View Full Version : Eric Bischoff Says the Rumors and Hogan Tweets Are Bogus

08-12-2010, 12:10 AM
After linking to Hulk Hogan's Twitter page on his own Twitter and Facebook pages, saying it was Hulk's legit account, Eric Bischoff is now saying that he linked to a fake Hogan Twitter page. Bischoff just wrote the following on his page:

The Hogan twitter site that I posted is a fake one. Hulk IS getting a Twitter page up, but the most recent post is a fake. I will post the REAL page info as soon as we get it. Sorry for the confusion.

The Hulk Hogan twitter posts are fake. Hulk IS in the process of setting up a page, but has not as yet. The rumors of us leaving TNA are bogus.


08-12-2010, 11:37 PM
Always something going on with Terry...always