View Full Version : RAW House Results - 3rd Aug 2006 (Newcastle, Australia)

08-10-2006, 08:01 PM
RAW House Results - 3rd Aug 2006
Newcastle, Australia

by Andrew Milgate

Just got back from the Raw house show in Newcastle, Australia. Another sold out show here, with around 5,000 in the building.

1. Harry Smith d. Matt Stryker. Harry got a decent pop coming out and after Stryker told everyone who he was, he was probably the most over person on the show besides Cena, Flair and Shawn. Considering that it was a match between one guy who's not on TV and a TV job guy it had really good heat. Pretty basic old school comedy match and Harry won with the running powerslam.

2. Shelton Benjamn d. Charlie Haas. Fans saw Shelton as the face here and it looked like they changed the match because of it. Charlie beat on him forever until Shelton made the comeback and won with the exploder. They tried to do the standing ovation deal with Haas at the end but no one cared and the crowd booed him to the back.

3. Umaga w/ Armando d. Gene Snitsky. Umaga got a nice pop coming out, people saw him as somewhat of a star. Armando told everyone to be quiet while he did his spiel. Umaga won with the Samoan Spike. Snitsky got a round of applause and a few chants as he left the ring.

4. Carlito & Trish Stratus d. Johnny Nitro & Melina. This was every intergender match ever, except for near the end when Johnny Nitro was being thrown out of the ring and launched himself into the air without grabbing the ropes and took a flat back bump. Stratus pinned Melina after the Chick Kick. Carlito seemed to put in more effort than he does on TV.

5. Mickie James d. Torrie Wilson. Typical womens match that Mickie won after basically just pushing Torrie over as she was hiking up her gear for the stinkface spot. Torrie then made a comeback and gave her the stinkface.

6. Randy Orton d. Kane. Orton's entrance took about 10 mintues, as he hugged every girl at ringside. He then stalled for another 5 minutes. Once he was in the ring he applied a 4 minute chinlock. Finish was a low blow while the ref was distracted followed by an RKO.

7. Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair d. The Spirit Squad. Before the match Mitch was on the apron mocking Michaels with a cutout of his face on a stick and ate a superkick for it. He then spent the rest of the match selling it on the floor. Spirit Squad got the heat on Flair and Nicky had him in a figure four for a very long time. Michaels pinned Mikey after a superkick.

8. John Cena d. Edge by DQ in a WWE title match. Absolutely insane heat for this match, with only slight booing for Cena. Most of the match was Edge trying to get Cena counted out. The finish involved a ref bump, Edge tapping out to the STFU with no ref, and then hitting Cena with the belt for the DQ. Probably the best match of the night, although there wasn't much good wrestling. After the match Cena challenged him to a street fight for the title right then, and of course Edge teased it by walking to the ring before leaving.