View Full Version : 7/24 Dragon Gate USA Results from Philadelphia, PA

07-25-2010, 07:24 PM
by Bob Magee

Dragon Gate USA returned to an insanely hot ECW Arena last night before a packed crowd there to see Bryan Danielson and the returning DGUSA roster.


Lince Dorado vs. Super Shenlong goes to a 10 minute draw

Cheech/Cloudy defeated Rex Reed/Tommasso Cimapa

Jimmy Jacobs defeated Sami Callihan

Main show:

CIMA defeated Johnny Garagno in a hot opener with a Meteora

WARRIORS International match: Adam Cole vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet vs. Arik Cannon in an elimination match for a potential spot in WARRIORS International. Chuck Taylor pinned Riccochet to win the match. Taylor was over like crazy with the crowd, heavy with CHIKARA fans and Danielson fans.

Naruki Doi defeated Drake Younger in an eh sort of match. Doi appeared to be working hurt. Younger seemed to be trying hard but his style didn;t seem to mesh with Doi.

Rich Swann defeated Scott Reid in the post-intermission popcorn match...then the realreason for the match as Brodie Lee preceeded to play "punt the little men"...and the female valet

The team of Jigsaw/Hallowicked/Mike Quackenbush/Masato Yoshino defeated the team of. KAMIKAZE USA Akira Tozawa/YAMATO/Gran Akuma/Jon Moxley -. Eliminations in order: YAMATO eliminated Hallowicked after a Gallaria. Mike Quackenbush defeated Gran Akuma. Jox Moxley elimanted via DQ for using a chair. Yoshino submitted YAMATO with Sol Naciente, Quackenbush submitted Tozawa with a GH Lock.

BxB Hulk retained his Open the Freedom Gate title over Masaaki Mochizuki - BxB Hulk (who lost a hair match), came out and did his usual pre-match dance, wearing a wig. This was an Incredible match that got hurt only by a botched finish that eventually saw BxB Hulk retain via First Flash. Post-match, KAMIKAZE USA beat down BxBHulk, with Bryan Danielson making the save.

Bryan Danielson defeated SHINGO in a killer main event with false finish after false finish. Even though the crowd has to be exhausted and dehydrated...the crowd was up for this match. Its a safe guess that a lot of the large crowd came to see Danielson and went home happy after Danielson offered his services to the World-a faction and the show closed with "Final Countdown" playing and the crowd singing along to close the show.