View Full Version : Debian 5.0.5 Removes the Eclipse IDE

06-29-2010, 10:50 PM
Bundles the latest packages from the online repositories

The Debian maintainers have issued the fifth update to the current stable branch, Debian 5.0 “Lenny.” The updated release, Debian 5.0.5, fixes several security and stability issues and comes with up-to-date packages. Notable changes are the removal of the Eclipse IDE packages from the repositories and newer Linux kernel versions.

“The Debian project is pleased to announce the fifth update of its stable distribution Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (codename "lenny"). This update mainly adds corrections for security problems to the stable release, along with a few adjustments to serious problems,” the official release announcement (http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626) read.

“Please note that this update does not constitute a new version of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 but only updates some of the packages included... New CD and DVD images containing updated packages and the regular installation media accompanied with the package archive respectively will be available soon at the regular locations,” the announcement added.

Debian 5.0.5 bundles the latest packages available in the ‘stable’ repositories and is aimed at those doing a fresh install of the operating system. If you already have Debian installed, all the newer packages have been included in the online repositories and require just a regular update.

If you plan on deploying a Debian install soon, you can grab the updated ISOs with all the latest packages to save you the trouble of updating them manually. This also comes in handy if there is no Internet access on the machine you are going to use.

There are very few changes in Debian 5.0.5, the removal of the Eclipse IDE being one. The software development environment has been removed due to some compatibility issues with the current XULRunner version in Debian stable. The Debian installer has been patched to fix an issue and to update the list of available mirrors. The Linux kernel has also been updated to include several security fixes and broader hardware support. Check out the monster change log here.
