyed the strongest support, with David collecting 81 nominations, followed by Ed on 63. The other three secured their place with 33 each.

But the former foreign secretary insisted any of the quintet should underestimate their opponents at their peril.

"All the candidates have got to take all of the others seriously," David Miliband told Kay Burley, while promising a "generous, comradely debate".

Mr Miliband said his own campaign was founded on "fairness" and "the future", while also commiting to "rehabilitate politics so that it is a credit in national life".

He pledged to support his younger brother in the event of his own bid falling short, but insisted he was determined to win himself.

"Ed will get my second preference, but if I thought he was a better PM I'd be running his campaign, rather than my own," he added.

Mr Miliband said he was pleased Ms Abbott had made the list.

The MP for Hackney and Stoke Newington secured her place after John McDonnell pulled out and David Miliband's supporters helped her over the line.

She told Kay Burley it was "a relief" to be nominated after "a scramble in the last hour".

"The main plank of my campaign is to reconnect to our voters and listen to them," she said.

A rank outsider, Ms Abbott said she was looking forward to "taking part in a campaign which will do the Labour Party proud", but added: "I'm concentrating on winning."

She joined former Cabinet ministers Mr Burnham and Mr Balls on the 33 nominations needed to advance past hustings.

Former health secretary, Mr Burnham told Sky News he wanted to put the "heart and sould back into Labour".

"People can relate to me and I can inspire people," he told Kay Burley. "My route into politics and my background are different to the others."

"They're all formidable candidates, but I'm going to argue for what I believe in."

The final results were: David Miliband, 81 nominations; Ed Miliband 63; Ed Balls 33; Andy Burnham 33; Diane Abbott 33.