View Full Version : Looking Back at 2010: The Summer of Indies Part 2

09-03-2010, 07:05 PM

Jim Kettner's East Coast Wrestling Association held their 14th Annual Super 8 Tournament on Saturday 7/10 in Newark, Delaware at the Boys & Girls Club, drawing 300-400 fans. The Super 8, at one point, received the lion's share of online acclaim and buzz. It was considered the best of the best when in terms of revolutionary, athletic independent wrestling and with good reason. Over time, promotions like Ring of Honor and scores of similar tournaments began to sprout up.

What was once unique was now one of many, many similar products, so Jim Kettner changed gears and moved away from promoting that style and promoting directly to hardcore online fans, a smart move as less and less from that audience showed up for the tournaments. Instead, Kettner refocused on his own local audiences, working to insure that the fans that are his monthly bread and butter are catered to with characters and storylines. While it might not result in hundreds of Internet postings about his product and promotion, it's still a formula that works and gives the audience one hell of a bang for their $17 admission. Onto the report:

The promotion held a "Fan Interaction Night" before the show itself began, with wrestlers signing and taking part in games like trivia, Pictionary and the like. The kids in the crowd were loving the hell out of it.

ECWA champion Mega came to the ring and welcomed everyone to the Super 8, then introduced former competitors in the tournament who were present at the show. Last year's winner, Nick Logan, brought the tournament trophy to the ring. They then introduced this year's field of competition. The promotion then did a ten bell salute in honor of Trent Acid before the show as well. Acid was a former ECWA Tag Team champion and competed in the 2000 Super 8 tournament. They played the national anthem, then aired a video feature to catch everyone up on storylines. At the onset, they aired a "In memory of" graphic for Acid, Jeff Peterson and Steve Bradley.


Scott Wright vs. "Eugene" Nick Dinsmore

Wright is a longtime regular here as a heel and cut a promo saying he was a serious wrestler and that's why he was in the Super 8. He said you wouldn't be seeing any super heroes or wrestlers with facepaint in chains tonight in the tournament, then demanded his opponent be revealed. So, of course, it was Eugene. He was billed under the spelling U-Gene, but I'm using the WWE spelling. Wright's response was hilarious. They locked up and Wright caught Eugene in a side headlock, then shoulder tackled him down. They then went into some comedy spots where Eugene tricked Wright into punching the mat, then rode him like a horse. Eugene played to the crowd, only to be caught with a clothesline. Wright worked over Eugene with punches, then a back elbow for a two count. Wright controlled Eugene and scored several near falls. Eugene made a comeback with a Lou Thesz Press and the People's Elbow. Eugene went for a piledriver but Wright escaped and turned it into a swinging neckbreaker. Eugene came back with a back suplex and set up for Sweet Chin Music, then nailed it, complete with the stomps, for the pin. Mostly comedy for the kids but a nice opener for the audience ECWA is promoting to.

Your winner, Eugene!

"Yours Truly" Alex Reynolds vs. Chris Wylde

Reynolds is a Long Island native who was trained by former ECW champion Mikey Whipwreck. He came out to Italian music with a suede jacket and a white scarf wrapped around his neck, doing a snobby gimmick. Think early Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Wylde is a regular on the Northeast independent scene who's also wrestled for XCW in Germany. Wylde controlled the match early with some hiptosses and armdrags. Wylde used a armdrag takedown and Reynolds rolled out of the ring, where he was hit with a baseball sliding kick to the floor. Back in the ring, Reynolds caught Wylde with a nasty guillotine legdrop, then a dropkick. He cinched in a side headlock but Wylde fought his way out of it, then backdropped Reynolds. Reynolds made a comeback and scored several near falls. He worked over Wylde with an armbar as Wylde fought back. Wylde was finally able to kick Reynolds as he charged and nailed a high cross bodyblock for a two count. He barely nailed a leg lariat for another near fall. Reynolds went for a discus punch but was blocked and hit with an enziguiri for a two count. Wylde charged Reynolds but was caught and powerbombed into the corner. Reynolds covered him for a two count. Wylde ended up on the apron and avoided another guillotine legdrop, then hit a sunset flip bomb from the outside into the ring for the pin. Some missed spots but not a bad athletic match.

Your winner, Chris Wylde!

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Chase Del Monte

Both are regulars here. Ciampa is from the New England area, was originally trained at Killer Kowalski's school and has worked in Ohio Valley Wrestling as Thomas Penmanship. Ciampa went to the finals in last year's tournament, losing to Nick Logan. Del Monte does the high power ring entrance, dancing and playing to the crowd while Poison blares. Ciampa tried to bully Del Monte early, but Monte wasn't having it. Del Monte went for a superkick but missed. They went back and forth until Del Monte caught Ciampa with a rana. He went to the floor, where Del Monte nailed a dive over the ropes. They battled on the floor, where Ciampa nailed a suplex. Back in the ring, Ciampa stomped the hell out of Del Monte. Del Monte came back with a leaping hurancanrana off the top rope, then went back to the ropes. Ciampa grabbed his legs and snapped him off the ropes. He locked in a variation of the Walls of Jericho but Del Monte finally made it to the ropes. He dragged Del Monte back to the center and turned it into a Sharpshooter, then worked him over with a series of elbow strikes. Del Monte came back to drive Ciampa off the ropes face first into his knees but Ciampa kicked out. Del Monte set up for the superkick but missed. He set up Ciampa for a Killswitch, then swung him into a neckbreaker. Ciampa kicked out at the last minute. Chase went to the top but Ciampa grabbed him and nailed his finisher, Project Ciampa, a powerbomb where he drops the opponent down over both of Ciampa's knees for the pin. Good match.

Your winner, Tommaso Ciampa!

Kingpin Brian Milonas vs. Austin Creed

Creed is the former TNA star Consequences Creed. Milonas is from the New England area, having trained initially at Killer Kowalski's school and has worked for NECW and other area promotions. He had a Jim Neidhart-esque beard and a burly body. The story here was Creed's finesse vs. Milonas' sheer power. Milonas shoved down Creed and attacked him before the bell, talking a lot of trash while doing so. He picked up Creed for a powerbomb but it was turned into a Frankenstein. Creed peppered him with punches and Milonas powdered to the floor. When he returned, Creed caught him with a drop toehold. Milonas fought back and quickly began to control the match, working over Creed and holding him off-balance with his power. He locked Creed in a bear hug to wear him down. Creed fought his way out but soon was trapped again. They worked the submission hold for quite a while. Creed finally escaped but was caught with a swinging sideslam for a two count. Milonas charged Creed in the corner but Creed caught him with a kick. He came back with a big dropkick and then a big flying forearm. Creed made the big comeback with a series of hot moves, then went to the ropes with a big missile dropkick. He charged Milonas but was caught with a kick to the gut. Milonas worked over Creed, getting several near falls. He went to the middle turnbuckle for a splash but missed. Creed made his way to the ropes and came off with a DDT, scoring the pin. Despite their obvious style differences, I thought they worked a hell of a heel vs. babyface match. Milonas is one hell of a worker.

NO DQ: ECW Mid-Atlantic and Tag Team champions Aden Chambers & Ryan Rush & Julian Starr vs. Matt & Bryan & Nick Logan

The storyline here is that Chambers, Rush and Starr are representing the fictional West Coast Wrestling Alliance, who are heels against the ECWA and have captured the championships. The Logans won a rematch by DQ last time but the belts still returned to the "West Coast", so now there are no disqualifications. The Logans hit the ring with chairs and run the WCWA out of the ring. They did a triple dive out of the ring and then brawled all around ringside. It was a fun brawl. When they finally returned to the ring, the referee rang the bell. The Logans cleaned house early until Chambers laid out Nick Logan, who is an amateur as opposed to a "professional" wrestler. He was set up on the turnbuckles but escaped and powerbombed Chambers through several chairs in the ring. He came off the top rope with a senton but immediately grabbed his neck, went down and didn't get back up. Matt and Bryan worked over Team WCWA and got the pin. They began celebrating but realized something was wrong. The promotion immediately cut the music and they called for EMTS. The promotion called for an intermission as Nick was stretchered out and to an ambulance that was outside the venue. Fans chanted "Logan" as he was taken out. The entire moment was treated like it was deadly serious, but it was entirely a planned angle to continue the storyline. The match was a fun brawl, a little out of character for ECWA but very good. The angle was very well done as well.


Chris Wylde vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa attacked Wylde at the bell and hit a Facewash in the corner. Wylde came back with a series of chops. Ciampa drilled him with a clothesline and Wylde took a 360 bump. Ciampa began to work over Wylde with several submission variations. Wylde came back with a series of suplexes. Ciampa snapped his neck over the ropes and Wylde went to the outside. He slammed Wylde's back over the apron while they were on the outside, then rolled him in for several near falls. Wylde came back with a leg lariat and a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. Wylde went to the top rope and scored with a diving head butt. He sold the brunt of the impact, then covered Ciampa for a two count. Ciampa came back with a Torture Rack into a powerbomb. Ciampa went for his finisher but Wylde escaped and hit Sliced Bread #2 for a two count. Ciampa nailed Project Ciampa and scored the pin. Good, fun athletic match!

Your winner, Tommaso Ciampa!

Eugene vs. Austin Creed

Eugene came out with his hair slicked back. They shook hands at the bell. They locked up and Eugene complained about the break. When they locked up again, Eugene complained about a thumb to the eye. Heel turn? Eugene caught Creed with a top wristlock and pulled Creed's hair to yank him down. He began playing heel screaming that he didn't pull the hair. He then raked Creed's back with his fingernails. Creed came back with a backslide for a one count. They went back and forth with forearm strikes. Creed finally took over, catching Eugene in a hammerlock and forcing him to the mat. He dropped down while holding the move and used his legs for additional leverage. Eugene powered out and pulled him up into a powerbomb position and slammed him. Eugene nailed a superkick and scored a two count. He went for a moonsault but missed. Creed came back with a twisting DDT off the ropes for the pin. Good back and forth match. Eugene worked really, really hard.

Your winner, Austin Creed!

ECWA Summit

The promotion's annual Royal Rumble, insuring that everyone on the roster gets a chance to perform on their top show of the year. Unlike many indy tournaments, this is intricately booked so there are no "dead spots" or moments where stars are standing around with their thumbs up their rear wondering where to go and what to do. Like always, Kettner told a story. Magnum, who was managing the WCWA team earlier, came out and cut a promo saying he doesn't have a contract here but promised he was going to earn his way back in. The second out was Cha Cha Chance, who got a big pop coming out as he was a surprise and has been off serving in the military in recent months. Magnum lowblowed him but Chance came back with the ButtButt in the corner. He tossed Magnum. The third out was Mr. Ooh La La, who had his usual problems getting into the ring. He finally did and attacked Chance. The fourth in was Bazooka Joe. La La was out almost immediately. Fifth was Travis Blake. Sixth was J.J. The Ring Crew Guy. Seventh was Glen Osbourne. Ninth was Simple Simon who does a fun comedy gimmick. Tenth was Courageous Cruz, the ECWA's superhero character. Twelfth was Gus Grand . Lucky #13 was Sean Royal. #14 was Andrew Ryker. #15 was Corey Blaze. #16 was Tim Richards. #17 was Jason Lee. #18 was "Coach" Jim Shorts. #19 was the masked El Mariachi. The final competitor was Jason XXL, a seven footer. At this point, all the eliminations were coming really fast. No one was able to move Jason XXL. The Coach eliminated himself in order to get around dealing with the giant. It came down to Jason, Chance and Mariachi. Chance was dumped over by the Giant. Mariachi ordered Jason to leave the ring and he eliminated himself. It was your typical Summit with all the characters getting a cameo/

Your winner, El Mariachi!

Mariachi began dancing to "Rico Suave" and then thanked everyone in broken English. He then unmasked everyone for giving him a really good chance, unmasking himself as Magnum. He laughed at the fans saying he was back now and introduced Jason XXL as his new protégé. He then challenged ECWA champion Mega to face Jason XXL when they return. Mega, who had been watching the show from a table at ringside all night, made his way to the ring with the title belt. He and Jason had a faceoff, but the entire locker room came out to separate them. Mega asked the crowd who wanted to see him "kick his butt" and they popped.


Austin Creed vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa attacked Creed as he came out of the entranceway but Creed fought him off. The referee rang the bell. They battled back and forth on the outside. Ciampa got the better of Creed. He went to the top rope and moonsaulted off, nailing Creed as he made his way back to his feet. Creed was tossed back in the ring but Ciampa wasn't able to score the pin. He began working over Creed's back with knee strikes. Creed came back with a series of boxing combinations in the corner, punching the body and head as Ciampa went down. Creed picked up Ciampa and drilled him backwards into the corner. He whipped Ciampa into the opposite corner and nailed a dropkick. Creed came back with a series of kicks to the body, then nailed Creed with a Facewash. He drilled Creed with a second.

Creed made a comeback, chopping away at Ciampa, who fired back in kind. They went face to face challenging the other and measuring for harder chops. Ciampa finally got the better of the exchange but was caught with a back elbow. Creed hit a series of armdrags and hiptosses. Ciampa came back with a leg lariat. Ciampa went for the submissions, working over and cranking on Creed's neck. Creed reversed it and began working on Ciampa's neck and arms. Ciampa came back with a modified Texas Cloverleaf.

Ciampa began measuring Creed with stomps and kicks. He began chopping Creed, who began firing himself up and finally nailed a stiff leg lariat. Creed covered Ciampa for a near fall. Creed dropkicked Ciampa into the corner and kipped up. He and Ciampa battled back and forth. They battled in the corner and Ciampa slammed Creed down with a Emerald Frosion type of move for a two count. The crowd popped for the near fall.

They battled again in the corner. Creed punched Ciampa off to the mat and nailed a flying elbowsmash. Ciampa kicked up. He nailed Creed with his knees and went for the Ciampa Project, but Creed escaped. He captured Creed again and nailed another but Creed kept kicking out. Creed made a comeback and pressed and slammed Ciampa into TKO. Creed scored the pinfall.

Your 2010 Super 8 winner, Austin Creed!

ECWA champion Mega came to the ring to present Creed with the trophy. The other competitors and the rest of the ECWA roster surrounded the ring to congratulate and applaud Creed. They picked Creed up on their shoulders. They handed Creed the mic and thanked the fans who came out to this "glorious night" and all of the other competitors. He thanked everyone for allowing him to come into their homes and to let him compete tonight. He told Ciampa that he was taken to the limit by him and would love to do it again down the road. Creed wished everyone a good night and thanked them for coming. A classy way to end the evening.

Notes: ECWA will return to Newark, DE at the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday 8/14...The promotion sold Super 8 T-shirts and DVDs of last year's tournament...In a nice "family friendly moment", they announced the names of fans in attendance who were celebrating birthdays...

Dragon Gate USA presented their first anniversary show, which also doubled as a PPV taping for "Enter the Dragon II" at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA on Saturday 7/24. The show was most likely the best all around live event the promotion as ever put together. The show featured no bad matches, a phenomenal Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo main event, an excellent show stealer Four Way bout, a tremendous Elimination Tag bout and much more. Complete details, written as the match was taping place:

The show opened with a video showing highlights of the last year and thanking the fans for their support

CIMA came to the ring and took the ring mic. He welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to the show. He thanked everyone for their one year anniversary and asked the fans if they were ready for the DGUSA show. As he psyched up the crowd, Johnny Gargano hit the ring. He took the mic and told CIMA he knows he is looking for an American representative for Warriors International. He said that he has someone in mind..and shock of shocks, it's Johnny Gargano. He challenged CIMA for a match right now. CIMA asked him if he was serious and what he was talking about. Gargano slapped him in the face. CIMA asked him if he wanted a fight, he would get one and asked them to ring the bell.


CIMA attacked Gargano and chopped away at him. Gargano came back with an enziguiri, knocking CIMA through the ropes to the apron, then hit a kick off of the apron. Gargano followed up with a dive out of the ring to the floor. Gargano worked over CIMA on the floor, then tossed him back in. He dropkicked CIMA for a two count and followed up with a neckbreaker. CIMA came back with a double stomp, then began working over Gargano's legs, slamming his knees into the mat. He worked Gargano into position for a bow and arrow. CIMA began kicking Gargano in the chest. He whipped Gargano into the corner. Gargano failed to fight off CIMA and was drilled with a forearm that sent him out of the ring. Gargano came back with a spear, then stomped CIMA in the face.

Gargano used a series of kicks to the face. He began grandstanding but CIMA came back. Gargano caught him in a submission hold, then rolled him over for a two count. Gargano used a sunset flip for another near fall. The crowd began rallying CIMA. Gargano went for a suplex but CIMA escaped and hit a backstabber. CIMA came off the ropes with a nasty double stomp for a two count. CIMA hit a top rope sunset flip for a two count. CIMA nailed a double knee strike in the corner but Gargano came back with a kneelift to the face, running snake eyes into the center turnbuckle and a superkick for a two count.

Gargano chopped CIMA into the corner. CIMA nails a superkick of his eye. He and Gargano go back with a series of suplex counters until CIMA hits a Michinoku Driver for a two count. CIMA ties Gargano to the tree of woe and nails a dropkick to his face. He nails a Van Terminator dropkick from one corner to the other. CIMA hits an Emerald Frosion, then nails a diving double knee strike off the top rope for the pin.

Your winner, CIMA!

CIMA offered Gargano his hand after the match but when Gargano went to take it, CIMA blew him off and walked out.


The first man to score the pinfall is the victor. Cannon and Ricochet started, feeling each other out. Ricochet takes Cannon out and goes for a dive but Taylor tags in. He takes out Ricochet and Cole hits the ring. Cole took him out and hit a nice tope suicida to the floor. Richochet went for a dive but was caught with a Cannon clothesline. There were a series of dives, culminating with Ricochet hit a twisting springboard dive out on everyone. They did a Tower of Doom spot out of the corner. Cannon dumped Taylor into the corner with a suplex. Cole caught Taylor with a Northern Lights suplex with a bridge for a two count. Crazy level of action here.

Cole and Cannon fired back and forth with chops. Cannon killed him with a clothesline for a two count. Taylor missed a big boot on Cannon but came back with another kick. Ricochet caught him with a rana and standing moonsault press for a two count. Ricochet hit a backslide driver on Cole then a twisting DDT on Cannon. Cannon nailed Cole with Total Anarchy for a two count. This is just an insane bout - the type that makes stars. Fans began chanting, "This is awesome."

Ricochet went for a dive but was pulled out and hit with a back suplex onto the apron by Cole. Taylor went for a plancha but missed. Cole hit a flying bodypress on Cannon. Cannon caught him with a backdrop suplex out of a guillotine choke for a two count. Cole and Cannon battled in the corner. Ricochet hit the ring but was caught by Cannon with a spinebuster. Cole hit a Canadian Destroyer. Ricochet went for the most insane twisting dive ever and missed. Taylor hit a leaping piledriver and scored the pin.

Your winner, Chuck Taylor!

That was incredible. CIMA was watching the match from behind where I was stationed and was popping huge. That's the type of bout that takes guys from just being wrestlers on a roster to stars.

Fans chanted "Chucky T" and then, "That was awesome." Unlike a lot of times where we hear the chant, it really was.


Younger is a substitute for the injured Dragon Kid. Doi appeared to have his ribs taped and wore a t-shirt into the ring. They went back and forth until Doi was tossed out of the ring. Younger went for a senton to the floor but missed. Younger was selling his knee coming back into the ring. Doi went right after the knee, tying Younger's leg up in the ropes and nailing him with a running dropkick. Doi locked in a one-legged crab but Younger made his way to the ropes. Doi began nailing a series of shinbreakers, then snapped him with a belly to back suplex.

Younger tried to mount a comeback but was kicked with a basement dropkick. Doi nailed a charge but Younger caught him and nailed a back suplex. Younger tried to rally himself and nailed several flying forearm splashes. Doi went for a waistlock but Younger used a series of elbows to escape. Doi caught him with an elbow to take Younger back down. Doi went for a an F5 but Younger escaped and drilled him with a lariat for a two count. Doi tied up Younger in the ropes, then nailed a series of dropkicks and a senton off the ropes.

Doi went for the F5 but Younger rolled him up. Younger avoided a sliding kick and hit a package bomb for a two count. Younger went for a Gringokiller but Doi dropped down, slamming Younger down face-first into a Pedigree type move. Doi followed that up with a cannonball in the corner. He nailed the Doi-5 and then a series of slaps. He drilled Younger with a charging dropkick and scored the pin.

Your winner, Naruki Doi!

Younger took the mic after. He said that there a lot of fans out there that may know who he is, but tonight, he proved he can take the onslaught of offense that the best of DGUSA has to offer. He told the stables that if they are looking for an American representative, he is offering his services. Johnny Gargano attacked Younger and whipped him into the railing. Younger came up busted open..


They lock up and Hulk backs up Mochizuki to the ropes. Clean break. They lock up again with Hulk pushed against the ropes. This time, Mochizuki chops him across the chest. Mochizuki kicks Hulk stiffly but Hulk comes back with a dropkick. They go back and forth and it's a face-off. Mochizuki takes down Hulk, who fires back. They exchange stiff kicks with Hulk getting the worst of it. Hulk tossed Mochizuki over the top to the floor and they battle on the floor.

Back in the ring, Hulk dropkicked Mochizuki in the knee, taking him down. Hulk focuses on his knee and uses a stepover toehold to wear down Mochizuki,. He continued to work on Mochizuki's leg, focusing on the ankle as well before a rope break forced him to release. Hulk went right back after the leg, kicking at the hamstring. He turned Mochizuki into a standing Sharpshooter but Mochizuki again got to the ropes. He came back to drill Hulk with a kick to the chest. He missed a charge, but came off the ropes to kick Hulk off the ropes, then hit a charging kick, sending Hulk to the floor.

Mochizuki followed Hulk to the floor. Hulk went for a kick but Mochizuki ducked and Hulk kicked the ringpost. Mochizuki nailed a shinbreaker on the apron. He locked in a leglock. Hulk tried to kick him off but was unsuccessful. Hulk finally fights his way to the ropes. Mochizuki goes for another shinbreaker but doesn't get it. Instead, he hits a running kick to Hulk's shinbreaker. Mochizuki locked in a figure four leglock in the middle. Hulk fought to turn it but Mochizuki rolled through and Hulk was trapped again. Hulk was almost pinned while in the move.

Hulk finally made his way to his feet and began kicking at Mochizuki. Mochizuki kept challenging him to bring it on before delivering one of his own that sent Hulk upside down. Mochizuki locked in an ankle lock in the center of the ring and scissored Hulk's leg. Hulk made it to the ropes but was holding his leg. His kicks had lost their spring when he went after Mochizuki. Both men went for Yakuza Kicks and drilled the other in the head. Hulk charged but was sent up and over to the apron. He came back with a springboard missile dropkick.

Hulk nailed a standing moonsault off the top to the floor on Mochizuki. Back in the ring, Hulk used a series of kicks to sweep Mochizuki's legs and hit a standing moonsault press for a two count. He nailed an overhead kick and an uranage They battled back and forth with kicks and strikes. Mochizuki tied Hulk to the tree of woe. He began drilling Hulk with kicks to the chest. He went for a hesitation dropkick but faked out Hulk, who began pulling himself up. He attacked Hulk, who crumpled into the corner.

Mochizuki went for a back suplex but Hulk landed on his feet and killed Mochizuki. He hit several fast offensive maneuvers until Mochizuki came with a series of stiff kicks. Mochizuki hit a twisting suplex for a two count. Hulk went to the top but Mochizuki leaped and caught him with a superplex. He grabbed Hulk and placed him across the center turnbuckle. He charged with a spinning kick to the gut. Fans began rallying Hulk.

Mochizuki went for a back suplex but Hulk landed on his feet and caught him with an EVO. Fans began chanting, "This is wrestling." Hulk's kick was blocked. They began going back and forth with stiff strikes. Hulk caught Mochizuki with a stiff kick. He placed Mochizuki on the top rope and came off the top with an EVO. Mochizuki kicked up at two. Hulk came back with a Phoenix Splash for a two count. The timekeeper rang the bell. Hulk caught Mochizuki with a cradle and scored the pin.

Your winner, BxB Hulk!

The timekeeper's screw up messed up the finish but it was an awesome match beyond that.

A woman in goth makeup and a white dress rolled into the ring. Hulk looked confused and shocked. Kamikaze USA attacked Hulk. Jon Moxley said they took his hair in Japan and they took his dancing girl (she was Hulk's dancer Wrestlemania weekend), so now they are going to finish the job. They began working over Hulk until Bryan Danielson came out. Kamizake and Danielson faced off. Moxley said that they know Danielson is a P*ssy, so they will wait until they can make some money off of beating him up. They walked out. Danielson took the title belt and presented it to Hulk, then walked out. The Danielson segment of the angle was just for the live house and the DVD.


They went back and forth early. Reed caught Swan with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Swan scored with a kick but was caught with a German suplex for a two count. Swan drilled him with a twisting kick and a standing moonsault press, then a standing 450 splash for the pin.

Your winner, Rich Swan!

Brodie Lee hit the ring and laid waste to everyone, including the referee and Nicole. Lee took the mic and said he didn't care if it was a man, a woman or a child. He said if something is in front of him, he's going to mow it over. He said the next time he comes to DGUSA, he's aiming for a Japanese star.


Kamikaze USA attacked their opponents before the bell. YAMATO and Quackenbush battled in the ring. Everyone else battled outside the ring. Moxley and YAMATO choked and worked over Quack. It settled into a traditional tag. Quack knocked YAMATO and Moxley out of the ring. He hit a standing moonsault to the floor on Team Kamikaze. Yoshino and Tozawa went nuts going back and forth. Akuma and Hallowicked joined the fray. Jigsaw and Hallowicked worked on Akuma. Tozawa took out Hallowicked. Moxley chokeslammed him for a two count.

YAMATO chopped away at Hallowicked and drilled him with a running forearm in the corner. Kamikaze USA worked over Hallowicked in the corner. Akuma went for a move off the top but Jigsaw turned it into a super rana. He made the tag to Hallowicked who went back and forth with Tozawa. Tozawa nailed a Saito suplex. Kazimake USA laid waste to the CHIKARA team and all worked over Hallowicked, pinning him.

Hallowicked has been eliminated.

Jigsaw battled with Tozawa and Akuma. He nailed a double stomp and then a suplex on Akuma. Moxley broke up the pin. Quack hit the scene and he and Jigsaw worked over Moxley with a doubleteam kick to the face. CHIKARA tripleteamed Moxley with a series of kicks into the corner. Yoshino hit an awesome missile dropkick off the top on YAMATO. Jigsaw nailed a brainbuster on Moxley, scoring a two count. Moxley came back with a cross face chickenwing into a suplex. Jigsaw kicked out at one and came back with a kick but was cut off with a superkick. Jigsaw kicked up at one. Moxley grabbed a chair and slammed it over Jigsaw's head.

Moxley was DQ'd and eliminated!

Jimmy Jacobs hit the ring and speared Moxley. They brawled out.

YAMATO hit a brainbuster on Jigsaw and pinned him.

Jigsaw has been eliminated!

Tozawa and Yoshino went back and forth with fast paced spots. Yoshino missed a missile dropkick. Tozawa missed a top rope headbutt. Yoshino missed a senton and was caught with a German suplex. Tozawa caught Yoshino with a kick but Quack broke up the pinfall. Akuma hit the scene and drilled Quack with a tombstone into a reverse lungblower to the gut. Akuma hit a 450 splash for a two count. Quack whipped Akuma into YAMATO. He wheelbarrowed Akuma into a sitdown powerbomb for a two count.

Akuma has been eliminated!

YAMATO and Yoshino went back and forth. YAMATO missed his knockout kick. Yoshino hit a sick looking head scissors for a two count. Yoshino spear for a two count. Tozawa broke up the pin. All four battled in the ring. Quack accidentally nailed his partner, Yoshino with a forearm. YAMATO and Tozawa worked over Quack. Quack grabs YAMATO in a crucifix and runs him into a slam position, then cradles him for a two count. YAMATO came back with a choke sleeper and hit a back suplex on Quack. Tozawa hit a bridging German for a two count but Yoshino broke it up. Yoshino and YAMATO battled back and forth.

YAMATO kicked Yoshino low. Quack returned the favor. The babyfaces locked in stereo submissions and both tapped.

Your winners, CHIKARA!

As you can imagine, this was extremely fast paced and I couldn't even hope to keep up with them move for move.

After the match, Yoshino and Quack did quick mic work to push tomorrow's CHIKARA event. Quack said that tonight wasn't a night off and tomorrow won't be, either.


Danielson came out to a "Dragon" chant and a standing ovation. No theme music. They slapped and shoved each other at the bell. Shingo missed a chop in the corner but Danielson didn't miss a forearm. They exchanged strikes. Danielson went for the cattle mutilation early but Shingo grabbed the ropes and went to the floor. When he returned, there was a test of strength. Shingo and Danielson went back and forth with Shingo getting the better of the exchange. Danielson escaped from an armbar and dropkicked Shingo.

Danielson rides Shingo to the mat after escaping a single leg takedown. He ties up Shingo's arm. They exchanged strikes and punches. Danielson got the better of the exchange. Danielson pulled Shingo to the middle of the ring and cinched in a bow and arrow. He then pulled Shingo into a choke sleeper. When Danielson released Shingo, Shingo grabbed at his knee. Danielson began focusing his attack on Shingo's arm and mid-section. Danielson nailed a butterfly suplex into a cross arm breaker. Shingo made it to the ropes. Danielson went for a suplex. Shingo tried to reverse it but he was too hurt to get him over. Danielson attacked but Shingo blocked it and muscled Danielson over for a suplex.

Shingo takes Danielson to the floor and whips him into the guard rail. He works over Bryan with several tosses into the rail. Back in the ring, Shingo steps on his chest and face. He cinches in a rear chinlock. Danielson forced his way back. He battled back but Shingo punched Danielson down. He choked Danielson with a boot across the throat. Shingo suplexed Danielson, then hit a senton splash. He scissored Danielson's body, working him over. Fans began rallying Danielson, who rolled Shingo into a submission attempt.

When Shingo escaped, the two went nose to nose with forearms and chops. Danielson was suplexed over but landed on his feet and hit as leg lariat. Danielson worked over Shingo in the corner, then whipped him into the opposite corner. Danielson went up and over on Shingo, then drilled him with a clothesline. Danielson kicked Shingo off the apron and he flew into the first row. Danielson hit a springboard dive off the top into the crowd. He looked to have slipped but thankfully was OK. Fans chanted, "Best in the world."

Danielson tossed Shingo back into the ring. He came off with a missile dropkick in the face. Shingo came back with a Northern lariat and a Saito Suplex. He nails a second but Danielson kicks out. Danielson kicks off a charge but is caught with a snap powerslam. Shingo locks on an Anaconda Vice. Danielson fought to get to the ropes and finally makes it, forcing a break. Shingo began strangling Danielson and then chopped him across the back of the neck. Danielson charged but was caught with an overhead belly to back suplex.

Danielson used a Backlund Bridge for a two count but Shingo came back with a Torture Device into a Death Valley Driver. Danielson was able to land on his feet, then kick Shingo in the face. Both men collapsed from exhaustion. Danielson made his way back up first and began drilling Shingo with kicks to the face and hard chops to the face. Shingo absorbed them and drilled Shingo with a forearm. Danielson rebounded off the ropes but was caught with a Death Valley Driver.

Shingo mauled Danielson with a running clothesline in the corner. Shingo sets up Danielson on the top rope and attempted a superplex. Danielson slipped out the back door and tied Shingo upside down in the corner. Danielson nailed a sliding kick into the corner, then went for a belly to back superplex and nailed it. Danielson then began stomping Shingo's head in and locked in a triangle choke. Shingo's arm dropped twice but he muscled up. Danielson turned it into a crucifix for a two. He began raining down elbows and went for another near fall. Shingo muscled himself up and climbed the ropes, hitting a Death Valley Driver off the ropes;. Danielson kicked up at the last minute.

Fans began dueling chants. They began cracking heads with butts on their hands and knees, They battle up to their knees and trade strikes. They make their way to their feet. Shingo went for Made in Japan but Danielson fought it off. He finally caught it but Danielson kicked out. Shingo murdered Danielson with a lariat for a two count. Fans began chanting, "This is awesome." He went for Made in Japan
but Danielson caught him with a small package for a two count, Danielson locked in a cattle mutilation, then nailed a Tiger Suplex. Shingo kicked out at two.

Danielson began raining down elbow after elbow. After ten, he went for cattle mutilation but Shingo rolled through for a two count. Danielson caught Shingo with a forearm and a back suplex for a two. Danielson locked in a triangle choke. Shingo muscled him over but Danielson nailed elbow strikes. Danielson locked in a Crossface until Shingo finally tapped.

Your winner, Bryan Danielson!

Fans began immediately chanting, "Match of the Year!"

YAMAYO came out and went face to face with Danielson. Shingo looked to attack from behind but BxB Hulk made the save. Jon Moxley dragged Kamikaze USA off. Fans chanted for Danielson to give a speech, so he took the mic. Danielson said that he hears Hulk is looking for an American representative for World-1 and offers himself to them. He then thanked "the best wrestling fans in the world, the fans in Philadelphia." He said that wanted to thank everyone for making the PPV so great and said it felt like something was missing. Fans chanted for Final Countdown, so Danielson called for the song. Everyone had some fun to end the show.

Notes: The promotion held three pre-show matches for VIP ringside ticketholders...Lenny Leonard and Chikarason did commentary for the PPV and DVD release...The promotion will debut on 10/30 at the Rahway, New Jersey Rec Center....The four way wasn't originally planned as a PPV bout but was so incredible, it will now be included on the PPV

CHIKARA held their biggest event of the summer, Chikarasaurus Rex at the ECW Arena this afternoon. Drawing in the area of 600 fans, the show so far was a great mix of names, fun wrestling and CHIKARA's patented meshing of wrestling styles and fun characters.

CHIKARA may end up being the best kept secret in pro wrestling in 2010 and that is extremely screwed up. There was great wrestling, there were vivid and fun characters, there was a buffet of styles and there was an emotionally connected audience having the time of their lives. Anyone choosing to pass up an opportunity to sample the product is really doing themselves a grave disservice.

Before the show, they showed an awesome video, hyping the show, focusing specifically on the two of the trios matches, the women's tag, and Kingston/Dreamer/Ares/Claudio matches.

*Lince Dorado & Tursas & Pinky Sanchez & Tim Donst defeated the Colony and Frightmare. The Colony are a trio of masked Ants. Seriously. Fun opener with lots of comedy spots, multiman Lucha spots and some good wrestling, too. Frightmare at one point jumped on Donst's shoulders, landed, then hit a rana. Tursas was a giant masked Viking who did all these monster power spots against the smaller Ants. The Ants finally did a spot where they flipped Fire Ant over the top into a dive on Tursas. Two Ants hit stereo dives to the floor. Sanchez finally caught Frightmare with a sick Death Valley Driver for the win. Really fun opener with everyone playing their roles to perfection.

After the match, Vokoder appeared in the aisle, but only Pinkie saw him. Pinkie freaked out and Tim Donst didn't believe him since he was Vokoder.

*Shingo pinned Jimmy Olsen. Shingo nailed a Death Valley Driver and then a clothesline to the floor. Olsen came back with several chops but was shoulderblocked down. Shingo used his power to keep Olsen at bay and then nailed a back senton for a two count. Olsen began mounting a comeback but was taken down with a Mongolian Chop. Undaunted, he snapped Shingo's throat across the ropes and nailed a top rope missile dropkick. Shingo went to the floor and Olsen nailed a dive. He caught Shingo with an enziguiri and a brainbuster for a two count. Shingo went for Made in Japan but Olsen landed on his feet and scored with several kicks for a two count. Shingo powered up and slammed Olsen into the buckles. He clobbered him with a running lariat in the corner than another for a two count. Shingo went after Olsen's mask but the referee stopped him. Shingo nailed Made in Japan but Olsen kicked out. Shingo finally drilled him with a lariat for the win. They did a nice job of building Olsen as a babyface who could hang with all the kickouts. Good stuff.

*Eddie Kingston came to the ring to induct Tommy Dreamer into the ECW Arena Hall of Fame. Kingston said that Dreamer helped make the building what it is today and helped put wrestling on the map here. Dreamer said he kind of wanted to do a sort of Terry Funk thing and come back at the end to accept these type of awards but when he was told it was going to be for the Arena and for CHIKARA, a company that has men and women that remind him of the original ECW roster. Dreamer joked about how he and Taz would drive from New York in two hours and then drive around for another hour because they couldn't find the building. He pointed out the many changes in the Arena but that one thing stayed the same, the magic between the wrestlers and the fans. He said that he was born in Yonkers, New York but when he is no longer on this Earth, the banner will tell everyone that Tommy Dreamer was born right here in the ECW Arena. A nice moment. Kingston inducting Dreamer made a lot of sense.

*Daizee Haze and Sara Del Rey defeated Amazing Kong and Raisha Saed. This was the first time Melissa Anderson has done the Saed persona since leaving TNA. Haze and Saed started. Haze tried to talk her way out but Saed attacked. Saed drilled her with a series of elbowdrops. Kong and del Rey tagged in and faced off. The place erupted for that and clapped. Del Rey failed with a series of shoulderblocks so she nailed a kick to the head. Kong wasn't fazed and smashed her down. Kong picked up and slammed Saed onto Del Rey. Saed then locked in a leg submission. Haze bodypressed Kong but was caught. Kong nailed her with the giant swing. Kong tried to slam Saed on Haze, but Haze got her knees up. Del Rey kicked Kong through the ropes. She and Haze worked over Saed. Del Rey began working on Saed's back and shoulder as she and Haze tagged in and out. Saed finally mounted a comeback against Haze but Del Rey attacked. Saed escaped, leaving Kong to Avalanche a shocked Del Rey in the corner. Kong chokeslammed Rey for a two count, then nailed an Implant Buster. Haze jumped on her back with a sleeper but was flipped over. Kong held Haze for a spinning backfist but Haze moved and Kong was struck. Del Rey kicked Kong into a Haze back suplex with a bridge and Haze scored the pin. This was one of the best women's bouts I've seen in a long time.

*CIMA & Super Shen Long & Maasaki Mochizuki defeated Gran Akuma & Icarus & Chuck Taylor. Icarus and Mochizuki started out with Icarus stalling so Mochizuki kicked him so hard his body quivered. He then kicked Icarus off the apron, where he jumped into the front row. Taylor and Long faced off and had a nice back and forth exchange, trading armdrags. CIMA and Akuma was next. CIMA caught him with a nice rolling senton into the ring. CIMA and Long nailed a double dropkick. Team Dragon Gate took turns lighting up Akuma with kicks to the chest. Icarus took control working on Kong with a double arm submission. Akuma locked in a single leg Boston Crab. Taylor and Icarus nailed a double back suplex. They continued beating Long, but CIMA kept breaking up the pinfall attempts. Akuma began breaking Long down with kicks. Mochizuki tagged in and nailed Akuma with a missile dropkick. He began unloading kicks on Icarus and Taylor. Team Dragon Gate kept the control. Long slammed Akuma and nailed a splash off the top. He went for spinning headscissors but was caught with the inverted lungblower. Mochizuki prevented Taylor from scoring the pin. He and Taylor battled back and forth until Mochizuki kicked him in the head. Icarus Pedigreed Mochizuki for a two count. It turned into all sort of crazy moves and sequences too fast to follow. CIMA nailed an Emerald Frosion and a double knee drop off the top on Akuma for the pin in 15:17. Lots of fun!

Johnny Gargano came to the ring and started questioning Taylor about the team's loss. Icarus began helping Akuma but then turned on him, landing an Pedigree. Taylor and Akuma ripped off Akuma's team armbands and handed them to Gargano. They beat Akuma down, so apparently he's going babyface. Foreshadowing the turn, Team FIST (which stands for Friends in Similar Tights) were not wearing matching tights. And only Taylor was wearing the FIST tights. They've been teasing dissension in blogs on the Chikara website, so it will be interesting seeing what happens with Gargano taking Akuma's place.

After intermission, Manami Toyota was announced coming to CHIKARA in September, which I imagine will continue Haze and Del Rey's quest for competition.

*Drake Younger & defeated Colin Delaney & Vin Gerard & STIGMA vs. The Osyrian Portal & Drake Younger. Younger was dressed like the Portal. All six brawled at the bell. There was lots of fighting around ringside and dives. Fun stuff. It was a fun brawl with the crowd into every bit of it. Gerard got dumped head first into a trashcan, which was then dropkicked. Younger was bleeding at one point. SIGMA tombstoned one of the Portal on the ringsteps. The Portal came back with a combination top rope splash and legdrop. Younger got a huge pop dancing with the Portal after the match. Fun brawl and great moment with Younger.

*Ares & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Eddie Kingston & Tommy Dreamer. This was Dreamer's second wrestling match in the venue since the original ECW closed, with the other being a losing effort against Big Show for the WWE version of ECW. BDK's own referee Derek Sabato officiated the match with Dreamer and Kingston vs. BDK. Delirious, who has recently become Ares' new "pet," was ringside. He was spooky, wearing his hood with a lethargic and spaced out mannerism. Everyone brawled briefly before the bell. When it calmed down Ares attacked Kingston in the ring and the referee called for the bell. Ares kicked off a Kingston charge but was caught with a suplex for a two count. Castagnoli called for Dreamer to tag in so he did. Fans chanted for ECW. Dreamer got the better of Castagnoli earlier but was kicked in the gut when he went for a tag. Ares suplexed him for a two count. Dreamer came back with a Fall Away Slam. Dreamer and Kingston locked Claudio in a Boston Crab and a Crossface at the same time. Dreamer suplexed Ares, then suplexed Kingston onto him. Kingston scored a two count, then began beating him with crossfaces. Ares came back with a superplex on Dreamer, who went to the floor. Claudio crotched him on the guard rail. He went to pin Dreamer but Kingston broke it up. He and Claudio went at it while Ares choked Dreamer on the outside. Ares kicked away at Dreamer and locked in an armbar. Dreamer fought back but couldn't escape their grip. Dreamer finally nailed a back suplex on Castagnoli but Ares attacked him before he could make the hot tag. Dreamer finally fought them off with several backhands and clotheslines. Dreamer made the hot tag. Kingston cleaned house on Ares and Castagnoli. He hit a running splash in the corner then did the Kobashi chops. Kingston tied Ares to the tree of woe and did Dreamer's sliding kick. Castagnoli attacked him but Kingston hit a tope. Dreamer did a flip off the apron onto Ares on the floor. Back in the ring, Kingston was whiped into Ares. He then sent Ares into a Dreamer spinebuster but the referee, imagine that, counted slooooow. The ref then helped Castagnoli, counting fast. Dreamer DDTd Castagnoli and the ref counted sloooow. Dreamer grabbed the ref for a Spicoli Buster but Ares clipped him. Castagnoli small packaged him for a two count. He hit the Nicola Bomb on Dreamer and scored the pin. Castagnoli and Ares mocked Dreamer as they left. The crowd chanted for Dreamer as he made his way to his feet. Dreamer instead directed them to chant for Kingston.

*CHIKARA's Mike Quackenbush & Hallowicked & Jigsaw defeated DGUSA's Naruki Doi & BxB Hulk & Masato Yoshino. Hulk and Hallowicked started out with some great back and forth counters and submission holds. Quack tagged in and dropkicked Hulk while he was in a chinlock. Hulk and Quack went back and forth with Lucha spots and reversals. Yoshino tagged in. Quack slammed him and nailed a forearm. He held Yoshino for a Jigsaw dropkick. Yoshino snapped off a great headscissors into a rana. Doi tagged in and worked over Hallowicked. Hulk cinched in a rear chinlock and brought Hallowicked over to their corner. The DGUSA team continued to triple team. Hallowicked made the tag to Jigsaw but he was soon overwhelmed by the Japanese team. Yoshino kept beating down Jigsaw and dragged him back to their corner. Jigsaw finally dropkicked Hulk to the floor but when he went for a tag, DGUSA wiped out his partners. Jigsaw finally dove out to the floor on Doi. Hallowicked and Yoshino battled back and forth and Yoshino trapped him in an Octopus. Quack nailed a top rope rana on Doi. He missed a rolling senton but landed on his feet. He was caught by Doi with an elevated spinebuster. Yoshino and Doi worked over Jigsaw, who made a comeback on Hulk. Hulk drilled him with kicks and a senton for a two count. They triple teamed Jigsaw in the corner. Yoshino hit a monster back senton for a two count. Hulk decimated Jigsaw with a kick to the head for another two count. Yoshino went after Jigsaw but Quack and Hallowicked were on the scene for the save. They worked over Yoshino and set up a Jigsaw Torture Race Driver. It broke down into everyone working on Quack. Doi nailing a running dropkick off a rebound for a two but CHIKARA broke it up. This ser up a great dive sequence. Doi slapped the hell out of Quack but got caught in a tombstone and pinned. GREAT Match!

After the match, fans chanted for both companies as all six embraced and shook hands.

Notes: Alison Danger and Mike Kehner were visiting backstage....The Rocky Run had about 15-20 fans run the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art with The Colony, The Osirian Portal, Drake Younger, Gavin Loudspeaker, and Bryce Remsburg. Leonard F. Chikarason was there as well....A variety of Ultramantis Black, Bryce Remsburg, Gavin Loudspeaker, Leonard Chikarason, and Mike Quackenbush did rotating commentary. Ultramantis had two masked-and-cloaked men behind him whenever he was there.

We are live in Charlotte, NC at the University Hilton for the NWA Legends Fanfest's first live card of wrestling action. The show will be headlined by NWA champion Adam Pearce vs. Bryan Danielson and appearances by several legends, including Kamala and more.

Welcome to PWInsider.com's live coverage of the NWA Fanfest live event!

NWA Future Legends Tournament Semi-Final: Caprice Coleman vs. Davey Richards

Ryan O'Reilly was Coleman's originally scheduled opponent but isn't here due to signing a WWE developmental deal, so Richards was "voted into" the match by the NWA Board of Directors. They locked up and Richards forced Coleman against the ropes but broke clean. They locked up again, this time with Coleman forcing Richards against the ropes. When Coleman broke clean, Richards slapped him in the face. They ended up in the ropes again, but this time Coleman ducked the slap and hit one of his own. Richards rolled out to the floor to break the momentum.

Back in the ring, Richards took Coleman down and cinched in a side chinlock. Coleman fought his way to his feet and reversed it into an armbar. Richards tried to maneuver his way out but was caught in a Fireman's Carry with Coleman holding onto the armbar. Richards escaped and shoulderblocked Coleman down. Coleman came back with a series of armdrags that sent Richards walking all the way back to the locker room while recovering.

Richards returned to the ring and began beating Coleman with several stiff kicks but was caught with a reverse elbow while rebounding off the ropes. Coleman and Richards had a great back and forth exchange on the mat. Richards locked him in a leg submission but was caught with a forward cradle for a two count. Coleman shot in for a single leg takdown but Richards began mounting him with punches. They battled back and forth with stiff shots and chops. Richards ended up on the apron and was run into the buckles. He ducked a charge and pulled the ropes down, sending Coleman over the top to the floor. From the apron, he drilled Coleman with a monstrously stiff kick.

Back in the ring, Richards killed Coleman with several more stiff kicks, then scissored his neck and shoulders with Richards' legs, trying to force a submission. Coleman finally made his way to the ropes to force the break. Richards maintained the control and nailed a diving head butt off the top rope for a two count. The fans chanted, "That was three." Richards drilled Coleman with a kick to the back. Coleman began mounting a comeback but was caught with a roundhouse kick to the mid-section. Richards slammed him down and went to the middle turnnbuckle. Coleman caught him with a shoulderblock.

They battled in the corner with Richards on the ropes. Coleman chopped away at Richards before hitting a leaping rana out of the corner. The referee nearly counted both men out but they made it to their feet. They chopped and struck away at each other. Richards drilled a hard kick to the chest but Coleman came back with a dropkick that sent Richards to the floor. Coleman then hit a running tope con hilo over the top to the floor.

Back in the ring, Coleman hit a springboard splash for a two count. They battled back and forth in the center of the ring. It broke down into a series of strikes with Richards beating Coleman down. Richards went to leapfrog over Coleman but was caught in a package piledriver type slam for a two count. That was great. The referee began counting both men down on the mat but Coleman got to his feet at six. Coleman placed Richards on the top rope but was fought off. Richards drilled him with a missile dropkick.

Richards stalked over Coleman and pulled him up for a German suplex. Coleman used a series of elbows to fight him off but was kicked in the face. Richards finally hit the suplex with a bridge for a two count. Richards went for the Indian Death Lock and caught Coleman in the center. Coleman made it to the ropes. Coleman whipped Richards into the corner but Richards movedand caught Richards with a kick to the guts. He grabbed him into a tombstone type maneuver and spiked him for the pin in 17 minutes. Great opener!

NWA Future Legends Cup Semi-Final: Chase Stevens vs. Phill Shatter.

Stevens of TNA Naturals and Showtime All-Star Wrestling fame played heel, getting in the face of several fans around ringside. He brought a chair with him to the ring. Shatter is Gunner the security guard from TNA. He's playing babyface here and is well known on the local scene. Stevens did some stalling to get heat early. He shoulderblocked Shatter down and played to the crowd. They locked up again but when Shatter got the better of Stevens, he played Larry Zbyszko and began stalking the outside, nearly getting counted out in the process.

Back in the ring, Shatter caught Stevens with a sideheadlock. He was shoved off into the ropes and shoulderblocked Stevens down, then drilled him with a right hand. Stevens was again on the floor. They went back and forth in the ring before both ending up on the floor. They were nearly counted out. Back in the ring, Stevens kicked off a Shatter charge. Stevens worked over Shatter as the fans chanted for Shatter to make a comeback. Shatter mounted a comeback with a series of elbows. They went back and forth with punches.

Stevens locked on a sleeper but Shatter fought his way back to his feet. Stevens kicked him low to maintain the control. Shatter mounted a comeback and nailed Stevens with a series of punches in the corner but was soon taken back down to the mat with a side chinlock. Stevens mounted yet another comeback but was cut off with a series of right hands. He kept working over Shatter, who made his way to his feet by "sheer will." He began mounting a series of right hands, then clotheslined and slammed Stevens. Stevens kicked off a Shatter charge in the corner but Shatter nailed him with a powerslam as Stevens charged him, getting a two count.

Shatter whipped Stevens into the ropes and caught him with a spinebuster for a two count. Shatter argued the count with the referee. Stevens nailed Shatter with the lungblower for a two count. He nailed a frog splash off the top rope for another two count. He kept working over Shatter and shoved the referee into the corner when the ref tried to stop him. Stevens backdropped Shatter over the top but the referee didn't see it. Stevens and Shatter were both counted out.

Legendary referee Tommy Young came out and ordered the match restarted. The place popped for Tommy.

Stevens caught Shatter with another lungblower but Shatter kicked out. Stevens grabbed a chair and hit the referee. Young hit the ring again to check on the ref. Stevens went to drill Shatter with it but missed. Shatter nailed his finisher and Young counted the pin.

Your winner, Phill Shatter!

It's Shatter vs. Richards later tonight.

Kamala with General Skandar Akbar vs. Manscout Jake Manning

Manning has been seen on ROH on HDNet and plays, well, a heel boyscout. He's actually an Eagle Scout in real life, which is where the idea for the gimmick came from. Akbar took the mic and said he doesn't care about the United States and he doesn't care about boy scouts. He told Manning he was going to be taught the difference between Men and Boys tonight when he takes an asskicking. Manning went after Kamala but the second Kamala reared away for a chop, Manning ran off.

Kamala picked up Manning's Boy Scout Handbook, then read it. He threw it down and slapped his belly. Manning kicked him and cinched in a sideheadlock. Kamala pushed him off and chopped him down. He whipped Manning into the corner but Manning evaded a splash. He didn't evade a second, was splashed and pinned in 2:38.

Your winner, Kamala!

"The Queen City Killer" Zack Salvation vs. Mike Jackson

Jackson is the longtime Alabama Junior Heavyweight champion who made himself something of a cult star at the convention with his awesome performances in the past. Salvation is a heel from the NC independent scene. The fans were chanting, "Let's go Mike" before the bell even rang. Salvation got in his face jawjacking immediately. He shoved Jackson, who refused to back down. They locked up but neither man gained an advantage.

Salvation backed Jackson into the corner but backed off. They locked up again and Salvation began working over Jackson's arm. Jackson reversed it but was kicked in the gut as he rebounded off the ropes. Jackson backdropped Salvation to the floor, then hit a tope through the ropes, his annual spot, only this time, Salvation caught him and slammed him down, then slammed Jackson into the apron. Salvation went for a springboard move but Jackson pulled him to the floor, went to the top rope and dove down to the floor on Salvation. Fans began chanting. "You still got it."

Jackson tossed Salvation back in the ring but was kicked as he re-entered. Salvation worked him over. Jackson ducked a clothesline and nailed twisting head scissors before armdragging Salvation and cinching in an armbar. Salvation caught Jackson trying to kick him, then spun him around in the corner and drilled him with several kicks. Jackson used to the ropes to his advantage to kick Salvation in the mush, then locked in another hiptoss and armdrag combination.

Salvation came back with a running boot to the face in the corner. He whipped Jackson into the corner but Jackson reversed and nailed an uppercut. He nailed a series of armdrags. Jackson controlled Salvation with an armbar. Salvation tried to escape but kept ending up trapped in the end. He finally slammed Jackson down. Jackson came back with a one-armed DDT. Jackson locked up Salvation's arm and did his other annual spot, walking the ropes a la the Undertaker's Old School while doing the Fargo Strut, but again Salvation foiled his plans and slammed him into the ring for a two count. Salvation cinched in a side chinlock. Jackson mounted a comeback but was nailed with an over the knee backbreaker.

Salvation locked Jackson in a front facelock and began drilling him with knees to the head. He scissored Jackson with his legs. Jackson fought his way to his feet but was maneuvered into the corner, where Salvation slapped him several times. He continued to bully Jackson around. He went up and over in the corner to avoid a Jackson charge then caught the veteran with a double leg takedown. Salvation mounted him with a series of rights. The crowd began chanting "Let's go Mike."

Salvation placed Jackson on the top rope for a superplex but Jackson fought him off. Jackson got the better of Salvation, then did the rope walk spot, coming off with a big shot to Salvation's shoulder. He went for a Hangman's neckbreaker but Salvation reversed it into a Fireman's Carry. Jackson rolled forward for a two count. Salvation shocked Jackson with a move I didn't catch, possibly a brainbuster and scored the pin.

Your winner, Zach Salvation.

Really strong old school match. Jackson usually goes over at these shows, so using him to get someone else over was an interesting twist. Salvation raised Jackson's arm after the match. Fans chanted "You still got it" at Jackson and gave him a nice ovation on the way out.

Future Legends Cup Final: Davey Richards vs. Phill Shatter

Fans did the dueling chants to open the match. I thought I was going to Orlando tomorrow?

They tried to test each other with shoulderblocks at the onset. Richards used a series of kicks but was pressed and dropped by Shatter. Shatter shoulderblocked him into the corner a number of times, then whipped Richards into the opposite corner for a splash and a near fall. Richards ended up on the apron and faked a shoulderblock to grab Shatter's leg and nail a Dragon Screw legwhip. Richards controlled him on the mat and cinched in a reverse Indian Death Lock. Shatter struggled for the ropes and finally made them to force a break.

Richards continued to control the match as Shatter struggled to battle back. He made it to his feet but Richards soon took out his legs again. Richards went for a Figure Four Leglock but when everyone Woo'd, he blew off the move and the fans. Shatter came back with a series of chops, so the fans all woo'd for him instead. Richards cut him off with a kick and worked him over in the corner with a series of strikes. He began kicking and dropkicking Shatter's hamstring.

Richards locked on a single leg Boston Crab but Shatter grabbed the ropes. Shatter began nailing Richards, who came back with kicks to Shatters legs. As they went back and forth, the dueling chants returned. Each man retreated to a corner to get their wits about them. Richards charged Shatter but was kicked off. Shatter nailed him with a spinebuster for a two count. Shatter whipped Richards into the corner. Richards tried to go up and over but was caught and slammed for another two count.

Shatter went for a powerbomb but Davey escaped. Davey then suplexed himself and Shatter over the top rope to the floor. Both men were nearly counted out but returned to the ring at the last second. They exchanged punches on their knees then on their feet. They began slugging it back and forth for a long time, which the crowd loved. Richards finally began drilling him over and over ujntil Shatter was down on the mat. Richards hit the ropes but was caught with a spear for a two count.

Richards came back with a missle dropkick, then a charging, clubbing blow in the corner. He nailed a German suplex with a bridge for a two count. He placed Shatter on the top rope but Shatter fought him off. Richards battled back and scored with a suplerplex off the top rope. Richards locked in the ankle lock but Shatter pulled himself to the ropes. Shatter came back with a huge clothesline, which Richards took a sick bump off. He covered Richards for a two count.

Shatter finally drilled Richards with a powerbomb and scored the pin in 24 minutes.

Tully Blanchard awarded Shatter the Cup. Richards showed respect to Shatter by bowing before him and shaking his hand. I really loved the hell out of this, just a good back and forth match with lots of crazy spots and hard hitting shots and some nice submission as well. This was the best I've seen out of Shatter to date as well.

NWA champion Adam Pearce vs. Bryan Danielson

Danielson came out to Final Countdown. The ring announcer, a fan who won a silent auction, announced Bryan Danielson as "The Ultimate Dragon Bryan Pearce." REALLY. Pearce took the mic and told the fan he was a nitwit and to get the hell out of the ring. The fan tried to stand up to Pearce but the referee made him leave the ring. That was funny. Fans began chanting "Ultimate Dragon" so Danielson shook the ropes and ran around the ring like Warrior. NOW THAT WAS HILARIOUS!

Danielson offered a handshake at the bell. Pearce took it. Pearce forced Danielson into the ropes but broke clean. Fans were chanting "Repo Man" and singing "Ole Ole." Danielson forced Pearce to the ropes and we have another clean break. They went into a knucklelock test of strength with Pearce forcing Danielson down onto the mat for several two counts. Danielson maneuvered him into a monkeyflip.

Pearce took Danielson down to the mat and began working his wrist and arm. Danielson kicked him off and Pearce powdered out to the floor. Back in the ring, Pearce took control with several shoulderblocks and a side headlock. Danielson rolled him over for several near falls, then scissored Pearce with his legs. Pearce made it to the ropes. They continued to go back and forth. Pearce drilled Danielson with a right hand off a clean break and took control with several punches and kicks. Danielson nailed a sunset flip for a two count and they went into a series of near falls. Danielson kept rolling Danielson around on the mat, confusing him and finally Pearce jumped out to the floor.

When Pearce returned, the crowd began chanting that he sucks. Danielson took control with several kicks to the back. He began tying up Pearce in submission holds and tried to roll him into a pinfall, getting several two counts. Danielson began peppering him with uppercuts but was caught with a big sideslam. Pearce began stomping Danielson and when the ref yelled at him, yelled, "I have until five" as a play on Bryan but it was lost on the crowd. Pearce continued mauling Danielson, who came back with several punches and a swinging neckbreaker.

Pearce elbowed Danielson in the face and Danielson crumbled to the mat. The fans began chanting for Dragon. Danielson began mounting a comeback with punches to the mid-section and a knee to the gut. Danielson began drilling him with forearms in the corner but ran into Pearce's knees when he charged. Pearce began choking Danielson's throat across the top rope. Pearce locked in his sitting abdominal stretch. Fans rallied for Danielson to recover. Danielson finally made it to his feet and hiptossed Pearce out of it. He went after Pearce but was nailed with the Hot Shot.

Pearce cinched in a Camel Clutch. The referee checked Danielson's arm but he fought out of it. Pearce got caught trying to leap on Danielson's back, as Danielson turned over so Pearce crotched himself on Dragon's legs. Dragon began working over Pearce and set him for a big back superplex off the ropes. Danielson began beating the hell out of Pearce with strikes and hit a leaping forearm smash in the corner for a two count.

Danielson continued working over Pearce with headbutts but was caught in a sleeper. Danielson fought his way out and reversed it. Pearce bumped the referee escaping. Danielson small packaged Pearce but the referee was hurt and Danielson only got a two count. Danielson nailed a leaping leg lariat for a two count. Danielson began raining down with elbows to the face. He locked in a Cattle Mutiliation submission but Pearce finally made it to the center of the ring.

Pearce went to the outside so Danielson nailed him with a big knee off the apron. He tossed Pearce back in and hit a missile dropkick. Pearce tried to beg off but was hit with a leg lariat in the corner for a two count. Danielson mounted several kicks to the chest but Pearce shocked him with a big lariat for a two count. Pearce went to the top for a splash there was no water in the pool. Danielson nailed a back suplex for a two count and then another cattle mutiliation. Danielson couldn't get the submission and went for another move but was kicked low and hit with a piledriver.

Your winner and still NWA champion, Adam Pearce!

Another damn good match. I think fans really thought Danielson was taking the belt, which is the mark of a good match.

That's all from Charlotte, 1985!

NWA Legends Fanfest Live Notes

: They announced they will be selling the DVDs of all of the weekend events for $50 and were taking pre-orders during the show, promising they would be released in two weeks...Our own Les Thatcher and Roddy James provided commentary. Terry Funk joined them for the NWA title match. Tully Blanchard joined them for the Legends Cup...They were letting fans take pictures with the NWA Future Legends Cup for $10 before the show....Don and Rocky Kernodle were backstage visiting....Harley Race, Billy Robinson and Mr. Wrestling II watched the matches from the crowd together...Also watching were Tully Blanchard, Fifi the Maid of WCW Flair for the Gold fame (who looks exactly the same - aka stunning). Jimmy Snuka, Terry Funk, Paul London and Rocky Johnson....Dave Marquez was helping out backstage...

Brooklyn, New York based independent promotion Forgotten Championship Wrestling debuted at MCU Field, the home of New York Mets farm team the Brooklyn Cyclones last night with a benefit for the Wounded Warriors Project, a charity which helps wounded servicemen and women and their family.

MCU Field, a baseball stadium, is the same venue that TNA ran earlier this summer. The show was held outside with the ring placed over home plate and it was your typical feel good independent wrestling event with a few "legends" appearing on the top of the card and some local indy talents working underneath. You wouldn't find any matches that were going to end up the talk of the Internet the next day but the show was about trying to raise some money and have a little fun, which based on how the audience reacted, did it's just. FCW utilized the stadium's screen to broadcast the show and also put up graphics for each wrestler during their entrance.

Full results:

*DW Dudley pinned Samuel Elias After Elias Missed a 450 splash and DW hit a moonsault. This was the same DW who worked for the original ECW. Good opener.

*Romeo Roselli with Evan Ginzberg came out. Ginzberg cuts a promo about being in The Wrestler and being too good for Brooklyn because he's a Hollywood star. Ginzberg was an Associate Producer for the film, which was the connection here. He did a promo saying he was from Brooklyn and then couldn't wait to move and get out to go to Hollywood. He got some heat for it. The bit was based on something his old friend, the late Tiger Khan did when Khan got to work Trinidad, where Khan was originally from. Roselli then cut a promo on his opponent for tonight, Tommy Dreamer saying anyone who wanted to see something extreme was in for a disappointment. Roselli was heckled by a "fan" of Dreamer's so he invited him into the ring. Roselli then said he was going to pretend the fan was Dreamer and kneed the fan in the gut. Dreamer hit the ring for the save. Dreamer said he didn't know if Roselli was late for the "Jersey Shore" but they were in Brooklyn where Dreamer had his first match and where his family is from. He challenged Roselli to take it to the extreme right now but Roselli bailed. Dreamer said it figures and put over the wounded warriors, saying he's been living his dream and they allow him and everyone to live their dreams with their sacrifices. Dreamer left and the fan followed him into the locker room.

*Little Greatness defeated Justin Cage, Manny Martinez and The Grimm Reefer for the FCW Number One Contender Trophy. Reefer has been working New York City independents for a few years. The others have been regulars here in FCW, This was your typical high flying indy match where they tried to do everything at light speed to pop the crowd and they went right into dives sequences. Reefer cut off Greatness wuth a clothesline and they brawled into the stands and on top of the dugout. Greatness took a bump off the top into the dugout. Meanwhile Cage and Martinez brawled around the ring. Cage tossed Martinez into the wall of the field. Reefer forced Martinez to tap to a crossface. Greatness pinned Cage with a frog splash off the top to the field. Reefer hit a Fireman's carry into a slingshot suplex. Greatness went to the middle rope but Reefer caught him with a Side Russian Legsweep off the ropes. Greatness shocked him with a forward roll for the pin. Miss Teen New York presented Greatness with the trophy. The idea here was he could turn it in for a title shot anytime. FCW champion Johnny LeDoux and his manager Professor Paul Pope came out. LeDoux shook Greatness' hand, then attacked him and laid him out. He then broke the trophy in the ring. LeDoux locked in a Camel Clutch.

Brutus Beefcake walked (and I mean walked) to the ring for the save. Greatness was stretchered out. Pope cut a promo and said that Beefcake was being arrested for cutting his hair on the last show. They had actually handed out fake police reports on the "crime" as fans came into the venue, which I thought was a cute idea. Out came three "detectives" who arrested Beefcake, taking him out in handcuffs. The detectives were playing to the crowd like they were heels. The promotion promised to try to get the situation sorted out before Beefcake's match with LeDeux later tonight. The crowd didn't take it seriously but seemed to enjoy the silliness of the storyline.

*In what was billed as a USO Dirty Vixens match, Divina Fly vs. Angel Orsini. Fly is an extremely attractive Latina billed from Long Island. Orsini is the former Prodigette in the original ECW, who's had some great matches for WSU in New Jersey. Fly scored several near falls early. She nailed a hangman's neckbreaker but missed a moonsault. Orsini nailed a DDT for the pin. Short but fine and everything looked good.

*Daemon Slugga & Teddy The Tank Teade with manager Manny Pockets (a Leprechaun) defeated Blackhearted Justice, Rockstar Ryan Blackheart & Justice Garrison. Reade was Swole in the WCW No Limit Soldiers. Slugga was seen in the early days of ROH as Special K's bodyguard. The crowd expected a squash once they came out but it was more of a back and forth battle. It was anything goes so they brawled all over ringside. Slugga put Garrison through a table. It then settled into a traditional tag match. Reade slammed Garrison on the floor. Slugga pinned Blackheart with a sitdown powerbomb. A guy named One Warrior Nation (guess who he was dressed and painted up to look like) hit the ring and did the complete Ultimate Warrior shtick down to shaking the ropes and clotheslined Slugga and Reade, who escaped the ring. OWN then picked up Manny Pockets and carried him out to the locker room, but tripped along the way and they both fell. That was unintentionally hilarious.

*They did a ten bell salute to Chris Kanyon, noting he had his last match for FCW. No mention of any other passings.

*Nikolai Volkoff & Tito Santana & Jimmy Snuka (with Scott Epstein) defeated a six man tag team called Badstreet USA (with manager Diamond Jim). Badstreet USA came out to the Michael Hayes song and wore Confederate colors, which was quite the sight to see considering one of them was African-American. Epstein is an agent who books a lot of veterans on the indies. Lots of stalling early. The veterans moved about as well as you would expect, except Santana who still had a spring in his step. They were there more just to be there than to have a good match and you can't expect that out of them at this stage of their life. Epstein began beating Diamond Jim with a walking stick. Badstreet got heat on Santana, which made sense since he was the most capable of working a real match. They worked him over in their corner for a long time. Santana made a tag to Volkoff but the ref missed it. Santana finally hit the flying forearm and ade the hot tag to Volkoff. Volkoff slammed him and tagged Snuka who did the Superfly Splash off the middle turnbuckle and scored the pin.

*FCW champ Johnny LeDoux came out for his title match. LeDoux said that his match wasn't taking place because Beefcake was arrested. The ring announcer said they got word from a New York State Senator that he checked into the charges and there were no valid charges filed. Beefcake came out and said they forgot that in the State of New York, he was licensed to carry his clippers and they were getting a haircut tonight. Lots of haircut chants. Pretty basic match with stalling and playing to the crowd. LeDoux began working over Beefcake and came off the middle turnbuckle with an axehandle. He went for a second and well, it was awful timing-wise. I think Beefcake was supposed to catch him and didn't, so it just sort of fell apart and the crowd laughed at it. Beefcake kicked LeDoux as he charged him in the corner. LeDoux tried to walk out. He was told by the ref that if he is counted out, he would lose the FCW title. Beefcake caught him coming off the ropes with a shot to the gut. Beefcake nailed several clotheslines and a bodyslam. He locked on the sleeper but Professor Pete Pope attacked Beefcake with a toilet seat cover. Yes, really. He pulled a toilet seat out of somewhere, like Inspector Gadget. So Beefcake wins with a DQ and LeDoux keeps the title.

Beefcake cut a promo and said that while he can't win the belt, he knows someone who can and that person has a heart as big as Brooklyn. Out came Little Greatness, who cashed in his title match. I thought using Beefcake to build to this was a good idea. They rang the bell and had a quick match. Greatness caught LeDoux with a superkick, then nailed a frog splash and scored the pin to won the title. Beefcake then grabbed LeDoux and began cutting his hair. Beefcake and Greatness ended the segment with their arms raised and Greatness as the new champ. From a storyline aspect, it worked well.

*In the main event, Tommy Dreamer won his first match in forever, pinning Romeo Roselli, who was one of the Heart Throbs in WWE. Roselli controlled Dreamer early. Roselli went to the outside when Dreamer took control. Dreamer followed him out and they exchanged chops. Roselli ran away from Dreamer and ran the bases. Dreamer pursued then turned around and returned to the ring. Roselli, not realizing Dreamer was no longer behind him, slid into the ring but Dreamer caught him and the ref ruled Roselli was out. Dreamer then stomped on his fingers. That was funny. Roselli took control and grabbed a chair. He came off the ropes with it but Dreamer kicked it in his face. Dreamer nailed a DDT and scored the pin. It looked like they were trying to end quickly to be done in time for the weekly Fireworks on the Boardwalk in Coney Island, which the stadium faces.

Notes: They drew in the area of 400-600 fans, which was probably the promotion's best crowd to date....Scott Hall was originally booked but canceled due to rehab or a pneumonia bout (both stories made the rounds last week). The promotion booked Sid Vicious as a replacement, but he didn't show....A wrestler called La Parka USA was advertised for the show as a "former WCW star." No idea who that was, but I'm sure it wouldn't have been L.A. Park....The cast of a TV series, W.E.A.P.ON. were in attendance....As part of the charity aspect of the show, they raffled off a lunch with Mick Foley and a WWE replica belt signed by Vince McMahon....The show also featured as troupe billed as the USA Cheerleaders doing a number set to a Bon Jovi song...There were a lot of servicemen and women in attendance as well as members of the USO....Many of the wrestlers did a meet and greet before the show and were interviewed by local Brooklyn media....The talents all worked especially hard since the ring was a good 15-20 feet away from the crowd....Tickets ranged from $100 ringside (maybe three rows on one side of the ring plus a meet and greet for VIPS) down to $20 for general admission....As noted, there was a big fireworks display after the show with the Stadium pumping in patriotic music for everyone to listen to during the pyro show...