View Full Version : Bret Hart Facebook-SSlam and China Debut Covered by Wall Street Journal

08-23-2010, 07:02 PM
The Wall Street Journal featured a piece on WWE's first event in Shanghai, China at this link. The article featured comments from Sheamus as well as fans in attendance at the show. It was noted that the goal of the show was just to introduce the WWE property to China as a live event. You have to love the way WWE has marketed this debut for themselves as a major "Western property" being brought to the "Eastern world."

Bret Hart posted a new blog on his Facebook page, discussing his return to Summerslam and "holding his own" at this link. Hart maintains kayfabe but you get the point of his story if you read between the lines. He noted his "next dream" is to return to Madison Square Garden, which he will do on 9/25, teaming with the Hart Dynasty. Thanks to Craig Brown.