View Full Version : Defending Vince McMahon (Yes that is right)

08-03-2006, 09:22 PM
Ok first off let me begin this thread by saying im not a complete retard. I do know that Vince has done alot to wreck wrestling and make it sports entertainment but Vince has done alot more to make it better.

Vince was the pioner of the attitude era and at this time WWF was at its peak thanks to vinces witty scetches,great fueds and amazing factions.

Vince pushed alot of talent that went to the WCW. Razor Ramoan, Diesel, Jeff Jarrett and even hulk hogan have alot to thank vince for.

Vince created some of the best ppv concepts of all time. Survivor Series and the royal Rumble matches are still being used today and are still as big.

Vince made matches like the hell in a cell,boiler room brawl and TLC. More recently vince made the elimination chamber another classic match.

Vince made the diva section of sports entertainment.Without him womens matches would still be manly women grappling for a belt.Womens promos would be cheerleaders, nitrogirls or proffesional dancers doing a five minute routine in the ring.

Vince has always brought the best talent to WWE and devolped it. Stone cold steve austin (one of the biggest assetts to vinces company was once a WCW dud).More recently vince has brought in Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton and Batista who are all (or were when brought in and devolped) main event material.

Vince is the king of controversial and without him we would have never seen the famed montreal incident.

Vince has created amazing ppvs over the years with unbeliveable buy rates.

Vince controls all in the wwe so he has a busy schudule overlooking three main shows a week and nuturing talent.

Vince IMO was one of the participents in the greatest rivalry in wrestling history.(austin vs the mcmahons)

Although vince cant take all the credit for the things i have stated in this post,he has put faith and backed everyone of them.Without the nod of his head we might never have seen half the stuff on the list today.

Finally before i finish posting i realise i am going to be heavily critised by fans on this forum, so i ask u fans, when u call me a knob explain why i am a knob. Tell me all the bad things vince has done for the wrestling buisness as for everyone i can think of 5 reasons that vince has revolutionised the industry

08-03-2006, 09:26 PM
I beleve Pat Paterson gave the idea of the royal rumble to Vince

Ethan Hunt
08-04-2006, 04:59 AM
Vince is what he is now because of 3 things.
1. Triple H
2. Attitude Era
3. Wrestlemania

the phenomenal sid
08-04-2006, 08:00 AM
you forgot rock,hogan austin and all.but you ethan forgot one important thing that made vince and wwe what they are & that thing has been around for 16 damned years!!!!


~Burning Hitman~
08-06-2006, 12:55 AM
I agree with ethan hunt