View Full Version : Obesity in America 2010 - Where does your state rank when it comes to obesity?

Black Widow
07-15-2010, 12:52 PM
Obesity in America 2010 - Where does your state rank when it comes to obesity?
By Maia Szalavitz for MSN Health & Fitness

Although childhood obesity appears to be stabilizing, adult obesity is continuing its relentless rise, according to a new analysis of government statistics. Influenced, perhaps, by the example of our svelte president and his wife who head a campaign against childhood obesity, Washington, D.C. was the only area in the country to show a decline in the proportion of obese adults.

In contrast, 28 states continued the decades-long weight gain. Two thirds of Americans are now either overweight (defined as a body-mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher) or obese (A 30-plus BMI).

The new report, “F as in Fat,” was issued by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America’s Health—and contains policy recommendations, aimed primarily at coordinating the government’s response to the epidemic.

“The movement to reverse the epidemic is gathering force but we are not yet seeing measurable improvement,” said James Marks, MD, Senior Vice President of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “At the national level, it looks like the rise in childhood obesity has leveled off. We’re hopeful that these first signs will be sustained or that we will start to see the numbers turn downwards.”

The rise of obesity has been stunningly rapid. As recently as 1980, just 15 percent of adults were heavy enough to be defined as obese. By 2008, however, the rate had hit 34 percent. Although some experts dispute the causes of the change, with nearly 10% of health costs linked to obesity, no one disputes that it is a public health crisis.

State Obesity Rates for Adults

1. Mississippi 33.8%
2. Alabama 31.6%
3. Tennessee 31.6%
4. West Virginia 31.3%
5. Louisiana 31.2%
6. Oklahoma 30.6%
7. Kentucky 30.5%
8. Arkansas 30.1%
9. South Carolina 29.9%
10. North Carolina 29.4%
10. Michigan 29.4%
12. Missouri 29.3%
13. Ohio 29.0%
13. Texas 29.0%
15. South Dakota 28.5%
16. Kansas 28.2%
17. Pennsylvania 28.1%
17. Georgia 28.1%
17. Indiana 28.1%
20. Delaware 27.9%
21. North Dakota 27.7%
22. Iowa 27.6%
23. Nebraska 27.3%
24. Alaska 26.9%
24. Wisconsin 26.9%
26. Illinois 26.6%
26. Maryland 26.6%
28. Washington 26.3%
29. Maine 25.8%
29. Arizona 25.8%
31. Nevada 25.6%
32. Virginia 25.5%
32. Minnesota 25.5%
32. New Mexico 25.5%
35. New Hampshire 25.4%
36. New York 25.1%
36. Florida 25.1%
36. Idaho 25.1%
39. Oregon 25.0%
39. Wyoming 25.0%
41. California 24.4%
42. New Jersey 23.9%
43. Montana 23.5%
44. Utah 23.2%
45. Rhode Island 22.9%
46. Vermont 22.8%
47. Hawaii 22.6%
48. Massachusetts 21.7%
49. D.C. 21.5%
50. Connecticut 21.4%
51. Colorado 19.1%

The report revealed these key findings:

For the sixth year in a row, Mississippi topped the scales. A 33.8 percent rate of adult obesity made the Magnolia state the worst in the nation.

Tied for second were Alabama and Tennessee, followed respectively by West Virginia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arkansas and South Carolina.

North Carolina tied the only Northern state to make the top ten—Michigan—for tenth place in terms of highest levels of adult obesity, with a rate of 29.4 percent.

Mississippi was also worst for obesity among children aged 10-17, with a whopping 21.9 percent of children being seriously overweight.

Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia and Arkansas were all in the top ten for childhood as well as adult obesity—but Oklahoma, Michigan, and the Carolinas were replaced here by Illinois, Texas, Georgia and, oddly, Washington, D.C.

The states who fared best on adult obesity are concentrated in the north and west, with Colorado, Connecticut and Washington D.C. leading the pack, followed by Massachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Rhode Island, Utah, Montana and New Jersey. While it may seem unusual that D.C. would be in the top ten best places for adult obesity and ten worst for children, because it is really a city not a state, it’s hard to make truly reliable comparisons.

“The problem is really terrible in every state,” says Kelly Brownell, PhD, Director, of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University who authored a section of the report, “It’s not as if the south has rampant obesity that doesn’t exist anywhere else.”

Adds Marion Nestle, Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health at New York University “States with the highest obesity rates are in the rural south where poverty, especially rural poverty, is a huge problem.”

High levels of poverty and low levels of education are linked with obesity across the U.S. For example, Mississippi is also the poorest state in America and ranks in the bottom ten in educational spending as well. When unemployment rises, obesity can soon follow because cutting back on expenses often means cutting the healthier, more expensive foods and people also turn to junk food to relieve stress.

“The states with lowest rates are in areas with lots of outdoor recreation areas but also where the population is better educated and wealthier,” says Nestle.

There is one hint of good news in the report: for most ages, childhood obesity levels have been stable since 1999—but they quadrupled in 6-11 year olds and tripled in teens since 1970 and remain at an unacceptable all time high of 17 percent nationally. The most hopeful signs are seen among the youngest children, says Marks, noting that some groups of 2-5 year olds are even showing a decline.

The goal of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” effort against childhood obesity is to bring the childhood obesity rate down to 5 percent or less by 2030. Preventing childhood obesity can be critical to preventing it in adults; one study, for example, found that 80 percent of 16-17 year old obese boys remained that way as adults—the figure was 92 percent for girls—while only 20 percent of normal weight children grew up to be obese.

Both Brownell and Nestle agree that changes in the food environment have played a larger role than changes in physical activity in spurring the overweight epidemic. Says Nestle, “The underlying cause of obesity is the vast overproduction of food in the United States and elsewhere. We currently have 3,900 calories available in the food supply for every man, woman, and child in the country—roughly twice average need.”

She notes that portion sizes have grown and food marketing has become ever more ubiquitous, saying, “Larger portions have more calories. This alone can explain rising rates of obesity.”
Brownell notes that the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation—which funded the report and is the largest funder of efforts to fight overweight—spends $100 million annually to fight obesity. However, he adds, “The food industry spends that much by January 4th each year, just on marketing unhealthy food, just to children.”

One of the largest sources of extra calories in the American diet is sweetened beverages—and research suggests that a 20 percent tax on nondiet soda would cut calorie intake from beverages by 13 percent for adults and 11 percent for children. Taxes, of course, are rarely popular—and an effort to impose one on nondiet soda in New York state was just defeated.

Although some argue that even diet soda contributes to obesity, Brownell says, “We’re very much in favor of proposals to tax sugar sweetened beverages. We don’t at the moment recommend taxing diet soda because we don’t think the science is strong enough.”

While people often don’t consider it, the report notes that breastfeeding infants is a good way to fight obesity—for both mothers and children. Breastfeeding helps nursing moms lose weight after pregnancy—and it also helps children avoid becoming overweight, perhaps by allowing them to control how much they eat better than they can with bottle-feeding.

The report’s most important recommendations all involve coordinating policies across government so that, for example, agencies like the Department of Transportation take obesity into account and plan not just roads but bike lanes and aren’t working at cross-purposes with the health agencies. Agricultural policy is a particular target.

Says Nestle, “The Farm Bill leaps to mind as an excellent place to start. How about creating an agricultural policy that supports production of fruits and vegetables instead of one that spends $20 billion of taxpayers’ money on corn and soybeans grown mainly for animal feed?”

View the full report to see where your state ranks: "F is for Fat"
