View Full Version : Queen Saves The Day For Stranded Dad-To-Be

06-27-2010, 07:32 AM
Thirty-seven years later, just as I thought I'd heard the story recounted for the last time - it's about to be dusted off and given the red carpet treatment.

Why? Because the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are about to tour Canada - a trip they've made countless times, but one they also made exactly 37 years ago.

It was July 1973 when the Queen's tour stopped in Calgary. Covering it for the Daily Express was another Harrison - my father, John.

He received a phone call from my heavily pregnant mother in London.

"The hospital has agreed to induce me on July 7. Can you make it back in time?" asked Penny.

The Daily Express agreed John should fly home immediately as it was July 4.

Alas, there wasn't a single seat available on any flight out of Canada that could get him home in time.

The following evening in the hotel bar John was overheard by the Queen's private secretary Sir Martin Charteris moaning about his bad luck to other members of the press pack.

He took the tale of woe to the Queen, explaining to her the young journalist's predicament.

"Let the young man travel back with me," was Her Majesty's reply.

The Queen's flight departed early on July 6.

As my father eased back into his seat on board the Royal flight, the Queen drew back the curtain to her private quarters: "Good morning gentlemen", she greeted all those on board.

Less than 12 hours later, weighing 6lbs 10oz, Paul Edward Harrison was born and thanks to the Queen, my father was back in time.

John wrote to the Palace thanking the Queen and her aides for their generosity.

In reply, Sir Martin Charteris wrote: "I have given your message of thanks to the Queen who commands me to thank you for it."

"I was delighted to hear, as was Her Majesty, that you were able to be present at the birth of your son," he added.

Hence the joke - I was born by Royal approval.

The deal the Palace struck with my father was that he should never write about the journey home. He kept his word.

John was killed in a car accident while reporting on a civil conflict in Bophuthatswana, Southern Africa in March 1994.

Fast forward 37 years and the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are again due to tour Canada.

This time there will be a different Harrison in the press pack.

:: See Paul Harrison's blogs and tweets (@HackerHarrison) from Canada on the Sky News website from Monday, June 28.