View Full Version : Pope beatifies convert in climax of British visit

09-19-2010, 09:05 PM
Pope Benedict XVI beatified a 19th century Catholic convert on Sunday in the finale of his historic visit to Britain.

The pope told 55,000 pilgrims gathered in a park in Birmingham, central England, that Cardinal John Henry Newman was a man of "outstanding holiness" whose teachings were as relevant today as they were more than a century ago.

The beatification mass -- elevating the late cardinal towards sainthood -- was the crowning moment of a four-day trip which the Vatican hailed as a "spiritual success".

The pope flew out of Birmingham for Rome at 6:45 pm (1745 GMT) on board an Alitalia plane, after Prime Minister David Cameron said he had made Britain "sit up and think".

In a recurrent theme of the visit, the pope on Sunday again condemned the abuse of children by Catholic priests, telling a meeting of British bishops it "seriously undermines the moral credibility of Church leaders".

On Saturday he expressed shame at the "unspeakable crimes" committed by paedophile priests and said in a homily at Westminster Cathedral they had brought "shame and humiliation" on the Church and caused "immense suffering".

He also met with five victims of sexual abuse and told them of his "shame" and "deep sorrow".

The pope also used his visit to warn of "aggressive secularism" in an increasingly multi-cultural Britain, prompting Cameron to thank him in a farewell address for making people "sit up and think".

There had been fears the pope's visit would be overshadowed by protests against his stance on clerical abuse and women priests, but a pilgrim at the Birmingham mass, Rob Lyng, 47, said it had been a "revelation".

"The visit's taken centre stage. This country has stopped for three days. No other faith could do that," he said.

On Sunday the German-born pope praised Britain's "courageous" fight against the "evil" Nazi regime, as the country marks the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, a key aerial conflict in World War II.

Benedict's trip has largely been hailed as a success in helping to bring together Catholics and Anglicans, underlined by a highly symbolic meeting on Friday with the worldwide Anglican leader, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.

Fresh tensions between the two Churches were sparked last year when Benedict made it easier for disaffected Anglicans to convert over issues such as the ordination of women.

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi described the Pope's trip as "wonderful" and "a spiritual success".

He said Benedict's message "about the positive contribution of the Catholic Church and of Christian faith to society has been received very well."

Cameron said the first papal trip to mainly Anglican Britain since John Paul II in 1982 and the first ever state visit by a pope had made people take a fresh look at faith.

"You have really challenged the whole country to sit up and think, and that can only be a good thing," the premier said at Birmingham Airport before Benedict's departure for Rome.

Newman was one of the Catholic Church's leading thinkers and one of its most renowned converts.

In the 1830s, after trying to "renew" the Anglican Church, he became convinced that Catholicism was the only true faith and converted, rising through the hierarchy to become a cardinal.

An American man from Boston with a debilitating spinal disorder claimed in 2001 he could suddenly walk again after praying to Newman. The pope proclaimed this a miracle last year, clearing the way to beatification.

Police in London said meanwhile they had freed without charge six men who were arrested on Friday on suspicion of plotting an attack against the pope.

Source - Yahoo News.