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View Full Version : Jaffe's got a filmmaking Sweet Tooth for PSN

06-25-2010, 12:52 AM
We've been fooled before by Twisted Metalcreator David Jaffe and his Twitter account, so we'll treat his recent statements expressing interest in making a Sweet Tooth-based, "low-budget slasher movie," with with the same trepidation we reserve for buying ice cream from an evil clown. That said, his phrasing is pretty straightforward: "I want us to make an honest to goodness, low-budget slasher movie and sell it on PSN exclusive. Peeps saying we are making a PSN Sweet Tooth GAME got it wrong."

He later clarified that the "Sweet Tooth PSN thing" he wants to do "is a MOVIE on PSN, like THE TESTER in terms of exclusive PSN programming ... not a game." Perhaps his brief involvement with ... The Tester gave him a taste of almost-televisionstardom that he just can't let go? Or maybe it's just his love for low-budget slash flicks. We're not totally sure, but you can bet we've reached out for comment from the man himself.
