View Full Version : Elijah Wood Laughs At Gay Rumors

08-08-2006, 10:55 PM
Elijah Wood is finally addressing those gay rumors. And unlike certain megabucks stars — Tom Cruise, for instance — he’s not threatening to sue. In fact, the “Lord of the Rings” star seems amused. Wood says he likes to surf the Web and look at doctored photos that put him in compromising positions with men.

“There’s one that’s called elijahwoodisveryverygay, which is actually a personal favorite of mine, it’s absolutely hilarious,” Wood said, reports World Entertainment News Network. “It’s this kind of joke Web site that maintains that they have proof that I am very, very gay in various photographs — photographic evidence (of me) holding hands with a male.”

Wood says some of the “photos” are pretty realistic. “I was actually at a film festival once... and this fan came up with a gift... I open the gift in front of all these people that I’m talking to and it happens to be a photo from one of these Web sites of me and [LOTR co-star] Dominic Monaghan making sweet love,” Wood explains.” If you didn’t know any better, it kinda looks real. These people have a lot of time on their hands and my hat’s off (to them) because it’s very good work.”

Credit: Msnbc.com

08-09-2006, 09:06 AM
Ok that just makes me think he is gay!

The fact he enjoys looking at pictures of him with other males... Hmmm

I ofcourse had to look up the site... And according to the site Elijah wood acting dorky means he's gay.

08-09-2006, 12:27 PM
He has an awesome sense of humour if he can laugh it all off like water off a ducks back!!!