View Full Version : Teen Locked Up For Facebook Feud Stabbing

06-22-2010, 05:51 PM
The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, knifed Salum Kombo, 18, in the chest after he called him a "pussy" on the social networking site.

Southwark Crown Court heard that the previously close relationship had turned "hostile" and the boys had been arguing both face-to-face and online.

On the night of December 20 the defendant was out with friends in Bromley-by-Bow, east London, when he became angry and started talking about stabbing the older youth.

Salum turned up later and the two teenagers walked off, apparently to settle their differences, when the younger boy pulled out a knife without warning and stabbed him.

Afterwards the defendant was seen "pounding" a wall "howling at the perceived affront to his own dignity, being called a pussy", the court was told.

David Jeremy QC, prosecuting, said: "A young man has lost his life following a petty dispute and a perceived loss of face by the perpetrator.

"It was the combination of a silly argument, (the defendant's) over-sensitivity about his own dignity and status, and his own willingness to carry a knife that led to the events."

Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith said: "There was nothing brave about what you did. This was quite simply an act of cowardice, as so many stabbings are."

Outside court, a family friend of the victim said the teenagers were playing "cowboys and Indians on a different level".

Enrica Beadle told Sky News: "It's 2010, isn't it, and it's getting worse with each generation. I know when I was that age nothing like that would happen with my friends.

"It's strange that he would feel so harsh towards a friend and go that far. They're playing cowboys and Indians on a different level. It's disgusting."