View Full Version : Update: Matt Hardy on Very Thin Ice, Punk Heat and He Twitters

09-15-2010, 01:53 AM
Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer

As noted moments ago here on the website, Matt Hardy is not backstage at today's SmackDown! television taping in Detroit, Michigan. You all know by now that he was sent home by World Wrestling Entertainment officials after an incident backstage during Saturday's SmackDown live event in Minehead, England.

Regarding the possibility of WWE cutting ties with Hardy altogether, he is "on very thin ice," according to a reliable source within the company.

It is said that Hardy's saving grace from termination was WWE's fear of a Hardy Boys revival in rival promotion TNA Wrestling, but after Saturday's backstage incident weekend and subsequent video blog, the feeling is that they don't care much about keeping him under their auspices anymore.

Despite Hardy's claim that he wasn't taken off the road, a company spokesman confirmed the story to Newsday today.


Matt Hardy posted the following on his twitter profile:

"Here's a quick hello to all my people & a reassurance to everyone that I'm fine, healthy, & in good spirits. Thx for all of your support. When the time is right, I'll put everything out there as far as what 'really' went down. I know I have to protect me & my brand, & I will. I appreciate my fans so much that I'll always be honest with them, & the whole story certainly isn't out there now. I appreciate all of the things the WWE has done 4 me in the past, they have been gracious to me-but now, it's decision time for me. Thx all."
It is being reported by Bryan Alvarez of F4WOnline that Matt Hardy is on "very thin ice" with WWE. Hardy has expressed discontent with the way he is being used by his employer and has used twitter as a medium to do this over the past several months.

This past weekend it was reported he had been removed from two WWE live events and sent home from a European tour however Hardy quickly took to the web and made a video debunking any reports he had been sent home but failed to go into why he has been removed from events.

One WWE source confirmed he has been taken off event cards but would not elaborate as to why. In the video Hardy used the phrase "punk stooge" it now transpires this was in reference to CM Punk who Hardy does not get along with.

WWE have been against releasing Hardy as this would enable him to jump ship to TNA and reform The Hardy Boyz with his brother Jeff. It remains to be seen what the conclusion of this saga will be but as it stands now it is very public one and no doubt one WWE will want to crush before it gets messy.


09-15-2010, 02:29 PM
go to TNA so they can re-do the Hardy Boyz and copy...yet again...off the WWE and if they r really that concerned either start the fued with em or just buy out TNA we all know damn well Vince and the WWE could do it if they wanted

09-15-2010, 02:50 PM
hardy is such a child latley.