View Full Version : TNA iMPACT Report for September 23rd, 2010

09-24-2010, 08:56 AM
We open with a recap of the events of last week, as Eric Bischoff declared a three way main event at Bound For Glory, then Dixie Carter overruled him and made an Angle-Hardy match with the winner facing Anderson at Bound For Glory, the match going into overtime and continuing into Reaction, the match ending in a double pin, and Bischoff declaring a three way main event after all as Dixie Carter stalks angrily to the back where she offers an inquiring cameraman a friendly "no comment."

Let's head to the Impact Zone and go right to the ring for our first match! Well sort of, as during the entrances, we go backstage to Rob Van Dam being held back from doing some drastic thing by Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore. Hey, here's the guy RVD was probably going to go after...

Rob Terry vs Abyss

For those who weren't listening to the Impact Postgame Show last week in the Elite section, Dave Scherer figured out that "Janice" and "Bob" are named after Dixie Carter's parents. Abyss jumps Terry before the bell as the fans chant "Abyss sucks", and I wonder why, of the two guys in the ring, they chose to chant that at Abyss. Terry levels Abyss with a clothesline, then takes him out with the 50/50 spinkick. Abyss gets the boot up when Terry charges him in the corner, and Abyss runs him over with a clothesline. Abyss beats Terry down in the corner and follows him in with a running splash. He goes for the chokeslam, but Terry breaks free and, in an admittedly impressive display, picks Abyss up, holds him for a few seconds, and powerslams him, then in an even more impressive display, picks Abyss up over the shoulder and delivers a British Bulldog powerslam for 2. He goes for a chokeslam on Abyss, but Abyss goes to the eyes and hits a side suplex for 2. Abyss goes for the chokeslam again and gets it this time, but only gets 2. Abyss clotheslines Terry over the top to the floor, at which point we get a camera shot backstage of Rob Van Dam walking backstage with Jeff Hardy and planning his attack on Abyss. Back to the match, as Abyss tears off a piece of the guardrail from ringside and rams it into Terry's face, causing the ref to call for the DQ. God forbid Rob Terry of all people do a job.

Winner: Rob Terry by DQ

Abyss continues pounding on Terry with the piece of guardrail as Rob Van Dam, covered in bandages and carrying a chair, limps down the stairs through the crowd. Abyss sees him and grabs Dixie's Mom, but security runs out with chairs and Abyss backs off. Van Dam doesn't, and cracks one of the security guys in the face and then climbs in the ring. He grabs a mic and thanks the fans for their support, and says the reason he's here tonight is to show the fans that he's not going anywhere. He asks Eric Bischoff to come out to the ring, and we'll find out what happens...after this commercial!

We're back and RVD is in the ring with Bischoff, and RVD is telling Bischoff how upset he was about being stripped of the TNA World Title and the announcement of the title tournament, but there's nothing he can do about it, so he wishes luck to Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, and Ken Anderson, and challenges the winner to give him the first title shot. But what he's here to talk to Bischoff about is his physical condition because he hates looking like this and appearing vulnerable. His doctor has given him a date of clearance to return to the ring, and guess what that date is? That's right, 10/10/10, and he wants Abyss at Bound For Glory. Bischoff says he wants it, the fans want it, and Bischoff wants it for him, so he makes the match: Rob Van Dam vs Abyss at Bound For Glory.

Tonight: Dixie Carter has a major announcement! But wait, Bischoff is still in the ring and the Pope's music hits. Pope comes walking out and he looks none too happy. Pope says hi to Eric and says since he's in a mood to do favors, he can do Pope a favor and tell him what the hell's going on around here. Bischoff looks confused, and Pope says he can smell crap a mile away and Bischoff is full of it. In the past month or so, he's done what few men have been able to do: he beat Matt Morgan, then the week after that he pinned Frankie Kazarian, and then the week after THAT, Pope pinned Kurt Angle. He's not going to complain about what happened at No Surrender, but he wants to know how RVD is going to get the first title shot after Bound For Glory, and how Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy got into the main event of Bound For Glory without winning. Bischoff says he hopes Pope is not accusing him of what he's accusing him of, to which Pope replies that he's not accusing Bischoff of anything, he's telling him straight to his face that he's a con man. Bischoff says they need to take this in the back and discuss it like professionals, not this way and not right now. Bischoff drops the mic and walks off, followed closely by Pope.

We go backstage to the women's dressing room as Angelina Love & Velvet Sky are getting their makeup done, and Lacey Von Erich strolls in, pulls a chair up behind them, and sulks. Velvet asks Lacey if she's okay, and Lacey says no, she's really ******* pissed off over Madison Rayne getting Tara to beat her ass. She kicks her chair over and stalks off, leaving a stunned Velvet and Angelina staring after her in shock.

We go backstage to Pope and Bischoff, and Pope is yelling at Bischoff to put him in the title match at Bound For Glory. Bischoff says if he's up for it, he'll put him in the ring with Samoa Joe tonight and if he can get by Joe, he'll put Pope in the title match.

Back to the ring for our next match...

Jeremy Buck vs Chris Sabin

Sabin goes to a side headlock, Jeremy fires him into the ropes and Max trips him from the floor. The referee sees what happened and kicks Max Buck out of ringside. Sabin rolls Jeremy up from behind, then gets a hiptoss and a shoulderblock and covers for 2. Sabin is heavily favoring his shoulder, and gets an armbar on Jeremy. Jeremy makes the ropes and elbows Sabin in the shoulder on the break, then leaps to the apron and comes back in with the slingshot facebuster for 2. Jeremy with a snapmare and Dragon Sleeper on Sabin, then gets a neckbreaker for 2. Jeremy chokes Sabin on the top rope and then charges him in the corner, but Sabin gets the boot up, heads out to the apron, suplexes Jeremy to the outside but he lands on his feet on the apron and DDTs Sabin on the apron, then rolls him back in the ring and covers for 2. Jeremy with a full nelson, but Sabin backs him into the corner to break, so Jeremy with a chinbreaker to the back of the head and then goes for a tornado DDT, but Sabin escapes and gets an enziguiri and a schoolboy rollup for the win.

Winner: Chris Sabin

Max comes running back in and nails Sabin and GenMe beat him down 2-on-1. GenMe with the hanging DDT on Sabin, then Max grabs the title belt from ringside and he and Jeremy hold it up high.

Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Erich are backstage, and they're...WALKING!

Last week on Reaction, the Pope said his top priority is to win the TNA World Title, and he feels like he's being held back. Jeff Jarrett said that Pope's got an ego problem, and he can complain when he has the kinds of matches and gets the kinds of reactions that Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle do.

Back to the ring for our next match...

Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Taylor Wilde & Hamada vs Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich

Can someone please explain why Sarita hasn't been on TV in weeks? Yeah, didn't think so. Lacey and Taylor start, Lacey gets an armdrag but Taylor comes back with an ankle pick and a side headlock takeover. Lacey sends Taylor into the ropes and manages to drop down and hiptoss Taylor, then hiptoss and armdrag Hamada without screwing it up. Lacey tags Velvet (who is already in the ring) and she cranks the arm of Hamada, who rolls out and plants a running boot right in the chest of Velvet. Hamada with a slam and goes up top, but misses the moonsault and Velvet with a diving dropkick to Hamada. Taylor tags in and exchanges pinning combinations with Velvet, but Velvet gets the advantage and drops a few elbows on Taylor before tagging Lacey back in. Taylor kicks her legs out from under her and gets a running dropkick to Lacey. Tag out to Hamada and they hit a double suplex for 2. Hamada with an enziguiri and a cradle suplex for 2. Taylor tags back in and lays Lacey out with a clothesline, but Lacey whips Taylor to the corner and tries to go up and mount her, falls off, does it again, and does a bad Frankensteiner that she completely blows. Velvet and Hamada come in and brawl and wind up out on the floor, and then Madison Rayne runs in and nails Lacey with the motorcycle helmet, and Taylor takes advantage of it and hits a spinning kick and covers Lacey for the win. God forbid Lacey of all people does a job.

Winners: Taylor Wilde & Hamada

Angelina comes running out and stares angrily after Madison Rayne as Velvet checks on Lacey.

Backstage, Tommy Dreamer is arriving at the Impact Zone, and he's got EV2.0 with him. And up next, the Pope takes on Samoa Joe!

We go to a video package of Jesse Neal, detailing his history aboard the USS Cole and dream of becoming a professional wrestler. He trained at Team 3D's school and then was signed to a contract by TNA, left the Team 3D fold, and formed a team with Shannon Moore.

We go to the broadcast booth as Mike Tenay and Taz are joined by Dixie Carter, who announces that the main event of the live Impact on 10/7, everyone on the Bound For Glory card will participate in a $100,000 battle royal. Tenay then asks Dixie about the major change she teased months ago on her Twitter, and she said that details about that are going to start to come out on the live Impact.

Back to the ring...

The Pope vs Samoa Joe

Joe attacks Pope before the ring, tosses him into the corner, and pummels him with rights. Joe whips Pope into the ropes and catches him with a flying knee. Joe unloads with a series of rights, but Pope comes back with a few kicks and an STO and covers for 2. Pope tries coming off the ropes again but Joe wipes him out with a double axhandle, whips him into the corner and charges in with an elbow and a leaping enziguiri for 2. Joe HITS THE CHINLOCK! Pope fights his way out but Joe rips his head off with a clothesline and goes back to the chinlock. Pope fights out again and takes Joe down with a series of double axhandles, an inverted atomic drop, and a flying shoudlerblock for 2. Pope comes off the ropes but Joe catches him with a snap powerslam for 2, and then Pope ties Joe up in the ropes and gets a neckbreaker. Jeff Jarrett comes out to cheer for Joe as Pope puts the boots to him in the corner. Joe recovers as Sting and Kevin Nash come down to ringside and attack Jeff Jarrett, he hooks the Kokina Clutch and Pope passes out.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Joe immediately goes out to the floor and helps even the odds, and he and Jarrett are able to turn things around on Sting and Nash.

Backstage, Christy catches up with EV2.0, and Tommy says that he forgot who he was, but these guys helped remind him, and Dixie Carter made a Lethal Lockdown match at Bound For Glory, and Sabu will face AJ Styles later tonight to decide who gets the advantage.

Ken Anderson is backstage, and he's...WALKING!

We're back from commercial, and Ken Anderson comes out and tells the assholes he loves it when they make noise. Yep, can't argue with that: there's nothing better than a noisy asshole. He asks Kurt Angle to join him in the ring, which of course he does. Anderson says it's no big secret that he is what his t-shirt says, which by the way, can be purchase on shoptna.com. That's not going to change at Bound For Glory, and the interesting thing they have in common is that they both don't play politics and they don't swing from the boss' nuts. Well, Anderson admits that would technically be impossible in TNA, but the point is that he thinks Kurt is without a shadow of a doubt the best in the business, but at Bound For Glory, he plans to be better. Angle says he respects that and the fact that he's saying this to Angle's face like a man, and when he started in this business, he had the mindset that he wanted to be the best, and anything less would be failure. Here he is, ten years later, and he's accomplished everything he's set out to do. They're going to have a problem at Bound For Glory, because he promised everyone that if he lost on his way to regaining the TNA World Title, he'd retire. But there's something Anderson needs to understand: what Angle does in this ring is who he is, he's sacrificed everything and many people don't know where his drive and determination come from and that he's some kind of freak, maybe he is and maybe he isn't, but at Bound For Glory, he's not going to lose because without wrestling, Kurt Angle doesn't have anything. Angle extends his hand to Anderson and Anderson shakes it, then raises Kurt's hand so everybody can applaud him...for the last time.

Ric Flair is backstage with Fortune, and he calls them the heart and soul of TNA, and in Lethal Lockdown, EV2.0 are going to be gone from TNA. Tonight, AJ has a ladder match with Sabu and the winner gets the advantage at Lethal Lockdown, but before that, they give Flair a Smirnoff Ice so he can chug the entire thing. Hey, if TNA thinks it's important for us to see that, it's their dime.

Hey, good news: The Shore is coming in two weeks!

Backstage, Kevin Nash and Sting ask the Pope if he has the information they need. Pope says he doesn't know what information they want, and they mention his rendezvous with Miss Tessmacher. Pope looks shocked and asks them if they know, and Sting says that's what they've been fighting for all this time. Pope says he's in.

We go to a video package hyping the Fortune-EV2.0 match at Bound For Glory, and then it's off to the match to decide the advantage in Lethal Lockdown...

Ladder Match: Sabu vs AJ Styles

AJ unloads with some heavy rights to start, but Sabu fires back and beats AJ down. Sabu tries to go for the ladder, but AJ kicks the middle rope into Sabu's groin as he stepped through the ropes to take the advantage. AJ sends Sabu into the ropes, but Sabu comes back with a flying headscissors and a clothesline off the ropes. Sabu climbs out of the ring and goes after the ladder, but AJ chases him out to the floor and nails him. AJ tries to suplex Sabu, but Sabu picks him up and dumps him chest-first on the guardrail. Sabu slides the ladder in the ring and heads back in, but AJ yanks the ladder back out and slings Sabu's neck across the top rope. Now AJ wants the ladder, so he picks it up and puts it on the apron, so of course you have to have Sabu baseball slide it into AJ's ribs like in every ladder match. Sabu rams AJ into the rail and grabs a chair, then heads back in. Sabu nails AJ as he gets back in the ring and tries to climb, but AJ nails him and Sabu falls to the mat. AJ tries charging Sabu in the corner, but Sabu moves and then takes the ladder and nails him with it. He picks it back up and tries to launch it at AJ, but AJ dodges and the ladder flies out to the floor. AJ goes out and brings it back to the apron, and Sabu tries the baseball slide spot again, but AJ lifts the ladder out of the way and Sabu slides to the floor where AJ cracks him with the ladder. Mick Foley comes wandering out of the back, and we're at commercial.

We come back to Sabu tossing a chair at AJ's head, then setting the chair up for a triple jump into the corner on AJ. Sabu follows that up with a triple jump dive at AJ and both of them tumble over the top to the floor. Foley gets in Flair's face on the floor and Matt Morgan nails Foley from behind and holds him so Flair can kick him in the nuts. Tommy Dreamer comes running out to help, but Frankie Kazarian comes out of nowhere to tackle Dreamer and they brawl at ringside. The rest of EV2.0 and Fortune all come pouring out to ringside and a big brawl erupts as AJ sets up the ladder and starts climbing, but Sabu pushes the ladder over and AJ falls onto the top rope, and then Sabu hits a springboard dive onto everyone on the floor. Sabu sets up the ladder and starts climbing, but Bobby Roode comes in and nails Sabu, but then Rhino comes in and gores Roode. James Storm comes in and superkicks Rhino, but Sabu nails him and sets the ladder back up, and he and AJ each climb up one side of the ladder. They fight at the top of the ladder and Sabu knocks AJ to the mat, but Storm runs back in and cracks the beer bottle over Sabu's head, then literally carries AJ to the top of the ladder where he can grab the key.

Winner: AJ Styles

Fortune will now have the advantage in Lethal Lockdown.

Jeff Hardy is backstage with Rob Van Dam and saying how good it is to see him back here, and says that if he wins the title at Bound For Glory, he'll give RVD the first title shot. RVD says he has no doubts about Hardy and walks off, leaving Hardy staring off into space, deep in thought when all of a sudden, Abyss runs in and I guess knocks out the cameraman because the camera ends up on the floor as we hear Abyss beat Hardy up and ask him if he wants to fight like his buddy.

After commercial, Abyss is carrying Jeff Hardy's unconscious form out from the back. He tosses him in the ring, then grabs the mic and asks RVD if he's wondering why he's got his best friend Jeff Hardy here with him. Seeing RVD here was like seeing a ghost because he was never supposed to come back, and the fact that he did only proves that he's just as ignorant and pathetic as he thought. THEY gave Abyss strict orders to eliminate him from TNA, and he made one mistake: he left RVD breathing. He's going to correct that on 10/10/10 because at Bound For Glory, THEY will finally reveal themselves and begin the takeover of TNA. And on 10/10/10, Abyss and Janice are going to finish the job once and for all because they're not going to hurt, maim, or cripple RVD. On 10/10/10, Abyss and Janice are going to slaughter RVD. After talking to Janice backstage, she doesn't want to wait until 10/10/10, she wants another piece of him tonight, so Abyss yells for RVD to come to the ring. RVD's music finally hits and he comes staggering out with a chair. Abyss tears Hardy's shirt off and starts to go after RVD, but RVD throws the chair at Abyss' head and gets in the ring. Abyss boots him in the fact and starts pounding on RVD, hanging him up in the corner and charging in with a splash. Abyss grabs Janice and stands over RVD and...you're going to have to watch Reaction to find out what happens because Impact is off the air!