View Full Version : A True Blood vampire could play Doctor Doom. A former Doctor might join the Hobbit...

08-31-2010, 10:11 PM
The Fantastic Four reboot might have found the new Doctor Doom. Spoilerama!

Fantastic Four Reborn:

The upcoming reboot is reportedly considering Stephen Moyer, better known as Bill on True Blood, to play Doctor Doom, and in fact an offer is already out to him. This is the first time there's been any indications Doctor Doom would be the villain of the new Fantastic Four movie (other than common sense, I guess - the Fantastic Four isn't really known for its extensive rogues gallery), if there's any truth to these rumors. Which is, as always, a pretty gigantic "if." [ComicBookMovie]

The Hobbit:

The great Sylvester McCoy - who remains Doctor Who's only openly Scottish Doctor - dropped a few more hints on a possible role in The Hobbit:

"I am being cast in The Hobbit. We're currently in negotiations - there are two of us under consideration. It's not the Bilbo role, but could be bigger."

TheOneRing speculates he may be up for the wizard role of Radagast the Brown. Their logic has a leap or two, but either way, it appears McCoy is definitely in contention for a Hobbit role. [Argyllshire Standard]