View Full Version : WWE NXT Results for July 20th, 2010

07-21-2010, 04:09 AM
We start off tonight’s show with Matt Striker doing a test run of the Obstacle Course that will be the physical challenge for tonight since we need someone to get immunity before next week’s second elimination.

We are live on tape from Little Rock, Arkansas and your announcers are Michael ‘A Man From Hope’ Cole and Josh ‘Where is Big Rock’ Mathews. Your hosts are Matt ‘No Obstacle is too big’ Striker and Ashley Valence.

We start off with the VIP Lounge starring Percy Watson’s pro Montel Vontavious Porter. Porter says that it means that big things popping and little things stopping. Porter says that he would normally have the party starting, but he has to be serious because he has an issue to address with his guest. Porter brings out his rookie, Percy Watson and he makes his way to the ring as only Percy can.

Porter wants to cut to the chase. He tells Percy that what he attempted to do last week didn’t take courage, guts or spirit. It did take initiative. He wanted to smash Percy’s glasses, but he thought about it and he realized that they are a lot alike. The MVP that debuted on Smackdown a few years ago would have done the same thing. Porter says that he has learned a lot and he wants to know if Percy learned anything.

Percy says that he respects Porter and he has learned a lot. The go getter mentality took over and he went about things the wrong way. He says that he sincerely apologizes. Porter asks Percy if he learned a lesson and if the apology was sincere. Porter says that it is water under the bridge.

Matt Striker comes out and he has his old music back. Matt reminds us that there will be an elimination next week so he wants to know why Percy should be ranked number one. Porter says that if you want to be a superstar, you need to have a complete package. You need to have the appearance, the athleticism, the charisma. He says that Percy has all of them. Porter wants to know from the WWE Universe if they think that Percy is the next breakout star. Porter wants Watson to say why. Percy says that he is a go getter, a heavy hitter, and he is not a quitter. He says that he has worked hard every day of his life to get where he is. He knows about fighting, scratching, and clawing to get what he wants.

Striker cuts off Percy and then Cody Rhodes ‘Dashes’ out with Husky Harris. Matt asks Cody and Husky the same question about Husky. Cody says that Husky could use some grooming advice, but Husky would be a great representative for the WWE Universe. He says that Husky weighs 300 pounds, just like most of the people in the crowd. However, they can’t run a 4.9 40. He says that Husky is a tank with a Ferrari engine.

Husky says that the WWE has been full of bodybuilders and six packs, but he is not that. He says that he doesn’t sing and dance. He isn’t a miniature midget ninja. All he is is real. Porter tells Husky that he is real fat.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Lucky Cannon. Henry says that Lucky has impressed him because he is hungry and he has a good knowledge fot eh business
. Kofi says that Lucky has a lot of potential. Layla and Michelle say that Lucky has a good look and they point out that he has the World’s Strongest Man training him. Porter says that Cannon is tall, good looking, and can move; but there are a lot of people like that. Morrison says that he doesn’t get a feel for who he is in the ring. Ryder calls him plain and doesn’t see anything special about him. Miz says that almost forgot to talk about Lucky because he is forgettable. Ryder says that you need to take advantage of every opportunity. Cody says that Lucky has the size and athletic background so you can’t count him out yet. Henry says that Lucky is willing to pay his dues. He sees that Lucky has a long way to go but he is on the right path.

Match Number One: Cody Rhodes and Husky Harris versus Montel Vontavious Porter and Percy Watson

Watson and Harris start things off and they lock up with Harris connecting with knees and then he throws Watson’s glasses away. Watson with a shoulder tackle and arm drag into an arm bar. Watson works on the arm and he puts Harris in a modified Fujiwara arm bar. Porter tags in and he punches Harris and sends him into the turnbuckles. Harris with an Irish whip but Porter floats over and hits a flying clothesline for a near fall. Watson tags in and he punches Harris. Watson with a shoulder tackle and another near fall. Watson returns to the arm but Harris with a punch and he runs Watson into the corner. Rhodes tags in and he connects with an elbow and forearm. Rhodes punches Watson in the corner. Watson with a floatover and then he connects with an arm drag into an arm bar. Harris tags back in and Harris punches Watson. Watson with a drop kick to Harris and Husky goes to the floor. They go to the floor and Harris slaps Watson but Watson with a double leg take down and they exchange punches before Porter and Rhodes break it up. Porter punches Rhodes as we go to commercial and the stand off continues.

We are back and Rhodes with forearms to Watson as the action returns to the ring. Rhodes with kicks to Watson and then he tries to punch Watson in the corner but he blocks them. Watson with a slam to Rhodes and then he runs into a forearm from Rhodes. Rhodes with kicks to the ribs and then he hits a gourdbuster on Watson and then he draws Porter in to allow for Harris to come in but the referee did not see a tag. Rhodes with an Irish whip and then Harris is tagged back in and he hits a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Harris with a waist lock on Watson. Watson with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Harris with a kick to the back. Harris with an elbow drop to Watson but Watson kicks him away and he tags in Porter and Rhodes is in too. Porter with a back body drop and clothesline followed by a double thrust and facebuster. Porter knocks Harris off the apron to hit the Ballin’ Elbow. Porter with a kick to Harris when he tries to interfere. Rhodes with a back elbow followed by a springboard spin kick to the head. Harris is tagged in and Rhodes tells him to finish it. Harris with the back senton for the three count.

Winners: Husky Harris and Cody Rhodes

Mathews and Cole talk about the result of the match but also mention that someone will get immunity.

It is time to see what people have to say about Michael McGillicutty. Ryder says that he has the best chance of winning. He has the look and the tools. Henry says that Michael looks like he is happy out there. Kofi says that Michael has the passion when you watch him. Porter says that Michael has the fire and spark in his eyes. Michelle and Layla says that he is as close to perfect as you can get, but he isn’t flawless. Cody says that is less than perfect is that Michael was talking about how he is bringing back ruthless aggression to WWE, but arm drags, drop kicks, and leap frogs are not ruthless aggression. Morrison says that he hasn’t seen much from Michael in terms of charisma and personality. Maybe it is because he hasn’t had the opportunity to talk. Miz says that Michael seems cocky and thinks that because daddy was a pro, that he will become a pro. Miz says that is not going to happen. Miz says that daddy was good, but you are mediocre. Cody doesn’t know if Michael will go to whatever level it will take in order to win. Porter wants to see how the it factor grows. Kofi says that Michael has a chip on his shoulder and that is a good thing.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Still Know about John Cena’s special coffee cup at 7-Eleven to benefit Make-A-Wish?

We take a look back at the match between Mark Henry and Wade Barrett from last night’s Raw.

Before the match, Matt Striker asks Lucky to say why he should be number one in the poll. Lucky says that he is not going to plead his case because it is a matter of opinion. He says that for over a month, he has had the time of his life coming out to try to entertain everyone. He says that it is like a dream and he doesn’t want it to end. Lucky thanks everyone for this opportunity.

Striker asks Miz about Alex Riley. Riley takes the mic and he says that losers whine about their best. Alex says this competition is about this company and who should run it. He says that people care about the WWE because he sees them watching in the arena and at home. He says that if you want to do the right thing, vote for Alex Riley.

Miz says that the WWE Universe has no idea what they want for voting Kaval and Percy Watson, one and two. Miz says that only he knows what they want. Miz says that they should vote for Riley because he said so>

Match Number Two: Lucky Cannon versus Alex Riley with The Miz

Riley with a kick and punches followed by an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Cannon punches Riley but Riley tries for a back body drop but Cannon lands on his feet and hits a few clotheslines. Cannon with a big boot and he gets a near fall. Cannon goes up top but misses a cross body. Riley gets Cannon up for a TKO and gets the three count.

Winner: Alex Riley

After the match, Miz shakes Riley’s hand and then he stands over Cannon with his briefcase. Miz leaves the ring after thinking about hitting Cannon with the briefcase. Miz decides to return to the ring and he hits Cannon in the ribs with the briefcase and then he hits the Skull Crushing Finale onto the briefcase.

Morrison and Kofi have something to say to Miz as he goes to the back after the attack.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw Rebound.

Cole mentions that Nexus will have time to regroup.

Cole and Mathews talk about the next poll which starts at noon Eastern tomorrow on WWE.com.

Matt Striker is with the pros and rookies we have not heard from tonight. He wants to get comments from John Morrison and Eli Cottonwood. John says that he was flying home and he was eating a breakfast burrito and he saw the entire NXT roster. Someone asked who Eli was. They didn’t know who any of the guys were but they wanted to watch Eli. He is a long term investment.

Eli wants to know who Matt is going to vote for. Then he stands in front of Matt and intimidates Matt into saying that he will vote for Eli. Eli wants to know who is more intimidating than him.

Michelle and Layla say that Kaval should be number one because he has the passion, the heart, the skills, and the smarts. He also has them so he is almost flawless.

Kaval thanks the ladies and he says that he has the confidence to go toe to toe with any of the superstars. Kaval mentions Evan Bourne, Randy Orton, and Rey Mysterio. Kaval says that he has the ability but the fans have the vote.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the obstacle course challenge and the winner gets immunity from elimination.

Matt asks Kofi about Michael McGillicutty and Kofi says that Micahel might not be the biggest or the strongest, but he is the hungriest. There is nobody as hungry as Michael. He is the son of a WWE Hall of Famer. He was born to do this. Kofi says that Michael also has the support of the WWE Universe. Kofi says that Michael’s fans are now called McGillibuddies.

Michael says that he is the most talented rookie and he has the most talented pro. He says that he has a perfect record. He tells everyone to make the perfect choice and vote for him.

Michael goes first and his time is 26.7 seconds.

Alex Riley is next and his time is 40.3 seconds because he had to redo the balance beam. Riley yells at the referee and blames him for not winning.

Eli Cottonwood is next and his time is 37.2 seconds but he was disqualified for not doing the push ups or balance beam properly.

Lucky Cannon is next and he is still showing the effects of the briefcase attack by Miz. His time is 28.2 seconds.

Kaval is next and his time is 29.1 seconds.

Percy Watson is next and his time is 31.5 seconds.

The final participant is Husky Harris. Husky knocks over the hurdle instead of going over it. Husky finishes in 50.3 seconds.

Striker reminds us that the voting starts tomorrow and Michael McGillicutty has immunity. We go to credits.