View Full Version : WWE Smackdown Spoiler Thread for August 20th

08-18-2010, 09:47 AM
Source - PWTorch

Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield was packed for the taping. After the NXT taping, the ropes were changed for Superstars.

Superstars results for August 19 episode

(1) MVP vs. Vance Archer went to a No Contest when Curt Hawkins interfered and JTG ran in to help MVP. Teddy Long came out and made this a tag match.

(1b) Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins beat MVP & JTG.

(2) Jack Swagger beat Chris Masters via submission with the anklelock.

Smackdown results for August 20 episode

On the video screen, they hyped Kane's explanation for taking out The Undertaker later in the show.

Rey Mysterio led off the show with a promo, thanking the fans and saying he's relieved that his name was cleared. Rey was interrupted by Alberto Del Rio, who came to the ring and started insulting Rey, calling him a peasant among other things. Rey slapped Del Rio, then hit the 619. Del Rio just smiled as Rey went to the back.

The main event was announced: Mysterio vs. Del Rio in his debut on Smackdown. A vignette for Cody Rhodes aired.

(1) Kofi Kingston beat IC champion Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Vickie Guerrero interrupted. After the match, Vickie taunted Kofi to hit her, then Dolph attacked him from behind. Dolph beat down Kofi after the match, giving him a sleeper and stomping his head.

Lay-Cool had a promo dissing new Raw brand Women's champion Melina. Hornswoggle spied in the background.

Straight Edge Society had a promo with Luke Gallows, Serena, and Joey Mercury complaining about C.M. Punk. Punk came in and said that if Serena and Gallows didn't beat Big Show and Kelly Kelly, they would be eliminated from SES.

(2) Serena & Luke Gallows beat Kelly Kelly & Big Show when Serena pinned Kelly after a gutbuster. C.M. Punk hugged Serena after the match, pleased.

Kane had an extended promo with his explanation of attacking Undertaker, citing this as a 15-year plan to take out his brother. Very long promo, but well delivered.

(3) Christian beat Drew McIntryre with a roll-up. Cody Rhodes was out for commentary. After the match, Cody attacked Christian. Matt Hardy came out for the save, but he was destroyed by Drew and Cody. The crowd was dead for this.

Jack Swagger and MVP had a promo, jawing back and forth. Swagger challenged MVP to a match with a stipulation that if he wins, he gets to host the VIP Lounge.

Teddy Long told Kane backstage that he has it on good authority Undertaker will make his Smackdown return next week. Kane said it would be hell on earth for his brother.

(4) Alberto Del Rio beat Rey Mysterio via submission with an arm bar. Del Rio got his own Spanish ring announcer and elaborate ring entrance. Nothing too eventful about this match.


Dark match main event: World Hvt. champion Kane beat Jack Swagger and Rey Mysterio in a cage match after pinning Swagger. Short match. Undertaker came in to attack Kane and they had a limited exchange. Kane bailed, Swagger attacked Undertaker, and Undertaker Tombstoned him. Undertaker then did his regular poses to end the show.

Overall, a good show and great crowd reactions for Taker and Rey. Good heat for Kane, who was impressive with his mic work.


Source - WNZ

- Thanks to SoldierIA for sending in the following WWE SmackDown spoilers for this coming Friday night’s show. If anyone has a more detailed report from last night’s tapings in Bakersfield, please send them in.

* Rey Mysterio opens SmackDown and talks about the SummerSlam match. Alberto Del Rio comes out and puts down Rey, like he had talked in his promos. Rey challenges Del Rio to a match and 619’s him.

* Kofi Kingston beat Dolph Ziggler by DQ in a match for the Intercontinental Title.

* There was a segment with LayCool and Hornswoggle. There were other segments too but it’s late.

* Serena and Luke Gallows beat Big Show and Kelly Kelly. If Serena and Luke lost they would have been kicked out of the SES. Serena pinned Kelly after the GTS.

* Christian beat Drew McIntyre. After the match Cody Rhodes came down and Drew helped him beat Christian up.

* Kane cut a promo on The Undertaker. Kane said he had planned the attack on his brother for years.

* Alberto Del Rio beat Rey Mysterio in the main event by submission. Alberto won a good match by making Rey tap out with an arm hold.