View Full Version : 9/4 Results from San Juan, PR

09-05-2010, 09:22 PM
Hola!!! from San Juan, PR. It has been a while since I last typed a report, but it is good to be back here with you all.

Really hot show tonight in San Juan. This was the farewell show from the 3 day tour in the island and they delivered with really good performances all throughout the night. Here is the match rundown as it happened:

1. US Title Match
The Miz defeated Evan Bourne in what was a really good opener. The crowd was hot from the beginning of the match, as Miz took the mic and started to rant in Spanish about how great he was and that he was the US Champion and, of course, he is awesome. Good back and forth of offense, with each of them getting some really cool spots, ending with Miz hitting the "Skull Crushing Finale" for the pin.

After the match, Miz came back to the ring and tried to take advantage of Bourne. Bourne countered and hit a sidekick that knocked Miz out, setting up Bourne to go up to the third rope to try to hit the "Shooting Star Press". While the fans were going crazy, he was not able to take off due to NEXUS coming out and attacking him as Miz slipped out of the ring. Nexus decimated Bourne before letting everyone know that it was just a sample of what was going to happen to Cena, Henry and Morrison later tonight.

2. Goldust defeated Zack Ryder with a really nice reverse suplex. Short but good match. "WooWooWoo" got some offense in, but Goldust was able to mount a good comeback and get the win here.

3. WWE Tag Title Match
Hart Dynasty (w/ Natalya) defeated The Usos (w/ Tamina) with the "Heart Attack". Fun match to watch, although nothing out of the ordinary. This is my first time seeing Tyson Kidd in action live and he is really good. Very fast and really good spots.

4. The American Dragon... I mean, Daniel Bryan defeated Ted DiBiase Jr. (w/ Maryse) with the "Crossface". Really good to finally be able to see Danielson in action live. It was not a long match; probably not more than 8 minutes, but he showed why he is the best. DiBiase was really good too, which made for a really fun match. My wife, who is not as big a Danielson fan as I am, turned to me and told me she was impressed with him. (NOTE: Danielson will be back in Puerto Rico in a couple of weeks working an IWA house show in which he has a match with Savio Vega for the IWA PR Heavyweight Title. Danielson is the champion at the moment.)

5. WWE Title Match
Randy Orton defeated Sheamus via DQ when Sheamus bumped "Little Naitch" on purpose and was immediately disqualified. Orton was not happy with the outcome and delivered a really good RKO on Sheamus. Orton left the ring to shake hands with some fans at ringside and Miz came in running asking to the ref to ring the bell because he was catching in his Money in the Bank title shot right then and there. The ref turned to set up the match, but before he could signal for the bell to ring, Orton came in and hit an "awesome" (pun intended) RKO on the Miz. The crowd ate it up as we went into a 15 minute intermission.

6. WWE Divas Title Match
Melina defeated Alicia Fox with some help from the special guest referee, Eve Torres.

7. Chris Jericho defeated Primo (Eddie Colon) with the "Walls of Jericho". This was a really fun match. Jericho had the crowd eating from the palm of his hand from the minute he walked through the curtains. You could see how much he was enjoying himself. He got into some heated argument with a couple of fans at ringside and would smirk as he turned, almost not being able to contain his laughter. But being a true heel, he kept his cool and laid out a really good match with Primo. Believe it or not, Primo did not get the favor of the crowd tonight in San Juan. He was even booed when he came out. This was not the case in Ponce and Arecibo the last two nights, in which he actually got two wins.

8. Main Event
John Cena, Mark Henry and John Morrison defeated "NEXUS" Michael Tarver, Heath Slater and Wade Barrett. Otunga and Gabriel were at ringside but were sent to the back due to them interfering in the match. Cena and Henry got some offense in the beginning. Lot of punishment on Morrison during the match, with the hot tag for Cena, which brought the house down as the crowd went crazy. Cena did his spots and got the pin over Slater. After the match, NEXUS came in, including Otunga and Gabriel who ran in and attacked the "faces" until Orton and Bourne came in for the save. The "faces" isolated Justin Gabriel as the rest of Nexus watch from the aisle. Henry hit his "Slam/Splash", Morrison hit then hit the "Starship Pain", Orton then hit an RKO, Bourne hit the "Shooting Star Press", with Cena hitting the "Attitude Adjustment"... ok... the "FU" to finish Gabriel. After this, the faces came down from the ring, except for Orton and Cena. They had a staredown for a few seconds, shook hands and the crown went into a frenzy as they both stood in the ring posing for a minute, before going around the ring shaking hands with the fans.

Overall, a really good show. The crowd was hot all night, which made the show even better. The Coliseum was about 90% full, not sold out. There was tickets available at the ticket booth at 7:35pm when we arrived at the arena. That I can remember, this is the first time they do not sell out a show in San Juan since they started coming a few years ago.

Biggest Pops:
Daniel Bryan / Hart Dynasty

Most Heat:
The Miz

No return date announced, although Justin Roberts did say that it would be in the very near future. Until next time...