View Full Version : Jeff Hardy Shoots on Punk and Comments on Matt's Youtube Videos

10-07-2010, 09:01 PM
In a recent interview, TNA star Jeff Hardy took a shot at WWE Superstar CM Punk and also commented on his brother Matt's YouTube videos. Here is what Jeff had to say...

About Working With CM Punk: "I don't think he appreciates it as much as he should... I was proud I was able to do that for Punk, despite our relationship off screen."

About Matt's YouTube Videos: "When it comes to Twitter and YouTube, he loves that....he lives for that. I don't necessarily agree with what he's doing, but I'm all about creative control of yourself and if you want to go out there and do something different and express yourself so I kinda look at it like that. Oh, you want to express yourself as Matthew and Matt, ok fine man, I'm just gonna trust you on this. I dont necessarily agree with that, but go for it."


10-07-2010, 11:13 PM
What did Jeff do for Punk? It's not like Hardy had much of a choice in their feud. The writers said, 'go out and do this or you don't get paid, crackhead' and he did.