View Full Version : Matt Hardy Released and Tweets

Black Widow
10-15-2010, 08:59 PM
WWE has come to terms on the release of Matt Hardy, effective as of October 15, 2010. WWE wishes Matt Hardy the best in his future endeavors.


10-15-2010, 09:10 PM
If you said Matt Hardy, you'd be correct and he was even wished the best in his future endeavors.

Hardy has already commented via twitter (what, you expected Myspace?), writing:

"Thank God! :) I swear.. It was harder for me to get released then it was to get hired! This is ABSOLUTELY what I want, now I can be me! I wanna thank WWE for giving me an opportunity, & I thank all the people & friends that helped me there. But I HAD to move on to be happy. I wanna thank JR, who hired me, Michael Hayes, who taught me SO much, & Vince, for letting me make a living & learn from him for 12 years. While some of you make look at this as an ending-I promise you, this is THE MUTHAF*CKING BEGINNING FOR MATT HARDY! Now I can create change!"

We'll see what the future holds for Hardy. The smart money is obviously on TNA.


Black Widow
10-15-2010, 09:20 PM
lmfao how long till he complains about TNA and wants his WWE job back.. lets see 100 days

10-15-2010, 09:27 PM
Yea just great now we gotta here him shoot on WWE in TNA lol and eventually win all the titles and get the Ex-Star Treatment.

The Mac
10-15-2010, 09:33 PM
i liked matt so i hope he gets a title reign in tna... even if its short

10-15-2010, 11:15 PM
I seriously hope that he totally fucks up in TNA very quickly and WWE never take him back

The Mac
10-15-2010, 11:17 PM
I seriously hope that he totally fucks up in TNA very quickly and WWE never take him back

not a matt hardy fan? lol

Black Widow
10-15-2010, 11:46 PM
lmao kellie wonder how long he will last in tna :P


1-5 months
5-10 monthe


10-16-2010, 12:18 AM
oh god no please tna dont hire this guy you dont need him you have the better hardy already.

Shane McMahon's Ass
10-16-2010, 01:50 AM
I seriously hope that he totally fucks up in TNA very quickly and WWE never take him back

Me too tbh, i don't see him as a decent worker. I see him as a fat whinger who should get over his diva attitude and grow a pair.

10-16-2010, 05:40 AM
I used to wish Matt would get a world title push, but that was way back since the MVP feud. Anyway, I hope when he goes to TNA he flops and gets released because his ring skills and promos are garbage these days. Does 'being himself' mean he just whines and complains about WWE?

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-16-2010, 08:10 AM
Matt Hardy sucks never really liked him tbh. Hope he's happy now though

10-16-2010, 08:53 AM
ratings will just continue to go down with the release of matt hardy

10-16-2010, 08:59 AM
^ I doubt people would notice if he was around or not lol

10-16-2010, 12:09 PM
He'll probably go to TNA, then stuff up and they will release him and he will go crawling back to WWE wanting back his job with them... And in typical Matt Hardy style, we will all hear about it on Twitter *yawn*

10-16-2010, 01:46 PM
The issues with Matt in TNA are that he's not really good enough for a world title reign and I strongly doubt he'd pull out the high flying style for an X Title reign.

Jeff is well away from the tag division so that just leaves the TV Title and headlining Xplosion.

the madscotsman
10-16-2010, 04:27 PM
Does he still have to do that 90day release clause?

10-16-2010, 07:14 PM
Yea he has to wait 90 days. So in 90 days expect Matt Hardy in TNA

10-17-2010, 12:35 PM
Hate to break it to him, but he is not going to change the ways the professional wrestling industry works... bigger names than him have tried. As for his trip to TNA, what is he going to do? I mean Jeff is working with the New Regime... they can't scrap that to bring back the Hardyz... I don't know, it seems like WWE released him at a pretty opportune time, Jeff isn't going to be stripped of his title or anything just for the sake of a new tag team in TNA. Either way, best wishes to Matt, I never saw what all his hype was, but I hate to see anyone starve lol.

10-17-2010, 04:41 PM
Hate to break it to him, but he is not going to change the ways the professional wrestling industry works... bigger names than him have tried. As for his trip to TNA, what is he going to do? I mean Jeff is working with the New Regime... they can't scrap that to bring back the Hardyz... I don't know, it seems like WWE released him at a pretty opportune time, Jeff isn't going to be stripped of his title or anything just for the sake of a new tag team in TNA. Either way, best wishes to Matt, I never saw what all his hype was, but I hate to see anyone starve lol.

In usual dumb TNA fashion, Matt will probably become the leader of some stable and feud with Jeff for the world title.

10-18-2010, 10:46 AM
The issues with Matt in TNA are that he's not really good enough for a world title reign and I strongly doubt he'd pull out the high flying style for an X Title reign.

Jeff is well away from the tag division so that just leaves the TV Title and headlining Xplosion.

Guess it was just a matter of time

Black Widow
10-18-2010, 12:53 PM
TNA will do a Matt v Jeff fued about how Jeff turned on the fans and blah blah blah and have a iMPACT opening match as a main event that will blow

10-18-2010, 05:12 PM
Let TNA take him, we all know its gonna bomb. He'll debut in Universal Studios, he'll get a big pop from the tourists, it will have some nice buzz for a week or so and then it will die down. The PPVs will still go unbought. Unbought is now a word, I deem it to be so.