View Full Version : Espanto II Passes Away

08-29-2010, 07:41 PM

Fernando Cisneros Carillo more famously known as Espanto II died yesterday in Gomez Palacio after an undisclosed illness. Espanto II was born on August 25, 1932 in Torreon and was a weightlifter before his brother convinced him to go into wrestling which he would in 1952 under the name of La Furia then becoming Toro Cisneros. It wasn't long though before he would hook up with childhood friend Espanto I (Jose Eusebio Vazquez) to form Los Espantos and even though they weren't blood brothers, they were just as tight. The local promoter for Ciudad Juarez who was Carlos "Gorilla" Ramos gave them the gimmick and they made their debut as a team on January 24, 1961 and they would start a streak of 34 consecutive wins on the Tuesday shows at Arena Mexico before moving to the Friday shows which was rare because back then you had to go from Tuesday to Sunday to Friday but they were so good they skipped Sunday all together. Los Espantos would soon form a partnership with El Santo that was successful until a violent breakup took place on June 22, 1962 when during a match against Rayo de Jalisco, Rito Romero, & Henry Pilusso, Espanto II attacked Santo and beat him bloody but also got bloodied in his own right and this started a long feud with Santo. They would take the Mexican National Tag Titles from Santo & Rayo in 1966 and in this time period they feuded with all the big stars around the world even Lou Thesz who would come in as the NWA champion and they faced him & Blue Demon at Arena Mexico and with Huracan Ramirez at Arena Puebla in matches that Espanto II would call the best of his career. Espanto II would lose his mask though against Ruben Juarez on September 6, 1963 at Arena Mexico but that didn't effect his name as along with his partners who would all lose their masks soon thereafter even bigger stars. The original Espantos would have their last match as a team on May 30, 1968 in Monterrey as after the match, Espanto I was killed in a barroom brawl by the owner of the bar in what was the worst timing for everyone as the Espantos were scheduled to start a world tour in June going all over Europe & Japan. Espanto II was offered to go alone but he wouldn't and couldn't do it in honor of his best friend. This devastated Espanto II and he decided to scale back wrestling to only the northern parts of Mexico throughout the 70's until he had his retirement match against Gran Hamada in 1979 in Monterrey. Descanse en Paz Espanto II