View Full Version : You Wont Believe Who Wants Danielson back to WWE!!!

06-22-2010, 03:12 AM
from Michael Lyubinsky:

Greetings from PETA!

Just minutes ago, PETA sent a letter to Vince McMahon, chair and CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), urging him to bring back up-and-coming WWE star Daniel Bryan. We at PETA are adding our voice to the growing chorus of Daniel Bryan fans, not only because he humiliated the Miz and Michael Cole a few weeks back on Raw but also because he's vegan.

In the letter, PETA points out, "Bryan represents the quintessential vegan badass." You can find PETA's letter to Vince McMahon below.



June 21, 2010

Vince McMahon

Chairman and CEO

World Wrestling Entertainment

1 page via fax:

Dear Mr. McMahon,

On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the WWE fans among our more than 2 million members and supporters, I'm writing to toss our name into the ring as yet another proponent of the push to bring back Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson). I might not personally carry the same clout as other Bryan supporters like John Cena or Shawn Michaels (although I do consider myself "The Showstopper of PETA"), but I am, along with many of my colleagues, a huge Daniel Bryan fan, not only because he humiliated the Miz and Michael Cole a few weeks back on Raw but also because he's vegan.

Lots of athletes, including baseball slugger Prince Fielder, the NBA's Raja Bell, MMA fighters K.J. Noons and Mac Danzig, and Olympic Legend Carl Lewis, show that vegetarians often leave meat-eaters in the dust, gnawing on their greasy chicken wings as they wonder what hit them. But Bryan represents the quintessential vegan badass. He knows that unlike WWE superstars, animals beaten to a pulp by the meat industry don't want to be there. The worst Hell in a Cell match is nothing compared to what animals in slaughterhouses go through, such as having their throats cut and being scalded alive and dismembered, often while still conscious. Even Mick Foley couldn't withstand that kind of abuse. Just by being vegan, Bryan saves more than 100 animals a year, a feat far more impressive than any of Jack Swagger's "accomplishments." Savvy athletes go vegan for the health benefits, too, as they slash their risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

So what do you say, Mr. McMahon? Bring back Bryan and let him prove that he belongs. And maybe there could even be a storyline romance between Bryan and the gorgeous vegan diva Tiffany! (Who, in your PETA fans' opinion, deserves another shot at Layla.)


Dan's Signature

Dan Shannon

HAHA The olympics will be ringing up next.

The Mac
06-22-2010, 03:15 AM
omg :lmao:
does peta ever shut up

06-22-2010, 07:03 AM
rofl this makes me want to go baby seal clubbing lol stay the fuck outta wrestling peta

06-22-2010, 07:13 AM
lol ok then, thanks for the post Travis

06-22-2010, 01:31 PM

06-22-2010, 03:55 PM
thank you Travis and my friend who thinks peta is full of terrorist will love this story.

Y0UR Messiah
06-22-2010, 06:04 PM
It's happened...it's finally happened. I always said, the day PETA gets involved in the wrestling business I'd stop watching it...FUCK!!! NO!!!