View Full Version : Angelina Jolie 'condemns Koran burning'

09-08-2010, 11:19 PM
Angelina Jolie has condemned plans by a Florida church to burn copies of the Koran on 9/11.

According to The AP, Jolie spoke to reporters during her visit to flood-ravaged Pakistan and joined US officials in reproaching Gainesville's Dove World Outreach Centre for announcing that it will desecrate the Muslim holy book.

"I have hardly the words that somebody would do that to somebody's religious book," the actress said in Islamabad.

Jolie also commented on the disastrous state of many Pakistani villages in the wake of recent floods.

"I was shocked especially by how high the floodwaters went… In some of the people's houses, it was nine feet high."

The Salt actress added that she is discouraged that the crisis in Pakistan has not received more media attention.

She explained: "There's lots of speculation about why this one has not gotten the attention it deserves. Even [with] all of the wonderful coverage… is not getting the response that usually it's able to get."