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View Full Version : Goodbye Linux Mint 7

09-30-2010, 08:52 PM
Clement Lefebvre and the community behind the Linux Mint project announced a few minutes ago on their official blog that Linux Mint 7 (Gloria) operating system will reach end-of-life on October 23rd, 2010.

Starting with October 23rd, 2010, the Linux Mint 7 operating system will no longer be supported with security or critical fixes, and software updates! This comes right after the EOL announcement for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope), issued by Canonical last week.

"Repositories will remain open for another while but no more updates or security fixes will be made available. Users of Linux Mint 7 Gloria are asked to migrate to Linux Mint 9 LTS Isadora (Long Term Release which will be supported until April 2013)."

Therefore, we strongly recommend upgrading your Linux Mint 7 machine(s) to the current version, Linux Mint 9, which is a Long Term Support release.

"Additional note: Many of our users started to use Linux Mint with Gloria. Number 7 was among our most popular releases and is currently run by 15% of our user base."

"It introduced Mint to a black and green Shiki theme which was kept in Linux Mint 8 and 9, and to numerous improvements to the desktop."

"Mint 10 Julia, which is to be released in November 2010, will bring a new theme to Linux Mint, and improvements in the same areas as Mint 7, in particular in the menu, and in the update, software and upload managers." - said Clement Lefebvre in the official announcement.

Sixteen months ago, on the 26th of May, 2009, Clement Lefebvre was proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 7, dubbed Gloria, which was powered by Linux kernel 2.6.28, X.org 7.4 and GNOME 2.26.1.

Linux Mint 7 was based on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and it was the 7th release of the Linux Mint operating system, which included brand new artwork, updated applications and many, many new breathtaking features.
