View Full Version : WWE RAW Tapings for August 23rd, 2010

08-17-2010, 10:12 AM
* Sheamus opens RAW and calls Americans spoiled. Sheamus thinks Randy Orton should never get a title shot. GM e-mail says to bring a throne out to Sheamus and they bring one out. Sheamus gets to pick his opponent also tonight for the WWE Title Match at Night of Champions.

* The first match he picks is Edge vs. R-Truth. Edge wins with the spear. Edge has a few words for Sheamus.

* The Great Khali vs. Chris Jericho is next. Jericho wins with the Walls of Jericho. Jericho tells Sheamus to pick him but Khali gets up and knocks Jericho off the ropes.

* Jillian Hall comes out singing but Melina interrupts. Melina defeats Jillian with her finisher and the Divas Title on the line. LayCool appears on the big screen and have an offer for Melina and a match at Night of Champions.

* The Miz is backstage and says he didn't cash in on Sheamus at SummerSlam because he was thinking of Team WWE. Miz wants John Cena to pay for dissing him at SummerSlam.

* Nexus comes out. The GM says he was impressed by Nexus last week and lifts the ban on them not getting title matches. Wade Barrett declares that the truce between them and Sheamus is over.

* John Cena vs. The Miz is up next. Daniel Bryan runs in and hits The Miz for the DQ. Bryan throws Miz back to Cena for the Attitude Adjustment. Bryan locks the Crossface on Miz.

* Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella defeat The Usos. Tamina blows a kiss to Santino after the match.

* Randy Orton defeats John Morrison and Ted DiBiase in a three way. Orton hit an RKO on Morrison after jumping from the top rope for the win. Orton then laid DiBiase out with an RKO just because.

* Sheamus is ready to pick his opponent for a title defense tonight. He picks Zack Ryder. Sheamus hits Ryder with one move, the kck to the face and wins. Sheamus says he's taking a month off now. Wade Barrett comes out and wants to take advantage of his title shot from winning NXT. The GM has an announcement and it's that the WWE Title will be defended in a six pack challenge with Sheamus vs. Barrett vs. Orton vs. Cena vs. Edge vs. Jericho. All the stars beat up Barrett then fight with each other. Orton lays out Cena with the RKO last.


08-17-2010, 04:18 PM
Awe I was gonna post this LOL .

08-17-2010, 04:32 PM
Thanx for posting Kellie!