View Full Version : CZW:From the Desk of Maven Bentley: Tag Tournament Rules

08-11-2010, 11:27 PM
From The Desk of Maven T. Bentley, Esq. on this 9th of August, 2010

Greetings, CZW faithful, I have just returned from sunny Florida! I send in this weeks address feeling refreshed and renewed as I was only 10 minutes from the happiest place on earth! No, not Disney, I'm 20 minutes from there, a cool gift shop where nothing is over $2.99. While in the sunshine state
I attended a charity dinner held by Hall of Famer, Afa, the Wild Samoan. As is custom before the dinner, friends and family are invited to hang out and I had a blast with some of the most prestigious names in our business. This was a virtual "who's who" in wrestling. The world's most powerful wrestling families from around the globe are represented which has inspired me with an idea.

Combat zone wrestling has been known for years as the most innovative company in this field. We have produced stars that have wrestled all over the globe, however ours has not been as friendly to our international business partners. We have been courting international wrestlers to compete in the Combat Zone and I hope to further appeal to them in the following way: the CZW Tag Title Tournament will be held under international tag team rules!

The rules are as follows:
1. Count outs: If the legal wrestler leaves the ring and is not replaced he will have 20 seconds to return to the ring or be disqualified.
2. Tags: Partner exchanges can be made through tags or through replacement if a member of the team has left the ring his partner can replace him without a formal tag.
3. Illegal maneuvers: The following actions will be deemed illegal and a referee will have discretion to disqualify the perpetrator. Eye pokes or rakes, intentional blows to the groin, choking, use of foreign objects etc.
4. Victories: Victories will be gained when one team member pins or submits a member of the other team. A team is also deemed victorious if a member of the opposing team is disqualified. Again, these rules are to be enforced at the discretion of our officials.

It is my belief that these rules will make our tag team division more attractive to international talent and give you fans an opportunity to see some of the world's greatest talent.