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View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 16th August 2010

08-15-2010, 06:38 AM

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RAW Results - 16th August 2010
Location - Los Angeles, California
Announcers - Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

We are live from Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

The losing team from the main event come out and they make their way to the ring in a different formation this time. Barrett is in the middle and he has the mic. He says that that doesn’t kill us will only make us stronger. Team WWE narrowly escaped with a victory last night, but Nexus defeated six of the best that Monday Night Raw had to offer. Rumors of their demise have been greatly exaggerated. They are still here, united, and ready to dominate the WWE. Everybody was so concerned with what would happen if Nexus won at SummerSlam, but nobody thought about what would have happened if they tasted defeat. There are consequences and they will be severe for the Raw roster. There will be more suffering, chaos, and misery for those who get in their way. Last night was just a temporary aberration.

John Cena interrupts Barrett before he can mark his words. He says that he is impressed. He says that Wade Barrett speaks a big game, but he is the fearless leader of Nexus. He has the resolve of Winston Churchill but he is as tough as Snooki from the Jersey Shore. Cena says that Wade tapped out last night and the crowd joins in with the chant. He says that Wade caused Team Nexus to lose at SummerSlam and now he is out here to try to pump up Nexus. Cena says that Nexus are the Expendables. After the surprise last night, he is probably wondering why he got rid of Daniel Bryan. When Daniel Bryan joined Team WWE last night, he eliminated half of Nexus by himself. For weeks, Nexus has been viewed as a group. After SummerSlam, we found out that Nexus is human and they can be beat.

John Cena says that instead of looking at them as a group, we are going to look at them individually. Cena mentions David Otunga. He says that Otunga is nothing more than a below average male escort who hangs on someone’s arm on the red carpet. Michael Tarver looks like an MMA bank robber who works nights as a male stripper. Cena wonders if that is Heath Slater or the chick from Wendy’s. We see the graphic to support Cena’s point. Darren Young says that it hits close to the chest because the existence of Darren Young proves that Cena’s mom had an affair with Buckwheat. Cena moves to Justin Gabriel and mentions that he has an alternative style of living. Cena says that it looks like it went over Skip’s head. Cena says that he can read his thoughts and he is singing the Meow Mix jingle. Cena says that Nexus is nothing more than human. The fear that they instilled in the locker room is gone. They lost last night and SummerSlam will be known as the night that Nexus was history.

Darren Young says that Cena doesn’t know what he is talking about. Cena says that Young tapped out in under a minute last night. Cena says that his name should be changed to the Weakest Link.

We’ve got mail to interrupt the arguing among the members of Nexus.

Michael Cole goes to his viewing stand. He says that Nexus may claim they are stronger than ever. It will be put to a test tonight. SummerSlam will continue tonight. Each member of Nexus will compete against members of Team WWE in a series of matches. Outside interference by Nexus members will be met with swift and appropriate consequences.

Wade says that is not a form of punishment. That is an opportunity for redemption. It is a chance to examine the Nexus. Wade says that they will see if there are any weak links. If there are any weak links, they will be weeded out. If anyone in Nexus is not victorious, they will be exiled from the group. One way or another, by the end of tonight, Nexus will be stronger than ever.

Otunga says that is fine, but it also applies to Wade. Otunga says that if Wade loses tonight, they will be happy to take over.

We have more e-mails. Nexus can choose which member faces Team WWE except Wade Barrett. Wade will face his former mentor Chris Jericho.

We go to commercial.

Wade Barrett vs Chris Jericho

Jericho with forearms and punches to Barrett followed by knees in the corner. Jericho with a running back elbow and kick to the back. Jericho with a kick to the chest followed by a suplex. We see Nexus watching on a smaller monitor this week.

Barrett with a punch and knee but Jericho with a drop kick and Barrett rolls to the apron. Jericho with a springboard drop kick and Barrett goes to the floor. Jericho with a boot to the head and then he sends Barrett back into the ring. Jericho goes to the turnbuckles but Barrett with a boot to the head that sends Jericho to the floor. Barrett runs Jericho’s back into the apron and he follows it with a punch and then he rolls Jericho into the ring. Barrett with a front face lock followed by a hard Irish whip. Jericho with a chop and forearm followed by a punch. Barrett with a kick and elbow to Jericho and then he chokes Jericho in the ropes. Barrett with a surfboard to Jericho. Barrett charges into the corner and he runs into a boot from Jericho. Jericho with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Jericho with punches followed by a shoulder tackle or two. Jericho with a bulldog and he gets ready for the Walls of Jericho but Barrett counters. Jericho is up on Barrett’s shoulders but Jericho counters with the Walls of Jericho but Barrett gets to the ropes.

Jericho runs into a big boot from Barrett for a near fall. Barrett tries for the slingshot belly-to-back suplex but Jericho lands on his feet and he hits an enzuigiri. Barrett blocks a Codebreaker and he gets Jericho on his shoulders for the fireman’s carry slam and gets the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that SummerSlam was the Number One search term on Google yesterday?

It is time for the guest hosts and they are the stars of Going the Distance. They are in the ring and they welcome everyone to Raw. They get a cheap pop by mentioning the Lakers and how they are the World Champs, but then they mention that they think the Heat will win next year. Justin Long introduces the Hart Dynasty and brings them to the ring.

We have mail to kill the crowd. Cole says that the Unified Tag Titles will now be known as the WWE Tag Team Championships. To present the new titles, Bret Hart will present the new belts. Bret comes to the ring with the belts over his shoulders.

Wade Barrett says that they have chosen Bret’s opponent and it is Justin Gabriel. Justin says that Bret might have experienced many things in his career, but tonight, he will feel the 450 splash.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Vince McMahon’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Michael talks about Great Khali’s injury and his replacement at SummerSlam in the main event. Cole talks about how Miz would be part of Team WWE and Jerry Lawler talks about how Daniel Bryan took his place.

Michael Tarver vs Daniel Bryan

They lock up and Tarver backs Bryan into the corner and Tarver with a punch to the midsection but Bryan with forearms. Tarver with punches to the ribs. Bryan with kicks but Tarver with more punches. Tarver runs into boots and then he hits a Yakuza kick for a near fall. Bryan works on the arm and shoulder. Bryan with a take down for a near fall. Bryan with kicks to the chest as Tarver is backed into the corner. The referee warns Bryan. Bryan with a drop kick and then he goes up top for a missile drop kick and he kips up.

The Miz and Alex Riley come to the ring to distract Bryan and Tarver gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Michael Tarver

After the match
Bryan with a suicide dive onto Miz and then he hits Riley. Tarver, Miz, and Riley attack Bryan and they hold Bryan for Miz to hit a running shoulder tackle. Miz punches Bryan. Riley puts the case down and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on the case. Miz welcomes Bryan back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the end of the match and Miz and Alex Riley’s presence at ringside. We see what happened to Bryan after the match.

Josh asks Miz to explain his actions with Daniel Bryan. Miz says that from the moment that Daniel Bryan arrived as his rookie, the WWE Universe heckled him and said that he was better than Miz. Last night, every superstar begged him to be on Team WWE. Then he was put on the back burner for Daniel Bryan. Miz says that if everyone thinks that Daniel Bryan is special, how special is he now. Miz says that if you want to see someone special, look no further than Alex Riley.

Alex calls Daniel Bryan boring. He says that Daniel never appreciated Miz. Alex says that he is not some nerd who is lucky to have a job in the WWE. Alex says that he will be the next break out star thanks to Miz.

Nexus are in their locker room and Darren Young says that he wants John Cena. He reminds us about the brutal attack last month and tonight he takes him out. Otunga mentions that Darren was beaten within an inch of his life.

Before the match starts, we have mail and Michael Cole shows us how he is Hooked on Phonics. Bret is not going to be competing against him tonight. The GM doesn’t like Bret Hart, he never liked Bret Hart and he will never compete on Raw again. The General Manager says that his new opponent is coming to the ring.

Justin Gabriel vs Randy Orton (Substituting for Bret Hart)

They are face to face and Gabriel pushes Orton. Orton has that vacant stare before they lock up. Orton misses a punch and Gabriel with a punch. Gabriel with a side head lock and then he kicks Orton in the leg a few times. Orton misses a clothesline and Gabriel tries for a kick but Orton blocks the kick. Orton with a short arm clothesline followed by a normal clothesline. Orton with a power slam. Orton with a kick and then he hits the IEDDT. Orton with RKO Pushups but Sheamus comes to the ring and Orton and Sheamus fight on the floor.

They go into the crowd and Orton is counted out.

Winner: Justin Gabriel by countout

Orton and Sheamus fight back into the ringside area and the referees stop Orton as Sheamus gets away.

Orton returns to the ring and hits an RKO on Gabriel. Orton gets a chair and he hits Sheamus repeatedly in the back with the chair.

Orton slithers away while the referees escort him to the back. Orton outsmarts the referees and returns to Sheamus and hits the RKO on Sheamus.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of what happened between Randy Orton and Sheamus.

David Otunga and Skip Sheffield vs R Truth and John Morrison

Otunga and Morrison start things off and they lock up with Morrison working on the arm followed by a side Russian leg sweep. Truth tags in while we watch Nexus in the back. Truth with a leg drop for a near fall. Sheffield breaks up the cover and then returns to the apron. Skip tags in and Truth dances for Skip. Truth with punches but Skip with an Irish whip and he catches Truth and hits a power slam. Skip with a kick to the back followed by a European uppercut. Skip with a forearm to the back and then he sends him into the turnbuckles. Otunga tags in and he connects with shoulders in the corner. Truth with a Flatline to Otunga and both men are down. Morrison tags in and he connects with a forearm and then he punches Sheffield. Morrison with a drop kick and forearm. Sheffield with a blind tag and he connects with a clothesline and then he knocks Truth off the apron. Sheffield with the lariat and he gets the three count.

Winners: David Otunga and Skip Sheffield

We see Eve Torres, Melina, and Gail Kim walking in the back because they are in the next match. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Melina winning the Divas Title last night at SummerSlam and photos of Melina being attacked by Michelle McCool and Layla.

We see Jon Lovitz behind Cole and Lawler and he is apparently here to watch Maryse.

Gail Kim, Eve Torres, and Melina vs Alicia Fox, Maryse, and Jillian Hall

Maryse and Gail start things off. Maryse pushes Gail but Gail with a drop toe hold and she slams Maryse’s head into the apron. Maryse with an Irish whip but Gail with a cross body for a near fall. Gail with a forearm and then she puts Maryse in the tree of woe. Melina tags in and Melina with a splash onto Maryse. Maryse runs Melina into the corner. Melina is able to fight out of the corner but Maryse with a kick for a near fall. Alicia tags in and hits a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Alicia with a snap mare and knee to the back. Alicia with a reverse chin lock but Melina with a jawbreaker. Eve and Jillian tag in and Eve with a drop kick or two. Eve with a slam followed by a flip senton for a near fall. Alicia and Melina fight to the floor. Gail with a clothesline to Maryse and they go to the floor. Jillian with an Irish whip but Eve with a kick and then a springboard kick. Jillian stops a moonsault attempt and gets the three count with a rollup.

Winners: Jillian Hall, Alicia Fox, and Maryse

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Edge. Josh congratulates him on the victory and wants to know how important it was to be part of Team WWE. Edge says that it is not a surprise that they won because of him.

Heath Slater stops by and Josh leaves. Heath says that he wants to talk to Edge because he patterned himself after Edge. Heath suggests that Edge not show up and take the night off. A forfeit is no big deal. Edge says that normally he would do that, but Edge does not want to have a forfeit loss to a Wendy’s looking, ginger, Edge wannabe.

Slater hits Edge in the back and we go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that more men watched Raw than every show on a lot of networks.

Heath Slater vs Edge

Edge punches Slater and kicks him as he is warned by the referee. Edge with a punch and Irish whip that sends Slater to his knees. Edge with a kick in the corner. Edge with an Irish whip and clothesline as he stands over Slater. Edge goes up top but Slater drops Edge on the top turnbuckle. Slater with a baseball slide that sends Edge to the floor. Slater runs Edge into the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Slater gets a near fall. Slater with a seated abdominal stretch. Edge with punches after he gets out of the hold. Slater with a kick to Edge followed by a punch. Slater with a back elbow for a near fall. Edge with punches and a kick. Slater with an Irish whip but Edge moves when Slater tries for a splash in the corner. Edge with clotheslines and an Edge-o-matic for a near fall. Edge with a kick but Slater tosses Edge into the air for a modified flapjack and gets a near fall. Slater with a punch to Edge but Edge with an Irish whip and a running shoulder tackle into the corner. Slater goes to the floor and Edge misses a baseball slide but Slater misses a clothesline. Edge with a boot to Slater and he sets for a spear on the floor but Slater moves and Edge is on the floor when the referee makes the ten count.

Winner: Heath Slater

After the match
Edge gives Slater a spear.

We go to commercial.

Justin Long is with Khali in the back and he talks about the Kiss Cam. Runjin is back to translate about how he is in a long distance relationship. Justin says that he is not the one to help. His co-stars enter and they laugh at the photo of Khali’s girlfriend and then Runjin translates. Khali scares the other two guys away and Khali realizes that his girlfriend is butt ugly. The Bellas stop by and compliment him as they leave together.

It is time for a SummerSlam Recall: We go to the events around Los Angeles from this week.

John Cena is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Darren Young being destroyed by John Cena last month.

John Cena vs Darren Young

Before the match starts, Nexus come to the stage to watch.

Young with a rollup for a near fall. Young with a back slide for another near fall. Cena works on the arm and then he hits a side head lock take down into a side head lock. Young gets a near fall. Young with a side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle and side head lock take down. Young with a belly-to-back suplex followed by a leg drop for a near fall. Young with a forearm to the back followed by a clothesline and Young with a near fall. Young with a suplex and he gets yet another near fall.

Young with a knee to the head followed by a near fall. Young with a forearm to the back but Cena with punches. Young with a kick and swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Young with a rear chin lock as we continue to see from behind Nexus on the stage. Cena gets to his feet and escapes the hold. He kicks and punches Young. Cena with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow from Young. Young with an elbow drop for a near fall. Young with a series of leg drops for a near fall. Young waits for Cena to get to his feet and he hits a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall. Young takes off the elbow pads and he sends Cena to the floor. Young goes to the floor after Cena and he sends Cena into the ring steps. Young returns to the ring and he wants the referee to make the count. Cena is down as they make it to seven. Cena pops up at nine and returns to the ring.

Young misses a leg drop and Cena with punches to Young followed by two flying shoulder tackles. Cena with the Blue Thunder Bomb followed by the five knuckle shuffle. Cena gets Young up for the Attitude Adjustment but Young tries for a sunset flip. Cena counters with the STF. Young taps out.

Winner: John Cena

After the match
Nexus comes to the ring and they circle the ring. Cena leaves the ring while Nexus focus on the man who lost the match. The six winners circle Young and Darren apologizes. Otunga hits Young from behind and then it is a six on one attack. Sheffield with the lariat to Young. Barrett with a fireman’s carry slam to Young. Gabriel goes up top for the 450 splash.

We go to credits.

08-17-2010, 02:10 AM
The stars of Going the Distance – Justin Long, Charlie Day & Jason Sudeikis – are ready to, well, go the distance for the WWE Universe when they serve as special guest hosts of Monday Night Raw on Aug. 16.

Dragón De Muerte
08-17-2010, 05:05 AM
thanks for coverage kellie, new tag titles look weird are they gold or bronze?

08-17-2010, 03:17 PM
NXT still going strong? :no:

Can't believe why they push all these guys, some of them can't even wrestle.

Thanx for the coverage Kellie!