View Full Version : WWC: June 11 Results, Ponce.

06-15-2010, 05:28 AM
WWC held their June 11 event at the Salvador Dijols Arena at Ponce. WWC Forum friends, specially Norymar, reported the action as follow, on the event that was billed as the last event until the Anniversary event:

1-Joe Don Smith defeated Lynx. Smith received a post match attack by Lynx and Niche. Chicano did the save, as well Abbad. But there Abbad turned on Chicano and attacked him, with Lynx and Niche attacking Chicano. Jose Chaparro and Idol Stevens also came and united on the attack.

2-D’Jour defeated The New Adorables, Florence (formerly Love Adonis) and Chris Adonis. Comedy match.

3-Lynx defeated Ricky Rubio. After the match Niche, that was watching the match from outside the ring, began a postmatch attack with Lynx against Rubio. Then Carlitos came to help Rubio and next match started.

4-Carlitos defeated El Niche.

5-Idol Stevens & Abbad defeated Silver Boy & Comandante when Stevens pinned Boy.

Eddie Colon came in and announced that on June 10 he will be facing Shelton Benjamin.

6-Tommy Diablo came in and did an open challenge for the Junior Title. El Comandante came in and demanded a match for the title, but Diablo refused saying that he is not a junior. Then referee Angel fashion took a microphone and said that since it was an open challenge he orders the match to take place. Tommy won using the ropes as leverage.

7-Abbad & Idol Stevens won the Tag Team titles from Los Aereos when Abbad knocked Tua with a knux after referee Gemelo Vargas, and put Idol on top, woke the referee, who did the count. After the match Los Aereos were attackd until Chicano came and did the save.

With Anniversary ahead and no angles done for the event, I don’t know how they will build the show that is ahead on a month.

credit to Manuel González

The Mac
06-15-2010, 05:32 AM
so on june 11 eddie colon announced he would be facing benjamin the day before? lol

when did primo figure out time travel?

06-15-2010, 05:22 PM
Thanx for posting Travis!