View Full Version : Seven Wrestlers signed for New Florida Promotion (Former WWE World Champ)

07-28-2010, 03:31 PM
Some new names that I've confirmed are signed to the Florida start-up promotion in the last week or so are Booker T, Paul London, Rocky Romero, Sonjay Dutt, Super Crazy, Hijo Del Rey Misterio and 2 Cold Scorpio. I am told that there are some other younger talents who have signed as well, but I haven't confirmed any names yet.
There's been a strong rumor in the last 24 hours that some top Ring of Honor talents may have signed here as well, but I cannot confirm that at this time.

I am also told that the contracts signed by talent do not officially take hold until this October. So, that is when it appears the project (which amazingly, has still been able to keep it's name private) is going to officially launch. As of today, there are no set dates or locations for the tapings but one would assume it will be around there since at that point, they will be paying wrestlers.

Any talk that the promotion is going to simply be a Florida-based company is just that - they are planning for a much grander scope in terms of their goals. The plan is to do tapings and try and find a national television outlet. I am told that everyone involved realizes the reality of the situation and that no one is expecting a deal to fall in their lap overnight. Based on what I am hearing, I don't believe the promotion is looking to buy themselves timeslots either, a strategy that has led to many an early death for pro wrestling companies.

One of the reasons the company has been so secretive about letting names out and launching is that they don't want there to be a huge buzz or hype, feeling it will leave fans waiting for them to get going while their main focus right now has been building the company's infrastructure. I am told one of the things the company has been working on is setting up benefits for the wrestlers. The story being told among those who are signed is that everyone involved will receive full medical benefits as well as a 401K and stock options in the company, so if the group takes off, everyone shares in that success. I am told that was something Milton Wilpon has pushed after hearing some of the stories from older talents about how they have been treated over the years. If all that comes together, it's certainly a great idea.