View Full Version : Is Morgan In For A World Title?

07-10-2010, 08:04 PM
Will Matt Morgan Ever Be A World Champion?

I've always thought that Morgan isn't a World title kinda guy. I thought this especially during his feud with Angle sometime last year. He sometimes wrestles badly, and can't talk. Most of his promos consist of the same old voice droaning on. Currently, It's looking like he'll be in Fourtune - Which would be horrible considering he's had no interaction with Flair or Styles what-so-ever.

chris jericho is wwe
07-10-2010, 08:05 PM
Hope not i hate morgan.

Dragón De Muerte
07-11-2010, 10:05 AM
I like morgan for a big guy he's good in the ring and on the mike, only thing I dislike about him is that stupid robe thing he wears when he comes out, I don't think morgan is ready for the world title yet but why he hasn't had a shot at the global title is just futher prove tna don't actualy give a damm about that belt.

07-11-2010, 04:31 PM
The sentiments above saying about a Global Title shot rather than a Worlds one I agree with but alas it's still being used as a show belt.