View Full Version : Georges St-Pierre and Josh Koscheck Exchange Words

09-15-2010, 02:02 AM
UFC Welterweight champion, Georges St-Pierre and the number one contender to his title, Josh Koscheck have begun their war of words against each other ahead of their championship fight at UFC 124 on December 11 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Speaking during the media conference call, GSP said:

“Josh is very predictable. It [TUF 12] went exactly like I thought it was going to. I can’t control how Josh behaves. I just stay myself. He tried to get in my head, which is a good thing for me. Look at all the guys who i fought who was arrogant and disrespectful to me. I beat them all. It’s good for my motivation. I hope he keeps it up … He [Josh] lies a lot. He says he’s happy fighting in Montreal, of course he’s not. He says I’m fake. There is nothing fake about me. And he says I won’t fight him standing. He is the one who is going to try to take me down. He’s the one who doesn’t know what I’m going to do to him.”

“He’s definitely going to get in my head, which is a good thing for me. If you look at all the guys that I fought in the past who have been very arrogant with me, I did very well. They got in my head and gave me more motivation to train hard. When the time to fight has come, I will have done my homework, I guarantee.”

“Koscheck is very good at keeping me motivated with everything he’s saying about me. He’s very good at it. I should say thanks to him for keeping me very motivated. I don’t think Josh Koscheck is a bad person. His character when he fights, he likes to promote, provoke and make it more exciting. That’s what he does. I don’t think he’s a bad guy. It’s just an expression, bad guy vs. good guy.”

It didn't take long for the challenger to come out firing back at GSP, saying:

“Since GSP got knocked out by little Matt Serra, he’s become this guy who’s afraid to go out there and fight. I know that you’re just a wrestler, and that’s all you want to do.”

“I’m here at end of day to make money, guys. I’m here to win fights and make money. Whether they love me or hate me, as long as they pick one. I feel like me and Montreal have a good relationship. They need a guy like me to come in there and put on a show, and I plan on doing that on Dec. 11.”

The two men first will compete as coaches on the upcoming season of the "Ultimate Fighter" which debuts tomorrow night on SPIKE TV. The two will then meet on December 11 at UFC 124 for the UFC Welterweight championship.


09-15-2010, 04:54 AM
Koscheck is a good fighter, but the way I see it is that he is a less skilled GSP in ways. I really think that GSP is Josh Koscheck better than Koscheck

09-15-2010, 09:50 PM
"I know that you’re just a wrestler, and that’s all you want to do.”

That's kind of a hypocritical statement, since that's pretty much all Koscheck wants to do too.

Still looking forward to this fight though.