View Full Version : This Day In History - August 25th

08-25-2010, 05:04 PM
August 25th

On this day in history in ....

1984 - The Road Warriors defeat The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke for the AWA World Tag Team Title in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hawk & Animal would hold the belts for over a year, dominating the tag team scene.

1991 - Sting defeats Steve Austin in a tournament final for the WCW U.S. Heavyweight Title in Atlanta, Georgia. The title had been vacated when Lex Luger won the WCW World Title. The brackets for the one night tournament were bizarre, as there would have been six wrestlers in the semifinals and three wrestlers in the finals (and this is before the heyday of three way matches) if the tournament wasn't booked with a draw and a double DQ in the first round. Here are the results of the tournament:
First Round:
- Sting defeated Arn Anderson.
- Diamond Stud (Scott Hall) defeated Bobby Eaton.
- Barry Windham received a bye.
- Steve Austin defeated Tom Zenk.
- Johnny B. Badd vs. Yellow Dog (Brian Pillman) ended in a draw.
- Ricky Morton vs. Dustin Rhodes ended in a double disqualification.
- Sting defeated Diamond Stud.
- Steve Austin defeated Barry Windham.
- Sting defeated Steve Austin.

1995 - 2 Cold Scorpio defeated Eddie Guerrero for the ECW Television Title in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, ending Guerrero's second title reign, and beginning Scorpio's record setting third reign with the belt. He would go on to win it a fourth time as well.

2000 - ECW makes a successful two night stand the weekend of August 25th at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, their first NYC shows in almost a year (and first ever in Manhattan). The show receives mainstream press coverage, including Christian York & Joey Matthews appearing on the cover of the New York Daily News, double powerbombing Julio Dinero. The highlight of the weekend was a tag team tournament on August 25th to determine new ECW World Tag Team Champions (former champions The Impact Players split up). Here are the results of the tournament:
First Round:
- EZ Money & Julio Dinero defeated Christian York & Joey Matthews.
- Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke.
- Jerry Lynn & Tommy Dreamer defeated Rob Van Dam & Kid Kash.
- Justin Credible & Rhino defeated The Sandman & Chilly Willy.
- Johnny Swinger & Simon Diamond defeated Chris Chetti & Nova.
- Danny Doring & Roadkill defeated Tony DeVito & Angel.
- Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated EZ Money & Julio Dinero.
- Jerry Lynn & Tommy Dreamer defeated Justin Credible & Rhino.
- Johnny Swinger & Simon Diamond defeated Danny Doring & Roadkill.
- Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Jerry Lynn & Tommy Dreamer and Johnny Swinger & Simon Diamond in a three way dance to win the ECW World Tag Team Championship.

2002 - WWF held their Summerslam Pay-per-view at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the show.

SummerSlam was excellent! That's the bottom line, and WWE did it all with wrestling. There wasn't a bad match on the show, and several of the bouts were great. There was very little in the way of backstage skits and antics. It was a true, wrestling-based show that delivered by providing top notch in-ring action. Some people may argue that there should have been different winners in some of the matches. But the fact is, there were many matches on this show where an argument could be made for either side going over. That's actually a positive, because it meant the matches were evenly booked and could have gone either way. Other than a screw-job, one side or the other had to go over, and all of the guys who did jobs put in strong showings in competitive situations so the losses shouldn't be negatives.

Commentary was great on this show. They changed the format a little again, with Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler doing the announcing for matches featuring RAW wrestlers, while Tazz & Michael Cole handled the mic work on Smackdown bouts. It's not a bad system!

There had been some fear of the crowd, since Long Island apparently has something of a reputation for having calm crowds which don't produce much heat, but that really wasn't the case here. Crowd heat was okay for the mid-card and was excellent for the opener and the top matches.

KURT ANGLE defeated REY MYSTERIO JR. in 9:20. This match had the potential for a style clash, but both guys are so great they had an awesome match. Tazz & Cole put over that Angle had threatened to break Mysterio's leg, but in the end he didn't go that far. Mysterio came in from behind and surprised Angle with a springboard huracanrana and a spinning headscissors. Angle went for an early ankle lock but Mysterio made the ropes. Mysterio went for his Lucha move where he swings through the ropes into a kick but Angle ducked and sent Mysterio out to the floor. Angle overpowered Mysterio, hitting some suplexes and doing some great counters. An "Angle sucks" chant started. Mysterio reversed a submission attempt into a near fall. Angle hit another big suplex. Mysterio escaped an Olympic slam attempt and caused Angle to bump out to the floor. Mysterio hit a springboard guillotine legdrop. The live crowd was really into this. Mysterio escaped from another ankle lock, hit his Lucha rope kick, and scored a near fall with a huracanrana. The end came when Mysterio tried for a huracanrana off the top, but Angle blocked it, and upon impact on the mat, Angle immediately hooked the ankle lock clean in the middle. Mysterio was forced to tap. A really super match which shouldn't hurt Mysterio's momentum since he was so impressive even in losing.

Backstage, Stephanie bragged about the match, saying it proves how great Smackdown wrestlers are. There was an office suite marked "General Manager", and she entered it. She was disturbed to find Eric Bischoff already there. They argued over it, but finally they agreed to share the office. Steph said she wanted to see the look on Bischoff's face when the Smackdown wrestlers put in a better showing than the RAW guys.

RIC FLAIR defeated CHRIS JERICHO in 10:23. Jericho bullied Flair early. Flair slapped him. Flair took his patented backdrop. JR went off on Fozzy, saying Jericho should stick to his day job. Geez, why don't they just put up big signs all over the place saying "Fozzy sucks"? Jericho chopped Flair and sent him into the corner for the upside down bump, but Flair didn't go over as he used to be able to do. So Jericho threw him out and dropped him on the rail. In the ring, Jericho choked Flair with tape. Flair threw a ton of chops, as expected. Jericho missed a charge and hit the post, with Flair following up with a backdrop and a suplex. Flair blocked an attempt by Jericho to hook the Walls hold. He also rolled clear on a lionsault attempt. Flair tried for the Walls, but Jericho countered and hooked Flair's own figure four. They did a controversy spot where Flair made the ropes, and then tapped when Jericho didn't immediately release the hold. Jericho, seeing the tap, thought he won but the ref said the tap came after Flair made the ropes. Flair caught Jericho with a low blow and forced Jericho to tap to the figure four. A solid match, and okay, maybe Jericho did need the win here.

Backstage, Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman watched a promo for a new Hulk Hogan history video. Heyman said it was like when a music star dies and the record company releases a "best of" CD. He said Lesnar ended Hulk's career and he gave him the usual pre-match pep talk. Lesnar laughed in a sinister-sounding manner.

EDGE defeated EDDIE GUERRERO in 11:46. Edge went on offense early until Guerrero dropped him across the ropes. Edge went for a spear but Guerrero moved and Edge sailed through the ropes to the floor. Guerrero sent Edge into the stairs and Edge sold a shoulder injury (same shoulder he legit hurt in the cage match against Angle a few weeks ago). Guerrero went after the bad shoulder, including a series of hammerlocks. Guerrero stomped on the shoulder. Tazz & Cole were really great putting this over. Edge battled back with one arm and suplexed Guerrero out to the floor. Edge dived out onto Guerrero. In the ring, Edge gave Guerrero a bodyslam off the top. Edge went for another spear but, in a great move, Guerrero dropkicked him. Guerrero went for the frog splash but Edge got his knees up. Edge got a near fall with the Edgecutioner. Guerrero scored two with the Northern Lights Suplex. Guerrero did a special frog splash on Edge's bad shoulder. The finish was great, with Edge hurling Guerrero off the top. Guerrero rolled through and landed standing, but Edge immediately speared him for the pin. Good match!

Jonathan Coachman interviewed the Unamericans. Christian said Booker T & Goldust are frauds and called the Long Island crowd lazy, unappreciative, unresponsive, and spoiled. He said they were typical Americans, greedy and always wanting more.

LANCE STORM & CHRISTIAN defeated BOOKER T & GOLDUST to retain the WWE World Tag Titles in 9:36. Goldust started out on offense. Booker came in to a good pop, dominating Storm. Christian and Goldust brawled on the floor. The heels tied Goldust up in their corner and kept making fast tags. Goldust managed to tag Booker but the ref didn't see it and wouldn't allow Booker in. This built up a bigger hot tag when Goldust finally escaped the heel corner after they missed on a "concerto". Booker came in to a big "USA" chant and chopped the hell out Christian, scoring a near fall with a missile kick. Christian avoided one scissor kick, but Booker scored with a second one. Booker did the spinaroonie to a pop and went for the cover but the ref had been bumped. Storm came in with one of the belts but Goldust fought him off. Test then did a run-in and gave Booker the big boot to the face and Christian pinned

him as the ref revived. Another strong match.

At WWE WORLD, Nidia picked a guy to make out with and then practically molested him as Jamie Noble cheered her on.

ROB VAN DAM defeated CHRIS BENOIT to regain the IC Title in 16:29. A fan had a Benoit sign that said "Toothless Aggression". This was a RAW vs. Smackdown match, but JR & Lawler did commentary. RVD kicked the hell out of Benoit early, and Benoit soon had a busted lip. Benoit neutralized RVD with a headlock. RVD did a springboard crossbody. Benoit did one of his scary suplexes. Benoit went on a period of offense and scored some twos. RVD went for the split-leg moonsault but Benoit got his knees up. Benoit went for the diving headbutt, which is a move he's avoided since coming back due to his neck. RVD rolled clear. Benoit then avoided a frog splash and hooked the crossface. RVD made the ropes after a struggle. Benoit hit a shoulderbreaker and won a test of strength. He went for another crossface but RVD elbowed his way free. RVD got sent shoulder-first into the post, with Benoit then going after the shoulder and hooking yet another crossface. RVD escaped and hooked a crossface of his own, but Benoit broke the hold. RVD hit some kicks and the Rolling Thunder for a near fall. Benoit went for a suplex but RVD reversed it and fell on Benoit. RVD then hit the frog splash and got the pin. Real good match!

Backstage, Bischoff boasted to Stephanie that the IC Title would now be returning to RAW. Instead of being upset, Stephanie laughed, as if she has something up her sleeve. I don't know for sure, but I'll guess it's Kane jumping to Smackdown.

UNDERTAKER defeated TEST in 8:17. They traded kneelifts. UT hit a flying clothesline. UT did the rope walk but got crotched. Test went on offense. UT came back and did a successful rope walk. UT escaped a pump-handle slam attempt. Test avoided a chokeslam, but UT hit it on the second try. However, Test kicked out of the pin, which was put over big. Storm & Christian ran in but UT chokeslammed the hell out of both. Test gave UT the big boot to the face but UT kicked out at two. Test got a chair, which UT kicked into his face. UT then won with the tombstone piledriver, which is only used on rare occasions since it's been deemed a risky move. Both guys worked like crazy and it was a solid match as a result. UT got an American flag from a fan and displayed it in the ring afterward.

SHAWN MICHAELS defeated TRIPLE H in 27:10 in a Non-Sanctioned match. They aired an awesome video package on the history between these two, and their recent falling out. Michaels came out wearing cowboy boots, jeans, and a T-shirt with "Philippians 4:13" on it. For the record, that verse says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me". This match proved to me why Michaels belongs in the Hall of Fame despite any past questionable conduct on his part. Michaels attacked and sent HHH out to the floor. Michaels hit a plancha. Michaels lariated HHH on the floor, dropped him on the security rail, and hit him with a garbage can and lid (legal since this was non-sanctioned). HHH gave Michaels two backbreakers, which Michaels sold big since his back was the reason he retired a few years ago. JR & Lawler put this over very well. HHH went after the back, putting the boots to it and using a chairshot across the back as well. Michaels blocked a suplex but HHH came back with a vicious DDT on a chair. Michaels juiced pretty good. HHH continued to pound Michaels and used a belt to whip him. The crowd was big time into this and an "HBK" chant started. HHH retrieved a sledgehammer but Michaels rallied and slugged HHH till he dropped the weapon. HHH hooked an abdominal stretch and used the ropes for leverage. Referee Earl Hebner got in HHH's face and they argued, even though that part didn't make a whole lot of sense given that this was a non-sanctioned bout. Michaels went up to the top but got crotched and ended up hanging upside down, with HHH using a chair on him. The crowd was red hot by this point. HHH kept going for pins and was frustrated that Michaels kept kicking out. He slammed Michaels on the chair and then went for a pedigree on the chair, but Michaels used a low blow to block it. HHH came at Michaels with the chair but Michaels used the sweet chin music to kick the chair into his face. Both guys went down. HHH juiced a gusher. Michaels did a kip up, which got a huge pop. They kept chanting "HBK". Michaels hit HHH with another chairshot. HHH bumped out to the floor where Michaels whipped him with a leather belt and sent HHH careening over the Spanish broadcast desk. Michaels stomped HHH with the heel of his boot, prompting Lawler to quip that he was putting the heel to the heel. Michaels brought out a ladder, which was actually pretty scary given the situation. It popped the crowd huge. He hit HHH with the ladder and scored a near fall. Michaels hit a superplex, which was a high risk move given his back problems. HHH brought in the stairs but Michaels sent him into them with a drop toe hold spot. Michaels got another huge pop by bringing out a table. He laid HHH out on it on the floor and splashed HHH through it from off the top. The commentary during this match was awesome, and JR by now was literally screaming into the mic, adding enormous heat. Michaels rolled the bloody HHH back in and set up the ladder. He didn't come off the top, but he did hit an elbow off one of the higher rungs. HHH staggered up after a pin attempt. Michaels went for the sweet chin music. HHH blocked it. Michaels then blocked a pedigree and hit a bridge and roll-up for the upset pin. Huge crowd pop for the Michaels win. Great match, and one of those bouts which everyone really needs to see if they doubt how great Michaels really is as a performer. HHH was great here, too. Afterward, a furious HHH attacked Michaels from behind and hit him twice in the back with the sledgehammer. JR totally freaked out and went off on HHH, calling him a son of a bitch and saying he'll rot in hell for such a brutal attack. HHH walked out with an evil smirk on his face as Michaels did the stretcher job.

Howard Finkel got on the mic and said this was his first PPV announcing job in Nassau Coliseum since Wrestlemania II, which was in 1986. He said Major League Baseball may go on strike, but the Fink will always be there. Trish Stratus came out and acted like she was sexually interested in Howard. This was the bizarre, totally unbelievable fantasy part of the show. Howard fell for it and was about to go all the way with Trish right there in the ring, but it was all a set-up for Lilian Garcia to return and kick Howard in the balls, which was more of a bush league ball strike.

BROCK LESNAR defeated ROCK in 16:00 to capture the Undisputed WWE World Title. Cole & Tazz did commentary here, and they were very good in their first ever PPV main event. The crowd heat here was surprising. Not so much because they were into the match (which they were), but because at least half the crowd turned on Rock. There were plenty of "Rocky" chants, but also lots of "Rocky sucks" chants and babyface pops for Lesnar. I guess everyone knew Rock would be losing, plus Lesnar is now getting over in that Vader-type role as a huge guy who's technically a heel but is so impressive you want to cheer him anyway. That will set up a great turn at some point when Lesnar inevitably dumps Heyman, and Heyman then leads a series of heels against him. Rock charged in to start the match but Brock belly-to-bellied him. Lesnar, who has improved greatly and is now much smoother on transitions, shoulder-blocked Rock into the corner. Rock bumped out and Heyman took a cheap shot at him, the first of several during this match. Lesnar dropped Rock on the ring barrier, "hurting" his ribs, a follow-up to the similar rib "injury" Rock suffered on RAW last week. In the ring, Lesnar missed a charge and hit the post. Rock went for the sharpshooter but dropped it to slug Heyman, who was on the apron. Rock then hooked the sharpshooter again. Heyman threw a chair into the ring. Rock again went after Heyman. As the ref was getting Heyman out of the ring, Lesnar used the chair on Rock. Lesnar hooked his bearhug, the same one he used to put Hogan out with on Smackdown. They sold this big with Rock almost going out, but on the third arm lift, he rallied. There were actually some boos for Rock's comeback. Rock hit Lesnar with a low blow, which drew more boos. Rock hurled Lesnar out to the floor, where he lariated and posted him. Heyman kept getting in the way, so Rock chokeslammed him through the Spanish table. That was the end of Heyman, which allowed Lesnar to go over clean at the end. Back inside, Rock scored two with a Rock Bottom. Lesnar then hit a Rock Bottom, scoring a near fall of his own. Rock hit the spinebuster but when he went for the People's Elbow, Lesnar lariated him. Lesnar went for an F5. Rock escaped but Lesnar immediately hit him with a second F5 and scored the pin. Lesnar hugged the title belt as the commentators put him over as youngest WWE champ in history. Very good match, really well-booked to start Brock's title reign.

08-25-2010, 09:59 PM
thanks for the post john