View Full Version : ROH on HDNet Spoilers for October 11th, 2010

10-11-2010, 10:43 PM
Christopher Daniels defeated Roderick Strong - This was a TV Main Event. House of Truth came out for the distraction. Truth tried to use the Book of Truth, but got crotched. Roddy hit Daniels with the book, but Paul Turner stopped the count when he saw the book in the ring, which allowed Daniels to hit the uranage and BME.

In the second Pick Your Poison match and main event for the evening, Davey Richards made El Generico tap to the ankle lock. Davey and Generico shook hands after.

All Night Express defeated Dark City Fight Club - King caught Davis with a school boy roll up after Davis had hit Titus with the Pounce.

Shane Hagadorn came out and called out Davey Richards for a confrontation. Hagadorn cut a pretty good promo blaming Davey for driving a wedge between Hagadorn & Eddie Edwards. Hagadorn told Davey "stay out of my way, or you'll get your ass beat." Davey hit Hagadorn, and the Kings of Wrestling
came out and beat down Davey Richards. Eventually, Eddie Edwards made the save for his partner