View Full Version : Behind the Scenes Footage of Super 8

10-11-2010, 12:19 AM
God bless the internet. Filming is underway in West Virginia on J.J. Abrams' Super 8, his '80s homage to Amblin movies that is being co-produced by Steven Spielberg. Shooting is taking place in the wide open leaving locals to take some videos and upload 'em to YouTube. Here's what the latest had to say: "I just recently found out that the movie Super 8 was being filmed in my hometown and we walked down to see the set last night (10/08/10) during filming. There were a lot of military vehicles, soldiers, and 70's cars. (We even caught glimpse of one of the stunt cars) The whole place was lit up by huge stadium lights and it looked like they were shooting with a camera on a big crane arm. Hope you enjoy." Check it out inside.

