View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Spoilers for June 25th, 2010

06-23-2010, 05:17 AM
-- Smackdown opened with Smackdown GM Teddy Long and Vickie Guerrero on the video screen. Long said it's been a whirlwind couple of he weeks. Long then explained an eight-man Money in the Bank concept match for the next PPV. He said the winner can cash it in for a World Title match.

Vickie spoke, but the crowd was so loud that I couldn't hear what she said. Drew McIntyre then stepped in and threatened Teddy Long. Long tells Drew that he has full power over the show. Long then re-instated Matt Hardy and booked Hardy vs. McIntyre for tonight.

-- The Smackdown intro aired and pyro went off. Big Show comes to the ring as they showed that Kane vs. C.M. Punk has been booked for a No DQ match tonight.

Jack Swagger came out on the ramp and said he's protesting how WWE treated him at the Fatal Four-Way PPV. He said he's not happy about his World Title loss. And he's cashing in his re-match against Rey Mysterio at the MITB PPV. Swagger vs. Show is next.

(1) Big Show beat Jack Swagger via DQ. Show hit a huge superplex on Swagger at the beginning of the match. Swagger eventually locked in a Kurt Angle-style anklelock and Show struggled to the ropes. He grabbed the ropes, but Swagger refused to let go. The ref called for a DQ and Big Show won. Swagger left the ring as show struggled to his feet. The refs helped him to his feet and carried him (yes, carried Show) to the back as the crowd cheered.

-- A video package aired on the Archer/Hawkins win over Christian/MVP last week.

(2) Christian & MVP & IC champion Kofi Kingston beat Dolph Ziggler & Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins in a six-man tag match. Decent match with a few believable nearfalls. In the end, MVP and Kofi cleared out Hawkins and Archer, then Christian hit the Killswitch on Ziggler for the win to a huge pop from the live audience. Other notes: Kofi got a nice New England reaction. Also, the side opposite the hard camera is still about three-fourths full. Still seeing many scattered empty seats.

-- A backstage video aired on Kane talking to an empty casket. He yelled that he's going to decapitate the head of the SES tonight in his No DQ match against C.M. Punk. He then slammed the casket closed.

-- Matt Hardy was shown making his way to the ring for his match against Drew McIntyre.

(3) Matt Hardy beat Drew McIntyre. Hardy was thrown to the outside at the beginning of the match. McIntyre stood in the ring as the crowd chanted, "You can't wrestle" and "U-S-A." Drew then dominated as "Hardy" chants began. At least this wasn't a throwaway match for all this build-up they've done with this feud. Drew eventually had Hardy on the steel steps and was about to stomp on his arm, but Hardy tripped him and Drew landed on the steps. Back in the ring, Hardy hit the Twist of Fate for the win as the crowd cjeered.

-- Teddy Long then came on the video screen and said, "Drew, sorry you didn't win the match, playa. Looks like somebody's Visa has expired. Somebody is in the country illegally. Send Mr. McIntyre back to Scotland." Drew is pissed. "Na na na na hey hey hey goodbye" chants begin as Drew argues with Striker and refs. Drew stood at the top of the ramp as the crowd waved and chanted, "U-S-A."

-- Cody Rhodes came out with Husky Harris to cut a promo on his good looks. He asked the crowd which Superstar is the best-looking and they showed a graphic with Rhodes winning. Who voted? Confusing. He said Harris is an average man who can't help how he looks. Good quote from Rhodes to an audience member: "USA can literally hear you getting fatter." Rhodes then picked on Tony Chimel before doing the "hammock pose" on the top turnbuckle ala Chris Jericho. Rhodes kept repeating how good looking he is, then he called himself "Dashing Cody Rhodes" over and over and over again.

-- Vickie Guerrero was then shown on the big screen with Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is unhappy with his relationship with her. He said he gives and gives, so now he wants a title match. "Make it happen," he said as he left. Vickie stared at a picture of Dolph and her.

-- Rosa Mendes was then shown jump-roping in the ring as Kelly Kelly was introduced. I decided to take a break at this point. ... I returned as the Kane vs. C.M. Punk No DQ match was starting.

(5) Kane vs. C.M. Punk went to a No Contest in a No DQ match. Kane threw Punk into the barricades on the floor to start. Straight Edge Society then ran out trying to attack Kan with onjects, but Kane gained control and eventually chokeslammed Gallows through the announce table. He threw Punk into the front row and Punk took off into the crowd.

-- Kane followed closely behind as they brawled through the arena. Kane caught up to him and chokeslammed him through another table as the crowd looked on and cheered. Punk then opened the front door of the building and ran across the street to outside the Verizon Arena while in his wrestling gear. Kane chased him down as I believe Smackdown went off the air.

Post-Smackdown: Teddy Long immediately came out and said C.M. Punk has left the building, but that won't stop the party. He said Jack Swagger will take on Big Show in a steel cage match one-on-one. This was opposed to the advertised dark match of Rey Mysterio & Big Show vs. Swagger & Punk.

Dark Match: Big Show beat Jack Swagger in a very short steel cage match. Afterwards, Show high-fived the fans in the front row to send the kids home happy.

-- Big Show signed some more autographs and took pictures with the crowd as Chimel thanked the Manchester crowd for the show. It was very strange that Rey Mysterio was not featured on the show after winning the World Title at the Fatal Four-Way PPV.


06-23-2010, 05:23 AM
Thanx for posting Kellie!

LOL, Kane chasing Punk down the street! Punk is a pussy! :lmao: