View Full Version : ROH on HDNet Recap 8/2

08-03-2010, 07:48 PM
We start the show with some In Ring Action….

Shawn Davari and Ernesto Osris v. The Dark City Fight Club

This match quickly moves to the outside of the ring with the DCFC taking advantage. They have worked together longer and have known each other much better. Bad lighting at an ROH TV taping. The black mats on the outside do not allow you to see very well when the action spills out of the ring. A few missed spots in this one with the crowd noticing it often. The DCFC hits their finisher of a powerbomb slash neckbreaker for the win.

Winners-The Dark City Fight Club

Next in the ring we have the Eddie Edwards 10 minute hunt.

ROH World Television Champion v. Freddy

Eddie asks him if he can last 10 minutes with him. Freddy says that he can, so we are off. Freddy starts off fast and we have a running 10 minute clock at the bottom of the screen. Freddy goes for a missile dropkick from the top rope at 7:30 in the match. Eddie counters it in to an Achilles lock for the win.

Winner-Eddie Edwards

In Ring Action….

Delirious w/Daze Haze v. Austin Aries

A Double comes out in street clothes and tells Delirious he will be wrestling Kenny King. Aries is playing mind games with Delirious. I am sure they are saving this for a pay-per-view. We are out of the ring early. The men are spending more time out of the ring than in the ring tonight. About a 10 minute match with King getting the pin with help from A double.

In Ring Action….

Claudio Castagnoli v. Jay Briscoe

Briscoe rushes the ring and beats CC down quick. Again we are outside the ring. Claudio is working the submission side of the match trying to get Jay to quit. After some time Jay rolls Claudio up for the stolen victory.

Winner-Jay Briscoe

After the match Chris Hero and Mark Briscoe rush the ring. We ring the bell and we have a match.

Chris Hero v. Mark Briscoe

Interesting start with both men getting going early. Mark hits a suicide dive to the outside to gain some momentum. Hero lands a big boot followed by a near neck breaker, but Briscoe counters into the backslide for the win.

Winner-Mark Briscoe

The Briscoes win both matches, but The Kings of Wrestling are still the champs.
