View Full Version : WWE Friday Night Smackdown Report for August 27th 2010

08-28-2010, 04:36 AM
We are live on tape from Fresno, California and your announcers are Todd ‘Slightly Better than Some’ Grisham and Matt ‘Not So Bad’ Striker.

Matt and Todd talk about the two SummerSlam rematches tonight as well as the return of the Undertaker to Smackdown.

As Rey walks to the ring, he still shows the effect of his match against Alberto Del Rio last week.

Match Number One: Rey Mysterio versus World Champion Kane in a No Disqualification Match

Rey with forearms and kicks to Kane and Kane misses with a kick. Rey with more kicks but Kane with an uppercut. Kane with an Irish whip that sends Rey under the bottom rope to the floor. Kane kicks Rey in the injured arm and then he hot shots Rey onto the ringside barrier. Kane throws Rey back into the ring and Kane goes under the ring and he gets a kendo stick. Rey with a kick to the leg as Kane enters the ring and Rey hits Kane with the kendo stick. Rey comes off the ropes but Kane with a big boot. Kane gets a near fall on Rey. Kane punches Rey in the corner and then he chokes Rey in the ropes again. Kane with a hard Irish whip followed by a kick to the head and Kane gets another near fall.

Kane with a cravate on Rey but Rey with punches and kicks to get out of the hold. Rey goes to the apron for a slingshot move but Kane with a boot to Rey and that sends Rey to the floor again. Kane follows Rey to the floor again. Kane goes into the ring steps after a drop toe hold. Rey goes onto the announce table to hit a seated senton on Kane.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane connects with an uppercut as Rey comes off the ropes and Kane gets a near fall. Kane with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Kane works on the neck and then he returns to the reverse chin lock. Kane with kicks to Kane but Kane with an emphatic side slam and he gets yet another side slam. Kane goes to the floor and grabs a chair. Kane brings the chair into the ring but Rey with a few kicks to Kane. Rey with a springboard seated senton followed by a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Kane falls into the ropes but he recovers and Kane grabs Rey by the throat. Rey tries to counter the choke slam with a rana but Kane holds on to Rey and stays on his feet. Rey lands on his feet and then Rey clips Kane. Rey gets the chair and he hits Kane in the back of the knee with it a few times. Rey hits Kane in the back with the chair and Kane falls into the ropes. Rey hits the 619 and it staggers Kane. Rey tries for a springboard move and Kane catches Rey and hits a choke slam on the chair for the three count.

Winner: Kane

After the match, Kane stands over Rey and he summons the fire from the ring posts. Kane leaves the ring while the referee checks on Rey. Rey is favoring his arm and Alberto Del Rio makes his way into the arena.

Alberto introduces himself but he says that we already know who he is. He walks to the ring and he asks Rey if he is okay. Alberto wants to know what happened to him and he asks his amigito if he is okay. Alberto wants to know from the doctor if Rey is going to be okay. Alberto says that Rey looks like a dying dog. He says that someone needs to put him down and Alberto sends Rey shoulder first into the ringside barrier. Alberto takes off his jacket and scarf and he yells at Rey before locking in the cross arm breaker. Alberto releases the hold and he smiles at what he has done to Rey. He walks away and he is very proud of his actions. Alberto walks back to the ring and he grabs the chair that was used during the match. He wants Rey to have a memento from the match and he puts Rey’s arm in the chair and sends Rey into the ring post.

Alberto picks up his jacket and scarf and walks to the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for a look back at what Alberto Del Rio did to Rey Mysterio after Rey’s match with Kane.

Match Number Two: CM Punk with Luke Gallows, Joseph Mercury, and Serena versus JTG

19:07 Punk charges at JTG but JTG with a rollup for a near fall. Punk with kicks and punches to JTG as the referee warns him. Punk with an Irish whip and running clothesline followed by a snap mare and elbows to the chest. Punk with a kick and knees to JTG. JTG with a punch but it is not able to stop Punk’s momentum. Punk with more punches and knees. Punk with an Irish whip and running knee into the corner followed by the bulldog. Punk gets JTG up for the Go To Sleep and he hits it and instead of going for the cover, he applies the Anaconda Vice and JTG taps out.

Winner: CM Punk

After the match, he yells at the Straight Edge Society and he tells them to get in the ring and get on their knees. He tells them that is how you operate when you are part of the Straight Edge Society. That is how you treat the weak. That is how you spread the message of purity to the rotten world we live in. He says that he leads by example and the example has been set. He tells Luke to follow his example. He wants Big Show, face down, unconscious in a pool of his own drool. He wants the stamp of the Straight Edge Society on his giant face. He tells Luke that this is the last time that he tells him. He tells Luke to be better or be gone.

Rosa is in Teddy Long’s office and she has a Shake Weight. Teddy says that it is working for her and he tells her to keep training. Rosa walks away and Teddy needs a break. Teddy reads the WWE Magazine and the tree from last week is in Teddy’s office and it is walking behind Teddy. Teddy thinks that he is seeing things and then the plant reveals himself to Teddy. Teddy says that Hornswoggle almost gave him another heart attack and he wants to know if Hornswoggle is spying on anyone else besides him. Hornswoggle plays charades and he looks like he is going to take a nap in Teddy’s lap but Teddy says that he doesn’t lay like that. Hornswoggle grunts that Teddy got the first part of the clue. The second word is a guy wearing sunglasses and Teddy wonders if Hornswoggle is an Elvis impersonator and then he says that Hornswoggle looks pretty cool. Teddy puts two and two together and gets LayCool. Teddy wants to know what they are up to and Hornswoggle recreates their conversation. Teddy says that he doesn’t understand what he is saying. Hornswoggle decides to write down what they said and he gives it to Teddy. Hornswoggle gets frustrated that Teddy can’t read what he wrote. Teddy says that he has an idea. He says that there is a way that they can work together.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We take a look back at last week when Vickie Guerrero cost Kofi Kingston the Intercontinental Title last week and Dolph’s post match attack on Kofi.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is now time for the Dashing Cody Rhodes Grooming Tips. This week Cody is here to tell us about how a clean shaven face is important to embellish a chiseled jawline. He says that to achieve the masculinity you desire, shaving the entire body is of equal importance. Cody says that you should shave your arms, chest, and especially your legs. We see Cody use a straight razor on his leg. Cody says that a smooth, shaven body is sexually attractive to the opposite sex. We are now one step closer to ‘Dashing’.

Match Number Three: Kofi Kingston versus Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero in an If Dolph gets disqualified, Kofi is your new Intercontinental Champion Match for the Intercontinental Title

Kofi corners Dolph and kicks him and then connects with knees and more kicks. Dolph goes to the floor and Kofi hits a running clothesline on the floor. Kofi slams Ziggler’s head into the ringside barrier and then he punches Dolph and sends him back into the ring. Kofi gets a near fall with a rollup. Kofi with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Kofi with a forearm and Dolph holds on to the ropes and that forces Kofi to miss Trouble in Paradise. Kofi with SOS for a near fall. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi misses a leg drop from the top turnbuckles and both men are down. Dolph with a forearm to Kofi but Kofi responds. They go back and forth with forearms. Then they exchange kicks until Kofi with punches and more kicks. They go into the corner and the referee pulls Kofi away. That allows Dolph to connect with a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Dolph with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Dolph with an elbow to the head and then he applies a rear chin lock. Kofi gets to his feet and then he gets out of the hold and connects with a forearm. Dolph holds on to the ropes as Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise again. Kofi runs into a boot from Dolph. Kofi with an SOS again and he gets the three count, but the referee sees Dolph’s hand on the rope so the match must continue.

We see the replay and Dolph did get to the ropes before the three count. Kofi with another near fall. Ziggler gets back to his feet and he avoids a charge by Kofi and Kofi hits the ring post. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler with a snap mare and leap frog neck snap and he gets a near fall. Ziggler with a neck breaker and Dolph gets another near fall. Ziggler with an arm bar on Kofi as he sits on Kofi’s back to get extra pressure. Kofi with punches and then when he swings wildly, Ziggler applies the sleeper but Kofi gets to the ropes. While the referee warns Ziggler, Vickie slaps Kofi but the referee did not see it. Ziggler yells at Vickie and tells her not to screw it up. Ziggler with a knee to Kofi and he gets another near fall. Ziggler with double sledges to the back and then he hits the leaping elbow drop and gets a near fall. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock and Kofi gets back to his feet.

Kofi with a forearm and then he connects with chops. Kofi tries for a drop kick but Ziggler blocks it and he catapults Kofi into the turnbuckles but Kofi lands on the middle turnbuckle. Kofi with a back heel kick and Kofi with a Superman punch from the turnbuckles but he can only get a two count. Ziggler with a knee and Ziggler with an Irish whip but Kofi moves out of the way and hits the pendulum kick. Kofi goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.

Kofi picks Ziggler up and tries for SOS one ore time but Ziggler with a knee and then he gets a near fall after a fireman’s carry. Ziggler tries for the Zig Zag but Kofi holds on to the ropes. Kofi with a drop kick and Ziggler goes to the floor. Kofi goes to the apron but Vickie gets in the way. Kofi is able to hit a cross body onto Ziggler and Ziggler is down. Ziggler and Kofi each hit clotheslines on the floor and the referee starts his count. They try to get to the ring but Vickie pulls Dolph from the apron as the referee gets to ten and Kofi wins by count out.

Winner: Kofi Kingston by count out

After the match, Vickie celebrates with Dolph but Kofi chases after Dolph and Vickie. Dolph goes into the crowd and Kofi follows after him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at what Kane said last week about why he attacked his brother.

Matt and Todd talk about how Taker must feel about being stabbed in the back by his brother.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that the winner of the Jack Swagger Senior Invitational is the first person to get five take downs.

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Montel Vontavious Porter in a Jack Swagger Senior Invitational

53:33 Swagger puts on his headgear but Porter refuses. Swagger gets warmed up and he has something to say to Porter but Porter slaps him.

Porter tries for the legs but Swagger gets the first take down. Swagger offers Porter his leg and Porter gets the leg but Swagger avoids Porter and gets a second take down. Swagger goes for the leg and he turns it into a waist lock. Porter blocks and gets a standing switch. Swagger with a gutwrench take down to make it three to nothing. Jack with a front face lock and he rolls through the ring. Porter with a punch and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Jack Swagger by disqualification

After the match, Swagger attacks Porter and puts him in the ankle lock and Porter taps out even though there is no match.

Michelle and Layla are having a photo shoot and Kaval is watching intently. They ask him how they look and he approves. They go to check the photos and they really like it. Michelle and Layla appreciate that Kaval thought they were flawless. Michelle and Layla talk about someone who needs their help and they mention Melina. Layla wonders if Teddy will okay what they want to do with Melina on the 900th episode of Raw, which happens to be this Monday. Michelle says that they are never wrong. Michelle and Layla wonder what Melina was wearing at SummerSlam. Kaval has everyone leave while Michelle and Layla discuss something.

We go to commercial.

We go to the press clippings and photos from the WWE debut in China.

We take a look back at what happened last week when Christian defeated Drew McIntyre only to see Drew and Cody attack Christian. Then Matt Hardy hobbled to the ring to help Christian until Cody and Drew took control of the situation.

Before our next match, Ricardo Rodriguez does the honors of introducing Alberto Del Rio.

We also see what Alberto did to Rey Mysterio earlier tonight on Smackdown.

Match Number Five: Alberto Del Rio versus Carlos Sanchez

They lock up and Del Rio with a slap to the head followed by kicks to the leg. Del Rio with more kicks in the corner. Del Rio with a short arm clothesline and then he hits a German suplex. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Sanchez with elbows but Del Rio with a forearm. Del Rio with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Sanchez with forearms but Del Rio puts Sanchez on the top rope and then he pushes Sanchez to the floor. Del Rio sends Sanchez back into the ring and he hits the Cross Arm Breaker and Sanchez taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Kelly Kelly is walking in the back with Big Show as they laugh about something. We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Big Show with Kelly Kelly versus Luke Gallows with Joseph Mercury and Serena

7:36 Show with a kick and forearm to the back. Show sends Luke into the turnbuckles and then he chops Luke in the corner. Show with a kick and another chop in another corner. We see Punk watching from the locker room while Show kicks Luke in the chest. Show with a third corner and a third chop, but this time to the back. Show biels Luke across the ring and Luke goes to the floor. Show goes to the floor as Serena talks to Luke. Show chops Luke as Luke laid across the announce table. Kelly with a Thesz Press on Serena and she kicks Kelly. Show tries for a chop but Luke with an elbow and punches. Show pushes Luke away and then Luke with kicks but Show with a chop from his knees. Show sets up for the punch and he connects and Luke goes down and Show gets the three count.

Winner: Big Show

Matt and Todd talk about Taker and how he must feel. We will find out when we come back from this commercial break.

We are back and the gong sounds as the lights go out and the building has a bluish tinge to it along with fire on the stage for the Smackdown return of the Undertaker.

Undertaker says that although he may look dead, he is not dead yet. Taker says that he is still very much the dead man. He says that this is still his yard. He says that there is one thing that he needs to make perfectly clear. That is that he will never pardon the guilty. Speaking of guilty, that brings him to his brother Kane. Kane is guilty of a treacherous betrayal. A betrayal that he will pay dearly for. Taker says that Kane has a diseased soul and that disease has festered and turned into a web of lies. Lies that Kane thinks that he can fill Taker’s boots. The biggest lie of them all is that he thinks that he can carry Taker’s holy grail, the World Title.

Kane’s pyro goes off and he makes his presence known on the stage. Kane says that the only one spinning a web of lies is his big brother. He says that he hears the weakness in Taker’s voice and in his eyes. Kane wonders if he is the one who is diseased and delusional. He wonders if Taker has looked at himself. He says that Taker is not the phenom any more. He is only a shadow of himself. Kane says that he will have no problem dropping Taker on his head like he did at SummerSlam. He tells Taker that he is living in a fantasy world. He is bigger and stronger than Taker and he is now the dominant brother. Kane says that he has nothing left to prove.

Taker tells Kane that there is a reason why Kane walked in his shadow. Taker tries to remember what Kane called himself because his memory isn’t that good these days. Taker remembers and he says that Kane called himself the Devil’s Favorite Demon. Taker asks Kane if he remembers that the house that the devil lives in was built by him, brick by fiery brick. Taker says that when he comes calling, the devil still answers to him with ‘sir’. Taker says that Kane has never been worthy and he never will be worthy. Kane is not worthy to carry that championship. He is not worthy of the power that he steals with the power he inspires. Taker says that most of all, Kane is unworthy of being his brother. Taker tells Kane to listen to him and listen to him good. Taker says that he taught Kane everything that Kane knows about evil, but Taker says that he did not teach Kane everything he knows. He tells Kane that when the mood strikes, he will be waiting. When the fight starts, it will always end the same way.

Kane says that it will not end that way this time. Kane says that they know that this time it ends the same way it did at SummerSlam. It ends with Taker sprawled helpless at his feet. Kane promises . . . no he vows on the grave of their mother that Taker will never rest in peace.

Kane laughs as we go to credits.