View Full Version : Jack Swagger

09-19-2010, 10:25 PM
I've given up on WWE (a long time ago), but I watched one of their shows the other day. Are they trying to replace Kurt Angle with Jack Swagger? "The All American, American"? His signature move is the ankle lock? what? I don't get it, if you want Angle, get Angle!

09-20-2010, 12:14 AM
Yea pretty much they are trying to make Swagger like a watered down version of Angle

Dragón De Muerte
09-20-2010, 04:21 AM
Totally wwe is full of rip offs at the moment

09-20-2010, 03:47 PM
Rip Offs? Really? The wrestling world is full of guys emulating other great wrestlers! Hell Nature Boy Buddy Rodgers was the blueprint upon which Ric Flair built his freaking career. As long as the guy does the gimmick well I wouldn't consider it as a "rip-off" which I'm sure you mean derogatively. In fact it should be noted that Kurt Angle picked up the ankle lock and the out of control gimmick from Ken Shamrock...so does that make Kurt a watered down version of Shamrock? Absolutely not. It means people will use the same move especially if it has proven itself useful and has a track record of success, same with an aspect of their character. Why wouldn't Swagger use the ankle lock in his repertoire if he knows that another great amateur wrestler used it to great success. Also why wouldn't he use "The All American American" if he has a past where he was named an "All American" amateur wrestler and won multiple accolades in that realm of sports? He's not wearing his medals to the ring, he's not saying "It's True It's True!" He has simply taken the Ankle lock and begun using it.

I guess according to your poor logic Randy Orton is a watered down DDP or Stone Cold. Cena is a watered down Tommy Dreamer or Louie Spicolli. I could go on and on, these are not rip offs, this is people utilizing things that have gotten over in the past to better the product today. I can totally understand not enjoying Sports Entertainment, but at least use good logic to make your points.

Also what would WWE want with a broken down drug addict? Angle is a bad headline waiting to happen. WWE probably prefers a guy like Jack Swagger who is young, athletically gifted, and does not seem to attract so much bad press.

In my opinion a rip off is when WWF did the Diesel and Razor gimmicks with guys that were not Nash or Hall. We had an established brand in Diesel and Razor that had been on television played by two guys and then they switch it up to two different guys it was ridiculous...What Swagger is doing is hardly that.

09-21-2010, 12:55 PM
The dude above me has pretty much summed it up on the potential "ripping off" stuff so since this is a topic about Swagger.....

What do you all think of him?

Is he good enough to main event properly one day?

Should WWE use him better than they are currently?

Does their seeming inability to correctly push someone frustrate you and is it best highlighted by the rushed way they pushed Swagger to the top whilst continually cutting his legs out from beneath him?

My answer is yes to all three.


09-21-2010, 11:35 PM
I dont like him now or when he was champion. He is like an Angle replacement I prefer Sheamus to him but sort of wish he didnt become the champion and they picked someone else but hey anybody but Miz.

09-22-2010, 01:29 AM
I think if they are serious about pushing Swagger, then do it and don't pussy out half way through like they did, twice. They gave him the undefeated streak and ECW title. He went to Raw and became a jobber that lost to the likes of Santino. Then he goes to Smackdown and wins the world title. Then he loses to MVP and Kofi Kingston? Wtf. Either push the guy or don't

09-24-2010, 01:45 PM
I agree with Kage here. They have done way too many false starts that it is hard for almost all fans, casual or internet to really get behind the guy.

The thing is if you enjoy the entertainment style of wrestling Swagger can produce an incredibly fun to watch match. Because his push was quickly taken away most of us have forgotten that he had an awesome match with Rey Mysterio and even some good ones with the Big Show while he had the belt, I mean awesome & good as in highly entertaining. The guy has a few moves that he has successfully gotten over, I still mark when I see him bust out the Doctor Bomb because I think that move is just incredible to see and the way he slides into it all amateur-like and quickly makes the move even cooler to see, and his use of the ankle lock is refreshing for those of us who gave up on TNA not long after we realized Hogan wasn't changing jack shit about their product that would actually make it coherent and enjoyable.

09-27-2010, 03:40 PM
As Ive said before they need to give Swagger a decent couple of months feud with someone in the mid card and us it to slowly get people sympathising with him, at the same time Del Rio and Mysterio are going at it.

Del Rio has beat Mysterio and is acting the big heel how he's going to take over WWE as he's a superior athlete and there's no one more talented/athletic as him, the Pan American gold medalist.

Cue Swagger coming out. "Pan American gold medalist? I'm the all American, American."

You have two decent guys in a feud, Swagger with an angle that should get the crowd heavily on his side.

Give them decent time slots and let their matches be great show stealers. Then they'd both have had two solid feuds in the upper midcard and if they pull it off (they should) and if the crowd reacts correctly go for a push.