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07-09-2010, 01:47 AM
Internally, many people are high on NXT Rookie Husky Harris — though most think his ring name is horrible. He is being compared to a young Dusty Rhodes, in the sense that he has a terrible looking physique but is quick and athletic. Like Rhodes, he is regarded as having the "it factor," not to mention charisma. The son of Mike Rotundo is considered by many as the standout performer of the second season of NXT and has several supporters within the organization


07-09-2010, 10:44 AM
Are you kidding? Husky is awful. EVERY match that I've watched him in, he's been horrible. That roll finisher he does is terrible, and shows just how better RVD does it. Husky didn't even connect with it once.

Dragón De Muerte
07-09-2010, 11:34 AM
well his finisher is just that reverse splash that samoa joe does occasionaly isn't it, I like kaval but his a smaller guy so he will probably not get very far, Micheal Mcguillicutty or what ever his name is (Joe Hennig) to win.

07-09-2010, 12:19 PM
Husky isnt that bad he needs a little more inring experience but he shows got charisma in my eyes..