View Full Version : Jeff Hardy Signs with WWE

08-04-2006, 06:40 PM
After spending three years combating his personal demons, a refocused and rehabilitated Jeff Hardy is prepared to return to the place where he began his career as a teenager.

WWE.com has learned that WWE officials have rehired former Superstar Jeff Hardy, more than three years after his release from the company. WWE.com has tried to contact Jeff about his rehiring for two days, but in typical fashion of the free-spirited Hardy, he has yet to return any of our calls.

For this unique athlete, it has been a turbulent, arduous road back to WWE. In 2003, just as Hardy began to make his ascent to the top of World Wrestling Entertainment, he came crashing down as a result of a poisonous drug dependency. He was plagued by an addiction to pain killers and methamphetamine (crystal meth), a highly addictive stimulant.

After showing up late for several WWE events and demonstrating a deterioration in his in-ring performance, Hardy’s last match in WWE was on March 24, 2003. In May of that year, Hardy failed a drug test and after refusing to go into drug rehabilitation, he was subsequently fired from WWE.

In 1993, at the age of 16, Jeff and his brother Matt, 19, started working for WWE, wrestling against contracted WWE Superstars. It wasn't until 1998 that the brothers were given full-time WWE deals. That year, the Hardy Boyz almost instantly became top-tier contenders in the WWE Tag Team division.

Both talented risk-takers with dynamic in-ring chemistry, the Hardyz revolutionized sports-entertainment, employing wild aerial maneuvers that did damage to both their opponents and themselves. Capturing both the WWE and WCW Tag Team Championships, the Hardyz made their strongest impact in their epic Tables, Ladders and Chairs Matches with the Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian.

Shortly after the WWE brand extension in 2002, Matt and Jeff were split apart and Jeff found success as a singles star on RAW. After the split, Hardy began to display his most unorthodox side, adding uniquely colored body paint to his ever-changing hair color.

Perhaps the highlight of his singles career was his Ladder Match with Undertaker for the WWE Championship in July 2002. In a match that no one believed Hardy could win, Jeff brought his abilities to a higher level unlike anyone had ever seen in him before. That night, Jeff did not walk out as WWE Champion, but he earned the respect of not only The Phenom, but of all who watched the contest. People started to acknowledge Hardy’s true talent – a talent that was curtailed and snuffed out due to his addiction.
Holding a number of championships, Hardy was en route to reaching the summit of his sports-entertainment career until it all came to an abrupt end due to his erratic behavior and drug use.

Overcoming addiction is arguably the greatest victory of Hardy’s life. And as a renewed Jeff Hardy prepares to reintroduce himself to WWE fans, one can only expect Hardy to earn his greatest career victories and even larger triumphs when he makes his long-awaited return home.

Credit WWE.com

08-04-2006, 06:43 PM
This is awesome news for WWE, he was one of my favourite wrestlers and i can not wait for his return.

lol his drug dependencies, after the moves he does, how can you blame him lol

08-04-2006, 06:53 PM
Hope to see with Matt again very soon and wait till Angie hears this lol.

08-04-2006, 07:15 PM
*does the Chewie dance* :D

08-04-2006, 07:15 PM
Yes this is very good news. But the only thing I'm worried about is the ban on high risk moves, those what made Jeff famous in WWE,those moves made him what everybody remembers him to be. I kinda want to see him on Raw, I know Smackdown really needs talent right now but I dont really like tuning in to Smackdown just to see one superstar. But congrats to Hardy WOOT!

08-04-2006, 07:43 PM
The problem here is pretty clear in my mind. Jeff isn't a big draw by himself and never was. His only clear path that will get the most out of his character is a reunion of the Hardy Boyz, yet the vicious cycle begins of there being no one on either brand to support such a move.

It's about as effective as the current DX/Spirit Squad feud. A wrestler looks only as good by his competition.

08-04-2006, 08:49 PM
killer never thought i would see this happen , but you no in one year he will be gone because of no shows

08-04-2006, 09:00 PM
Great news for the wwe,This time i hope the wwe don't screw things up for Jeff's return as they seem to have done with Matt.Hopefully we will get to see the re-forming of 'Hardy Boys' tag team but i hope they don't forget that Jeff is a great singles competitor as well and he gets the chance to show what he can do in singles action....
I would have loved to seen the look on Angie face when she heard the news....I wonder if she has come down from the ceiling yet!

08-04-2006, 10:18 PM
Hope he makes the most of it

08-05-2006, 02:10 AM
Already heard about it, But cool for people that hasnt and Hardy Boyz vs Edge would be great and winner gets Lita, no, no it wont, how about they both go to ECW

08-05-2006, 02:22 AM
^^^ ur banner isnt showing, Anyway.. The wwe has got to make the most of this situation before it explodes in there face. Watch they will be back together and one of em will leave cause they arnt happy.

08-07-2006, 06:09 AM
I just really hope that Jeff does well and dosen't mess it all up again. He was showing some real progress and potential before he was released...and its too bad that it happened. but hey, everything happens for a reason. lets hope that Jeff is cleaned up and makes some sort of impact on WWE TV